A sickly beauty becomes a god in a horror game

Chapter 530 528: [Returning at night in the wind and snow] What's my name

Wang Yurou and Shixia came back soon.

However, Wang Yurou held her stomach with an unsightly face. She felt that her entire lower abdomen was hurting, and she suspected that she might be approaching her menstrual period.

It might be the problem of the fruit she ate in the afternoon, she didn't have such pain before.

Wang Yurou felt irritated in her heart, and when she came back, she saw that they had already started to eat, and the eating was ugly.

Three people, one person and one fish, gobbled it up.

Shi Xia couldn't help but said, "Aren't you afraid of being stuck?"

The three of them didn't even have time to look up.

Shi Xia was speechless, but she was very hungry, so she also picked up one.

Wang Yurou's stomach felt even more uncomfortable.

She planned to go to see if she had any medicine. When she came, the family stuffed her with a bag of medicine, saying that it contained commonly used medicine, just in case.

"You take it first, I'll find a medicine."

Wang Yurou's weak voice was weak.

Shi Xia didn't hear it at all. Once she started eating, she couldn't stop like them.

Because it is really delicious, soft and delicious, and there is no thorn.

Because of Wang Yurou's health, she was just annoyed that they were unreliable people, and none of them cared about her, but she didn't care too much about abnormalities, or even if there were abnormalities now, she might secretly feel that she deserved it.

She looked through her luggage, but in fact she was very impatient when the family gave her the medicine. After all, she was in good health and almost never got sick. She felt that she didn't need it at all, so she stuffed it into the suitcase casually. But I really can't remember where I put it.

The pain in the lower abdomen became more and more painful, as if a spoon was stirring in the stomach, digging hard at her abdomen once and for all.

I can't find it, why can't I find it?Remember to put it here!
Wang Yurou's eyes turned black, and her whole lower body was so cold and painful that she seemed to be thrown into the lake in the cold winter months.

Finally, she found the white plastic bag.

Shaking out the medicine, there was indeed ibuprofen in it. Wang Yurou wept with joy, took out a capsule and stuffed it into her mouth, but there was no water.

Wang Yurou wanted to call someone, but she really had no strength left.

She simply saved some saliva, swallowed the capsule forcibly, and then lay on the ground collapsed.

My body was cold, my head hurt, and I felt uncomfortable all over. The pain in my abdomen even spread to my stomach, and my intestines seemed to be twisted together.

Trembling, Wang Yurou stretched out her hand to pull out the blanket from her suitcase to cover her body, and fell into a lethargic sleep in the tent.

It started to rain lightly outside.

Xue Yueqin and the others woke up after being drenched in the rain after eating the fish.

The four of them were a little dazed, and the state just now seemed a little strange, but they soon didn't care anymore.

"It's raining, shall we go into the tent? Where's Yurou?"

"She should go in and rest. She is on her menstrual period and is not feeling well." Shi Xia said.

"Oh, don't bother her, it's raining, let's go to hide from the rain, you two clean up." Xue Yueqin didn't care either, she smiled and pulled her boyfriend towards the tent.

Shi Xia was speechless, why should they clean up?
But Xue Yueqin was originally the most powerful of the three of them, she could do whatever she wanted, and most of the time, both she and Wang Yurou hated her very much.

But so what?

Xue Yueqin also has the best family background among them, and she is not even in the same class as them.

Shi Xia had no choice but to pack up the things together with her partner, and then take them to the lake.

Fortunately, it didn't rain very much, and in summer, they didn't care whether they got caught in the rain or not.

But Shi Xia's boyfriend complained: "They eat the most, and leave without cleaning up. There are so many messes..."

Shi Xia sneered, and said: "Xue Yueqin has always been like that, there are still a few sticks over there, I'll go and get them."

"Okay, let me paint this shelf first."

Shi Xia got up, went back to the tent, collected the remaining things, then hesitated before turning around, Wang Yurou is okay?
After thinking about it, she called out to the tent, "Yurou?"

Nothing happened inside.

Forget it, pack up your things first, and then talk, the rain seems to be heavy.

Shi Xia walked back to the lake, then froze.

Because her boyfriend is gone.

The things are still standing by the lake, but what about the people?
"Fang Wei! Fang Wei?! Where are you?"

Shi Xia yelled a few times and frowned.

She sat down annoyed and began to wash the tools.

She felt that her partner was too lazy to work, so she probably went to the grove to go to the toilet or something to escape.

With anger, she did it quite quickly, and then moved the things back by herself, and finally she went directly into her tent.

After so much rain, she also felt a little cold.

It's raining heavily outside.

After Shi Xia packed up, she was a little sleepy, only to realize that Fang Wei hadn't come back until now.

She didn't feel right. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call someone, but there was no signal, no signal at all.

Shi Xia got up, found an umbrella, and went out to find someone.

"Fang Wei?!"

She yelled several times, looked at the woods, and went back to call out hesitantly.

During Wang Yurou's menstrual period, she probably couldn't find someone with her, so Shi Xia went to Xue Yueqin.

"Xue Yueqin, Yang Hao, can you come out and follow me to find Fang Wei, he is gone!"

An impatient voice came from inside: "Where can he go as a living person? It's still raining in the middle of the night, so go by yourself!"

Shi Xia pursed her lips, and said, "But he has been missing for more than half an hour, and I'm really worried about something happening! I dare not go to the grove alone!"

"Then call Yurou, he might have diarrhea after eating too much, half an hour is nothing."

Shi Xia was trembling with anger, but she knew that if Xue Yueqin didn't want to, it would be impossible to be with her.

She had to find it by herself.

She looked around the forest first, and shouted everywhere, but the rain became heavier and heavier, and her body was soaked once again, making her shiver with cold.

Shi Xia gritted her teeth and could only go back first.

The rain was so heavy that she couldn't find it alone.

Shi Xia went back.

Wang Yurou gradually woke up from the noise of the rain.

But her eyelids were still heavy.

So is the body.

Her stomach didn't hurt anymore, probably because the medicine had taken effect, but it was very cold, very cold, and her waist was about to break as if she was sitting on a heavy body.

Wang Yurou turned over with difficulty, face up, and wanted to reach for the phone, but it was too heavy.

And it was getting heavier and heavier, and I couldn't lift my arms.

Wang Yurou felt that she was almost unable to breathe, she tried hard to open her eyes, and in a daze, she saw someone lying in front of her.

That face was very white and fleshy.

It's that girl.

Oh yes, what's her name?

do not remember.

Wang Yurou was a little angry.

How dare she sit on her?Why don't you get up quickly?
But she couldn't make a sound.

"Wang Yurou, do you remember my name?"

the girl asked softly.

Her voice was weird, and she also exuded a fishy smell.

So disgusting.

Wang Yurou murmured, "It's disgusting..."

The girl's hand instantly grabbed her neck.

Wang Yurou finally regained some sense of sanity, a flash of lightning just happened outside, and she also saw clearly the appearance of the girl in front of her.

Her body was rotten, and many places were full of white bones.

Wang Yurou was stunned and horrified, but the suffocation on her neck made her unable to speak at all. She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't move.

"Then, she literally wrung my neck."

The surroundings were back to the snow field again, Wang Yurou murmured, then clicked her head and tilted to the side, with a strange smile on her face.

"I also heard her say that I slept on her grave."

Everyone was terrified for a while, but they couldn't move.

"But the next day, I woke up again."

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