Chen Taiyi was sitting on the balcony of the pavilion looking down at all the living beings below, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Fairy Jinhua went to open the door, but Chen Taiyi thought it was the book of poetry that Fairy Jinhua wanted, so he didn't care.

"Good evening, sir, I am the boss here, Yue Nishang."

Yue Nishang had a kind face with a little arrogance. Her self-introduction and the sexy clothes she wore did not make Jinhua Fairy remember.

Fairy Jinhua looked at Catwoman standing in the sea of ​​clouds in front of the door, and felt as if she was being watched by a dignified figure.

"What are you looking at?" Fairy Jinhua looked at Catwoman angrily, "If you look at me with that look again, I will gouge your eyes out!!"

The Golden Flower Fairy felt humiliated, just because of the plain look in Catwoman's eyes, and she couldn't control her anger.

Chen Taiyi was harassed, walked out and asked curiously: "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly..."

Chen Taiyi was speechless after seeing the three people outside, he only had the little girl with a kind smile in his eyes.

For a moment, and it seemed like a long time later, Chen Taiyi rubbed his eyes and said with a smile: "It's the beautiful sister who is here, please come in quickly!"

Yue Nishang did not expect that Mr. Lu was so young, nor did he expect that the noble aura on the other party would be so comfortable.

Although I heard the description from my subordinates, saying that this young man has a noble spirit.

But it wasn't until I saw a real person that I finally understood what kind of extravagance it is!
Yue Nishang suddenly felt that he was not necessarily some old monster, maybe he was a child prodigy?

"Mr. Lu, you have an extraordinary appearance and a handsome imposing manner. No wonder Jin Lian said that you are unspeakably precious. I only realized how good you are when I see you!"

Mrs. Chen said with a smile: "Haha~ I'm not that good~ Beauty don't praise me so well, let's sit down and chat slowly, your clothes look so beautiful!"

"Young Master, it's fine if you like it, I'm sorry for disturbing you." Yue Nishang walked in, saw Mrs. Chen went to the terrace, and followed.

Catwoman and Maid followed behind.

Fairy Jinhua frowned and looked at the catwoman, feeling more and more familiar with it, her heart seemed to be covered with a layer of dark clouds, making Jiao Li uneasy.

The chairs on the terrace are the same style as the family restaurant, with a bench on each side that can lie down or sit for two people.

"Sit here, beauty." Mrs. Chen patted the seat next to her on Yue Nishang, and then said to Catwoman and the servant girl, "You sit across from each other."

Catwoman walked to Taiyi Chen and sat down, watching Taiyi Chen's performance with a smile.

Yue Nishang didn't care so much. Even if the prince was here, he wouldn't hinder her.

"Young Master Lu, you have come a long way. If you need company these days, I will make time to accompany you."

"The little girl is too strong to drink, so I would like to toast you first."

Speaking of overwhelming words, Yue Nishang took the initiative to pick up the full wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Chen Taiyi looked at this rosy-faced beautiful woman, smiled and said: "I have finished what I have to do here, and I will leave after a few days of rest."

Yue Nishang said calmly: "Master, why don't you stay and serve the country?"

Although I have a little affection for this cute boy, but if the other party is not interested, then I can't blame others!

Chen Taiyi didn't seem to notice it at all.

"I'm not interested in being an official. Traveling around the mountains and rivers and having fun in time are my hobbies. Being an official is too annoying and not good."

Yue Nishang showed a seemingly sincere expression, watching Chen Taiyi closely.

"My lord, you have some mana, but this mana is like a rootless duckweed. If you don't occupy a high position, I'm afraid it will be precarious!"

Faced with these almost threatening words, Chen Taiyi suddenly moved closer and kissed this "sincere" beauty like a female boss.

Yue Nishang didn't hide, and said angrily, "Young Master, do you think I'm joking?"

Mrs. Chen said with a smile: "My cultivation is the result of hard work and hard work. Especially since I was young, I have been extremely intelligent and my cultivation has never regressed. How could it be precarious?"

Yue Nishang saw that this man was unrestrained, stood up and said: "Since that's the case, I won't say more, so as not to spoil the young master's elegance, but the young master should also know what the destiny is."

Chen Taiyi spread his hands and said helplessly: "You don't want to play with me anymore? Then I'll find someone else."

Taiyi Chen looked at Catwoman, "Do you have any beautiful beauties you recommend?"

Catwoman thought for a moment and said, "Yes, the Spirit King's wife, Concubine Huo, is sexy and hot. I just don't know if you have the ability to invite her over."

Mrs. Chen touched her head, and said coquettishly: "I don't have that ability, this beauty who looks easy to talk doesn't even look down on me, let alone the wife of King Ling."

Catwoman smiled and said: "In addition to cultivation and appearance, people in the city also like talented people with high attainments in poetry and literature. If you can write a poem, maybe you can invite the Fire Concubine."

Mrs. Chen made the case of Chen Qinglian black in history, mainly because she wrote a seven-step poem and made up a story to blacken her elder brother and mother.

Now that I'm in a good mood, it's okay to copy a poem.


Chen Taiyi quickly stood up and looked at the food and wine on the table.

He took a step.

"Mo Xiao Baicheng Mountain is full of wine, poets come here to get enough food and clothing."

Yue Nishang looked at the young man in astonishment. Although he thought the poem was very ordinary, he never thought that he could compose it so quickly.

In ancient times, Chen Qinglian wrote a poem in seven steps. Does this Lu Naiweng also want to write a poem in seven steps?

Then Chen Qinglian is a swordsman!
Yue Nishang suddenly remembered that this Lu Naiweng is also a king-level master!
Two steps, three steps, four steps!

As soon as Mrs. Chen walked away, she turned around and came back.

"Mountain darkly, vista!"

"Xiaogu follows the Spring Society, and the clothes are simple and ancient."

Chen Taiyi put his hands on Yue Nishang's sexy waist, but quickly let go with a smile and sat back in his seat.

"From now on, if you are free to take the moon, you will knock on the door all night with a stick."

At first I wanted to change it, but then I was too lazy to change it.

Asymmetry is okay, just be happy.

"Choose random poems, pass them back to Concubine Huo, and ask her if she will come."

"It's fine if you don't come, love comes or doesn't come, I also have a temper, it's really boring to smash my brows and bow my waist just for a one-night pleasure."

Yue Nishang's heart trembled wildly, like a stormy sea!
A talented young man with advanced cultivation can compose a poem in seven steps!

This is Chen Qinglian from Zhongzhou!

"My lord, forgive me!" Yue Nishang knelt down excitedly, with her hands on her forehead, a taxi that Chen Taiyi had never taught to get off.

"My lord, please forgive me! It was Yue Nu who was rude to you just now, please forgive me! Yue Nu admires your talents and doesn't want to be with you, but just wants to be your servant!"

Mrs. Chen recalled her memories in Taizhou City. Here in Zhongzhou, almost 100% of the lottery winners had children, so many big shots were masculine.

Catwoman is like an outsider and like a parent quietly waiting for Chen Taiyi's decision.

Chen Taiyi quickly said, "No need."

Yue Nishang clenched her fists, and quickly said with a smile: "Yue Nu doesn't have this blessing, so I'll leave now, son, wait a moment."

Yue Nishang quickly resigned, and his maid also stood up and bowed to Mrs. Chen.

It's a pity that Chen Taiyi didn't look at her at all, so she had no choice but to follow. (end of this chapter)

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