Chapter 37
Chapter 37

"Don't be reluctant, yes, you have to peel off the skin."

"The blood must be drained, but the internal organs must be buried!"

"No, why do you tie it with a branch?! You need to use two branches, one on the left and one on the right. Yes, the rabbit meat roasted in this way will be cooked faster and more thoroughly."

"That's right, that's how it's turned and baked."

"Ah, what is this spice you took out? It smells so good."

"Suck it..."

Yun Xi directed from the side, but refused to sit on the rock.

At this time, Ling Heng could see that Yun Xi just disliked dirty stones.

"You just sat down on the ground and your face turned black. Could it be that... you disliked the dirty ground and stained your skirt?" Ling Heng suddenly asked whimsically.

Yun Xi raised his eyebrows and gave the other party a "guess" look.

Ling Heng has already confirmed it, unbelievable: "Do you know that people in the village have called you a lazy girl for a while?"

Yun Xi was a little confused.

Ling Heng said: "When you were planting rice seedlings, you didn't go to the field. You were told to go to the field, but you ran away. At that time, Boss Li's wife was yelling and cursing in the field for a long time."

Yun Xi couldn't help but sigh.

Bad reputation.

"More than that, the daughters-in-law of the Li family, when talking to others, say that you don't touch the spring water with your ten fingers at home, and you don't wash your clothes when they get dirty, and throw them to the mica to clean up." Ling Heng couldn't help but look at Yunxi.

When he thinks about it, Yun Xi will be embarrassed, right?

Yun Xi nodded calmly: "Yes."

God, I was chatted to death in an instant.

Ling Heng was silent for a while, thought for a while, and asked: "When you get married in the future, don't you expect your husband to wash it for you?"

"Why not? Since you want to be my husband, you should be like this," Yun Xi replied as a matter of course.

Ling Heng was silent.

God, I was chatted to death again.

Yun Xi's words and actions conflicted with the concept at this time.

"But it doesn't matter. I might never get married in this life. Besides, after Uncle Li passed the examination of a scholar, he might be able to hire an aunt to help with the housework! At that time, we, mother and daughter, will not have to do anything. ," Yun Xi became more and more beautiful as she talked, as if that was already the case.

Ling Heng: "..."

He couldn't help thinking, how could the little girl in front of him be so dreamy?

"The scent is coming out!"

Yun Xi's attention was instantly attracted by the roasted rabbit meat, and she squatted down in front of the fire, not forgetting to tidy up her dress first, to make sure that the dress would not be more dirty, so she squatted down.

Ling Heng's eyelids twitched, and he had an indescribable, bad premonition.

He didn't expect that he, who disliked Yunxi and refused to do housework at this time, would eventually become the person Yunxi said he wanted to do housework for Yunxi, and this is a later story.

"Suck it..."

Yun Xi sucked his saliva exaggeratedly, and urged: "Hurry up."

Ling Heng kindly reminded: "It will take another quarter of an hour."

"I know," Yun Xi smiled.

"Time won't speed up just because of your urging," Ling Heng kindly reminded again.

Yun Xi nodded with a bright smile.

Ling Heng: "..."

"No, of these two bottles, one is oil and the other is baking ingredients. First spread the oil, then spread the baking ingredients, and then roast, so that the taste can get in."

Ling Heng raised his eyes and glanced at Yun Xi, reached out to take it, and did as he did.

"When you roasted the frog, I felt that you roasted it very fragrant. Now that you roast the rabbit meat, it is still delicious from you. Suck..."

Yun Xi sighed.

Ling Heng thought of the grievance Yun Xi had suffered just now, and decided to follow Yun Xi's lead.

"It's related to the temperature of the fire," Ling Heng said, pointing to the fire.

Yun Xi's eyes shone brightly, and he nodded repeatedly, staring more and more intently.

Delicious food is baked by others, it is better to learn the technology.

A quarter of an hour later—

"Finally done!"

Yun Xi took a rabbit leg, impatiently put it next to his mouth and gnawed it, sucked it, his lips were so hot that his lips were red, but he couldn't bear to let go, and bit off a small piece, like a greedy little animal.

Ling Heng: "..." I couldn't help but look at it, and cut a rabbit leg for myself, chewing it slowly.

"Really, the heat is very important, it's too fragrant," Yun Xi was burned again, and stretched out her burned tongue, breathing on her tongue non-stop.

Ling Heng: "..."

It's hard for him not to pay attention to Yun Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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