A sickly beauty becomes a god in a horror game

Chapter 362 Chapter 362: [Garden Dreams] Playing with bumper cars

"What do you mean?" Xu Wantao was unhappy.

"This is my son. We are related by blood. You should be able to tell at a glance. Why can't we be a family of three?"

Originally, he was still guilty, but after Xu Shengsheng's operation, his guilt had turned into anger.

Because in his opinion, no matter what he did, as a daughter, Xu Shengsheng must not accuse him like this, let alone beat him!
So, since they don't want him as a father, then he won't want their mother and daughter!

Liu Xiaoting's liver hurts because of his words, and she almost loses her temper.

"Then show your proof."

Xu Wantao wanted to prove that they were legal, but his son might be able to prove it, but his lover could not.

There were also people beside him who really couldn't bear to watch it, and a big brother rolled his eyes fiercely.

"Show face, if I were you, I would leave now!"

"Yes!" The people around also echoed.

Xu Wantao looked at the big brother with a stern face. He originally wanted to say that it was none of your business, but when he saw that the other party was 1 meters tall and had huge muscles, he swallowed the words back.

The staff in the black fox doll costume also spoke.

"Since you can't prove it, then you can't stay in the amusement park."

As he spoke, he came over again at some point, and three staff members in black doll costumes stepped forward and grabbed Xu Wantao and the woman, surrounding the three of them.

The doll costumes of these three staff members are rabbit, frog and bear.

"Please get out of here!" Four staff members in black doll costumes said at the same time.

This scene is quite oppressive, especially because they are all black.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding onlookers were a little surprised but also emotional.

"This amusement park is interesting. I also know that there is a problem with the cheating man over there. It's good to help him drive him away."

This kind of behavior still makes people feel good.

Xu Wantao disagreed, and his son even more disagreed, and the son began to cry.

"Why do you drive us away! You sent the invitation letter, but now you want to drive us away. Why? I'm going to complain to you!"

"If you talk more nonsense, I'll expose your company!" Xu Shengsheng said angrily.

Xu Wantao shut up instantly, wishing to kill Xu Shengsheng's eyes and staring at her.

"Naughty girl!" He squeezed out the two words tremblingly from between his teeth.

Xu Shengsheng sneered, she wasn't afraid of him at all, even though she didn't know what the other party's company was.

But she knew that people like him with a dry iron job were most afraid of such things, as her mother said.

Soon the three of them disappeared from the sight of the crowd.

Liu Xiaoting finally collapsed and squatted down.

She really didn't want to be too vulnerable in front of that man, but she was also really in pain.

Today's incident was like Xu Wantao slapped her several times in public, which made her feel extremely humiliated.

The staff in black fox doll costumes are gone.

Bai Cha and Xu Shengsheng stepped forward to comfort Liu Xiaoting, but their comfort might only make Liu Xiaoting cry more.

There were also some well-meaning onlookers who said: "Don't be sad, it's good to see this kind of person clearly, you see that your two daughters are so beautiful and lovely, and they both protect you so much, so loving you is also a very good fortune of."

"Yes, in his situation, the divorce will let him leave the house!"

Under many comforts, Liu Xiaoting barely stopped crying, raised her head and wiped her tears, and looked at her two daughters, especially Xu Shengsheng.

She really didn't expect that her eldest daughter was always against her, but she could stand in front of her at critical times.

"Good boy, mom is fine, let mom be alone for a while, you go to play in line, mom is sitting here."

Liu Xiaoting's voice was hoarse, and she stood up.

"Then let's help mom sit down."

There are chairs nearby for people to rest temporarily. After all, sometimes it is true that children play more and adults are too lazy to join in the fun.

It was originally done here, but some people immediately gave up their seats when they saw them coming.

Liu Xiaoting thanked them again, and then looked at the two children.

"Okay, let's go play and let mom stay by herself for a while, okay?"

Of course, Baicha knew that as a mother, letting her child see such an embarrassing scene of her would be a psychological torment.

Although for children, they actually want to help their mothers share more.

She took Xu Shengsheng's hand and walked towards the bumper car line.

Anyway, it's all here, so let's play bumper cars first.

But if I remember correctly, in that painting, on the bumper car next to the merry-go-round, every person with a face drawn has a very frightened expression, and some people still have blood on their bodies.

Baicha pulled Xu Shengsheng to squat down, and whispered in her ear: "Get ready for defensive props."

Xu Shengsheng immediately compared OK, she has several defensive items in her hand.

Mainly for your skills.

Soon, it's their time.

There are only ten bumper cars here, all of which belong to two people.

If you look at it this way, if you really play this project, then Liu Xiaoting can't play with them.

All 20 people went up.

Baicha and Xu Shengsheng chose a coffee cup bumper car.

After the staff explained the precautions, how to play, and asked them to wear seat belts, the game started with the sound of music.

The game is a very cheerful song about a little jumping frog.

At the very beginning, everything was normal.

Their car also started slowly, and Xu Shengsheng was in charge of driving.

At the beginning of the car, no one bumped into each other yet, but they were slowly approaching.

Soon, everyone started playing.

Xu Shengsheng was still very nervous. She kept staring at her surroundings, so she tried her best not to touch others.

However, others will come and bump.

After playing for a while, everyone else had smiles on their faces, and Xu Shengsheng gradually became less tense.

But just when she was relaxing, there were small colored light bulbs flickering all around her, but after they all flickered, they stayed in red.

The whole world became gloomy at that moment, and the amusement park gradually changed its appearance. It looked decayed and desolate.

The tone of Little Leaping Frog's song also became weird at this time, and was full of noise.

The crowds queuing up outside disappeared, and the noise of the noise also disappeared.

Only the bumper cars are still there, but it's different.

Baicha noticed that except for their car, the occupants of the remaining nine cars, six of them had been replaced, and the cars were also rusty and deformed in some places.

Only the people on the two cars have not changed.

The faces of the people in the two cars were obviously stunned by seeing this weird scene, and everyone's cars stopped moving.

The people in those two cars were lovers.

However, in the rest of the changed cars, one of them was a black car, and Xu Wantao and his son who had just left were sitting.

The faces of these two people were obviously shocked, maybe they didn't expect to appear here.

As for the remaining six dilapidated cars, two were also couples, and the remaining four were father and son, father and daughter, mother and son, and mother and daughter.

The faces of the six people in the car were all painted with red oil paint in a big circle and crossed. They looked dry and white all over, and their facial features were somewhat distorted, especially under the red light.

They were flashing strange eyes, scanning the people in the three cars except Baicha and the others, especially staying on Xu Wantao and his son.

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