The Heavens From the Wandering Earth

Chapter 500 The Resonance of Idealists

Chapter 500 The Resonance of Idealists
"However, my relationship with you will not be broken!" Alice No. [-] said again, "How many days have my sisters gone? Can you send one or two over to give me a replacement?"

She stretched lazily, and only then did she reveal her exhaustion. "In the past ten years, I have not dared to sleep even. I am really too tired! I want to take a rest..."

"This is your own business!" Zhuang Quan said with a smile, "Take us to a safe place, where I will set up a portal to Pandora, and you can explain it to Alice yourself!"

"And we will conduct a simple assessment of this world!"

Since it is not a formal cooperation, many things can be discussed less seriously.
"Long time no see!" In a region of the world Earth, Zhuang Quan opened a technology from Cybertron, a special portal, which was established between the Earth and the planet Pandora.

This door is not big. After the Pym particles were normalized, many non-essential portals have been made very small. After all, things like Pym particles are a bit too limited. Ships can become the size of a car, which is almost an extraordinary improvement for their special operations.

And on the other side of the portal, the person holding the space locator is Alice,
She looked at Zhuang Quan in astonishment, and then saw this very serious sister, smiled and greeted her, and at the same time said to Zhuang Quan, "It seems that you found her?"

Alice hugged Zhuang Quan's arm affectionately, and took a careful look at Alice No. [-], "My sister didn't suffer anything, did she?"

Zhuang Quan knew what she meant at a glance. If Alice [-] really suffered some grievances on Earth, Alice would definitely want to get the place back!
This girl seems to be quite free and unruly, but she probably can't get rid of her short-sighted temperament.

"You haven't been wronged, don't worry!" Zhuang Quan said with a smile, "She is now the head of the Earth Federation in this world. The real position is high and powerful. Speaking of which, your position is not as high as her!"

Alice felt relieved, gently took Alice No. [-]'s hand, and walked to the side to discuss the matter there.

At this time, Harry also passed through the portal alone, and came over with the news that Zhuang Quan needed.

Just now Zhuang Quan asked them to make a simple assessment of the entire earth through the understanding of these high-level earth, and it seems that the result seems to have come out. ,

"Harry, where are Peter and the others?" Zhuang Quan asked casually.

"Peter and the others are still dealing with the following matters. They want to make this department of the Sixth Bureau an ironclad case!" Harry said. Zhuang Quan can understand this approach. After all, it is the first special department, so it is a bit thoughtful. It is also reasonable.

Alice [-] has made it clear before that they cannot have official contact with the Wandering Earth Alliance for the time being, so the main communication channel between this world and the Wandering Earth Alliance should be the official organization of the Sixth Bureau. This may be The first bogus organization endorsed by the Supreme Leader, but Peter seemed to feel motivated, so they let him go.

They will use the memory modification device they made before, and use their own high authority to record the pervasiveness of the nanoworms, rewrite all the data on this planet, and let the sixth game be embedded in the history of the world.

Anyway, I have changed it many times before, and it is not very troublesome to change it now.

"What about the problems in this world?" Zhuang Quan asked. The two Alices were whispering. Of course he didn't mean to listen, but since the world has been opened up by them, there must be some simple things to do. investigation and selection.

Harry shook his head, "The situation in the world is quite grim, or in other words, this is the status quo of the world, and their situation is almost on the verge of danger!"

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Quan couldn't quite understand, "The situation in this world looks pretty good, doesn't it?"

He saw that the planet was in good condition and was waiting to be rebuilt, but there was also a spirit in it. How could there be anything bad about it?

"If the situation in this world is as good as they say, then why can't the scientific expedition team on Pandora even get any supplies?" Harry asked, "What do you think is the reason? War?"

Zhuang Quan shook his head, it couldn't be because of the war, because Alice No. [-] has completely ended the synonym of war, or in other words, she has seized most of the rights on this planet through the war, otherwise it would not be so easy. Let Zhuang Quan and the others in.

"So, it's because they can't go on anymore, right?" Zhuang Quan asked.

"Yes, in fact, it should be said that the economy of this planet has completely collapsed. The reason why it could still exist before was mainly because the biggest promoters of their economy, those interstellar development companies, were still sending ships to the earth one after another. Bring in supplies one by one to stabilize the earth's objects!"

Harry said slowly, with a doctorate in economics, he can clearly understand the current situation of the earth, "After the war started, the support of the earth disappeared, many long-distance economic means were blocked, and the entire planet was in a state of crisis. Very tight military management!"

"This is the extreme lack of resources, the consequences!"

"In this state, everyone's life and food consumption are strictly regulated to ensure the stability of the earth, but we also know that such stability is only temporary. It can even be said that once the military management is released , the market will bankrupt the Earth Federation government!"

"The bankruptcy of economic policy will lead to the total failure of political behavior, all of which go hand in hand!"

"Under such circumstances, all actions will only lead to the collapse of the whole situation. She is right. Only by maintaining the status quo can there be a chance of survival!"

Zhuang Quan nodded slightly, "The abnormal ecology of this world makes it impossible for her to completely transform the world even if she controls the situation, right?"

"Yes, it will take a long time to transform the world into an ideal appearance, at least a few more years, for Alice to complete the integration of the resources of this world, and integrate the resources of the new world with the We need to open up external resources together!"

"During this period, if any accident occurs, it will bring the world into the abyss!"

"This is a loophole or ill left by the world itself!"

Zhuang Quan nodded slowly, looked at Alice No. [-] who had finished the discussion and was looking at them, "Mr. Alice, do you have anything to explain about all this?"

