A sickly beauty becomes a god in a horror game

Chapter 648 Chapter 644: [Find the real murderer] Chapter 3 Day

Chapter 648 Chapter 644: [Find the real murderer] Return to the third day

The figure was of course no one else.

It’s Xu Shengsheng.

When she saw Bai Cha, she rushed upstairs like crazy.

Bai Cha also chased after him.

But her physical strength was already consumed a lot. Even when she was at her full strength, she couldn't catch up with Xu Shengsheng. Xu Shengsheng's legs were longer than hers!

"Xu Shengsheng!"

Bai Cha could only open his mouth to call her, his voice urgent.

"Don't do anything stupid to me!"

Xu Shengsheng is not a thoughtful person, so when she first had an idea, Bai Cha was vaguely aware of it.

So she didn't want to leave Xu Shengsheng for a moment.

When she rushed to the rooftop, she saw Xu Shengsheng sitting on the edge with hesitation on her face.

It still takes a lot of courage to jump.


Bai Cha stepped forward anxiously.

But her body was still in the same state as it had been for the past three days. She had a cold and a fever, and now she was exercising at a high speed one after another. Her legs no longer had any strength at all and they were trembling.

Even when he rushed out, he didn't stand firm and fell directly to the ground.

Xu Shengsheng subconsciously wanted to come over to help, but soon fell silent. She stared at Bai Cha who was struggling to get up from the ground in the rain, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and jumped back.

Bai Cha's eyes widened, and he didn't even get up, regardless of the person, and rushed over in a panic, rolling and crawling.

However, there is nothing below.

After remaining silent for two or three seconds, Bai Cha jumped up.

The next moment, she was standing outside the infirmary.

"Senior!" Xiaorou's eyes lit up when she saw her, and she came forward excitedly, even wanting to cry uncontrollably.

"Senior sister, you are really back. It scares me to death. I thought you were comforting us before..."

A group of people gathered around Bai Cha, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they soon realized that something was not right about the white tea.

"Senior? Are you okay? You look so bad..."

It always felt like Bai Cha's face was already so pale that he looked like he would die in the next moment.

"Um...Senior sister, why don't you come in first and take a rest? Just in time...I found Shengsheng."

When Bai Cha heard this, he finally reacted.

She looked at Xiaorou.

"Where is she?"

Xiaorou quickly stepped forward to lead the way.

"He's in the house, but he seems to be seriously injured. A teacher with some medical skills helped bandage it, but..."

But Xu Shengsheng was seriously injured, and now she had a high fever. She felt like she didn't have long to live, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker.

But they really didn't dare to say this kind of thing, for fear that after saying it, Bai Cha would fall down first.

Bai Cha rushed into the room and saw the dying Xu Shengsheng.

Even if no one around him told her, Bai Cha knew that without any medical conditions, the only way waiting for Xu Shengsheng was death.

Her emotions were rising and falling, just like her chest was rising and falling at this moment. The emotions she had accumulated over the past few days were really uncontrollable at this moment.

Bai Cha sat aside and covered his face.

Everyone couldn't bear it.

Everyone looked at each other and decided to quit for now.But just when Xiaorou was about to close the door, Bai Cha suddenly stopped her.


Xiaorou was stunned and quickly looked at Bai Cha.

"Don't leave yet, tell me what happened during this period. During my absence, let me first tell you what time it is."

Bai Cha has no strength at all now, and it is already very difficult for her to speak.

She was too lazy to take out her phone to compare the time. She must have gone back three days anyway.

Xiaorou then walked in obediently.

"It's 18:15 in the afternoon."

It's already six o'clock in the afternoon.

Bai Cha can be said to have been missing for more than eight hours.

Of course, she was said to be dead, but since there was no body, everyone was still waiting.

"Tell me exactly what happened today."

Xiaorou nodded, thought for a while, and said: "After we went out today, everyone waited for a while. We were really worried. We waited for about 10 minutes. At 10 o'clock, we opened the door of the infirmary."

But there was nothing in the room. The security guard and Liu Qidong who originally entered, as well as the school doctor and Bai Cha who were still in the room, were all gone, as if they never existed.

The teacher and the others came soon. It was because some students were calling for help.

When the teacher arrived, everyone found the security guard and Liu Qidong alive in the room, as well as the body of the school doctor. The white tea was missing.

The teachers were both shocked and puzzled, because logically the body of the school doctor should be upstairs.

In order not to scare the students outside, the teacher did not let the students in. The reason why Xiaorou knew these things was because she asked the biology teacher later.

They first put the new body of the school doctor on the bed, and then had people go upstairs to take a look. If the body was not there, then it would be okay. If it was, then the two bodies would be really subtle.

There is indeed the body of the school doctor upstairs.

The body downstairs disappeared after the people upstairs came back.

Everything seems like an illusion.

It was at this time that the cracks in time and space began.

"Actually, it's a space-time rift. We can't see it at all. It seems that only a few people can see it. For example, Liu Qidong suddenly pointed to his side and said that the space-time rift was opened, and then he went in directly."

But for other students, including most teachers, they cannot see it.

It seems that only those who saw the body of the school doctor on the first day can see it, and not all of these people are willing to go in.

Just like teachers, they didn’t plan to go at the beginning.

Including the biology teacher, his character is not one that likes to join in the fun.

But because Bai Cha had asked students to see it before, and the biology teacher had lived there, the biology teacher actually knew that there was a high probability that he would choose to travel back in time.

After much hesitation, he decided to follow what had already happened, not wanting to cause any irreversible drama because he chose not to travel again this time.

Xiaorou couldn't talk about traveling to the past. After all, she didn't go there. She only knew that by the time the second period ended in the afternoon, everyone was back.

Also coming back at the same time was Xu Shengsheng's body. Well, it couldn't be said to be a corpse. It was Xu Shengsheng who was not completely dead yet and appeared directly downstairs.

Everyone was shocked when they found out.

Although there are no relevant personnel in this situation, it is best not to move the injured, because it may cause secondary injuries and accelerate death, but it is raining outside now, and there is still water on the ground. It is really bad. It is said that it is a release. It's better to die there faster than to die faster if you bring it inside.

Fortunately, there were a few teachers in the school who knew some first aid. They found a stretcher and put Xu Shengsheng into the room, but that was all. There was no way to leave here, and there was no relevant medical treatment. She would definitely die.

"Senior, do we want to release that video now?"

Xiaorou and the others have long been eager to tell what they know.

Because it’s really messy outside right now.

(End of this chapter)

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