"No!" Alice No. [-] shook her head, expressing that she completely agrees with their statement, "Actually, we ended military control half a year ago, but due to the shortage of supplies, we can only use the rationing system as much as possible to ensure that the world Everyone can barely survive!"

"Then you are really..." Zhuang Quan didn't know how to explain it well, "A group of idealists! You will sacrifice everything for your ideals, but you may fail!"

Alice No. [-] nodded resolutely, "Even if they fail, they at least tried hard for the earth instead of continuing to live in this dirty, smelly and rotten world!"

This may be the reason why she has been able to recruit so many like-minded friends, Zhuang Quan thought, and said: "Since you are a group of idealists, how about I give you a brand new choice?"

"What choice?" Alice No. [-] asked. She was really tired, but she really didn't want to take the earth of this world to surrender, so their hard work and struggle would be meaningless, but she still wanted some help!

Zhuang Quan said with a smile, "How about signing a contract that belongs to the civilization of the universe, and we can pass on hyperspace technology?"

"Hyperspace technology?" Alice One was stunned.

"Yes, it is a special technology that can cross the distance of the universe and go to other universes in a short time. We came to the earth from Pandora through this technology!" Zhuang Quan said, "After all, your question, In essence, it is just a matter of resource allocation, as long as you re-establish the excavation stations on other planets and ensure the continuation in the future, this kind of crisis will eventually be resolved, right?"

"Yes, but Mr. Zhuang Quan, what is the price?" Alice No. [-] has already passed the age of innocence. In the adult world, everything needs a price.

Zhuang Quan said with a smile, "The price is that the human beings in this world have finally found their own future!"

After all, he is also an idealist, otherwise he would not have thought of saving the wandering earth at first, so after learning the news, he didn't mind giving these idealists a little sweetness!
Alice No. [-] was a little stunned, she really didn't expect such a development to happen!

"Is that all?" She said softly, maybe because she knew too much about maliciousness, she was a little stunned by kindness.

Zhuang Quan smiled and patted her head, "During this time, you have worked hard, so take a good rest. After all, you are not from that world. It is not easy to do all this!"

Just such a sentence made this girl who hadn't shed a single tear in more than ten years burst into tears instantly!
People are quite strange. He obviously planned to obtain enough resources in this world, but in the end, Zhuang Quan didn't get anything, but instead handed over a lot of things.

However, he doesn't regret it, idealists still need to get some rewards after all, this is to make other idealists have more hope to accomplish their goals.

After doing all this, Alice even put this sister to sleep before coming to see Zhuang Quan again.

"You are really a master of emotional expression!" She looked at Zhuang Quan reproachfully, "She has been crying for a long time, and now she just fell asleep!"

Zhuang Quan replied with a smile, "You know, long-term depression will cause huge psychological problems. Now that she has cried, the future will be much better!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that she would have such a wonderful future!" Alice exclaimed, "Ava wants to see you, why don't you go and see?"

"Oh?" Zhuang Quan asked curiously, "Ava actually wants to see me? That's really rare, go and see!"

Ava is the first planetary consciousness that Zhuang Quan came into contact with, and it is also one of the main factors that let him know the will of the earth. Because of this, Zhuang Quan decided to go over and have a look, what is the original will of this psionic energy? Say something yourself.

Soon, he followed Alice to the area of ​​the soul tree, where the high priest of the Omaticaya tribe was sitting here, slowly saluting them!
Zhuang Quan nodded, then held a huge soul tree root, or nerve ending, to understand Ava's will. Soon, a specific will broke into his mind!

It was a gentle white ball of light, and it came to Zhuang Quan, "Long time no see, patron of psychic energy!"

"Long time no see, Ava!" Zhuang Quan also said, compared to the previous Ava, the Ava at this time is obviously much smarter, and it even has some thoughts, ideas and consciousness of its own, instead of the one at the beginning. Almost blurry light.

"I can feel that your strength has been greatly improved, has your planet finally awakened?" Ava asked curiously.

Zhuang Quan smiled and nodded, "Not only has he awakened, he has also been greatly improved! The earth can now determine its own future!"

"Very good!" Ava's voice seemed to be filled with some joy, "This is what I have always hoped for, and what I hope even more is the peace of the planet and life!"

Zhuang Quan knew what she meant, and said with a smile, "Of course, peace is our constant theme. Human beings are not a race that desires peace, but our purpose is to minimize wars!"

The lessons brought by the Wandering Earth made them deeply understand that apart from the amazing internal friction, there is almost no surviving war, so the main tone of the current Wandering Earth Alliance is peace.

What's more, the nutrient needed by Ava's planetary will is the development of civilization. If the Na'vi on Pandora can really develop into a civilization similar to Cybertron, then Ava may become the originator of her own universe. Tianzun or Universal Emperor, in the words of Marvel, is a living planet, a cosmic demon god.

Of course, they need strong people of this class. Every time they have such an ally, their future Mage Alliance plan will have an additional energy source that they can apply for. Why not do it?

"We want to establish a complete connection with Pandora. Of course, it can't be in the form of cooperation, but a kind of support from developed civilizations to underdeveloped civilizations!" Zhuang Quan said.

They don't want to use oil to breed mold to control other universes, but the exchange of resources through technological differences is still acceptable. The superconducting ore of Pandora is still a raw material for many industrial products.

Zhuang Quan even directly introduced their plan in detail, hoping to get Ava's strong support. After all, the development of the planet is also of great benefit to her!
"Yes, I will let most of the tribes cooperate with you, but you can't interfere with the planet's species migration plan!" Ava said, she obviously has a more detailed plan for the planet itself.

"Of course, happy cooperation!" Zhuang Quan said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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