Chapter 6 Counterattack
The two insisted on their own words, making everyone confused and forget the purpose of this trip.

Lin Shanshan sneered inwardly, computer?Of course not, but she just refused to admit it: "How could it not be, little mother, you are lying, I really bought it, and you took it with your own hands."

Her tears fell like pearls, "It's impossible, what about the money, I will give you money every month, and ask you to help buy nutrition for uncles and uncles."

She stood still, and looked at Li Ping's natal family in a coquettish voice: "Even if the computer is lost, the nutrition and money will be received."

Li Ping panicked. She said that it was an excuse to be filial to her parents and family, and the money she collected from Lin Shanshan had already been spent.

Seeing this, the Li family immediately understood.

It seems that what this girl said is true!
Father Li hated iron for being weak, and his own daughter even had to spend money to buy some nutritional supplements for him.

The brothers of the Li family were also chilled by their younger sister's manipulation. They devoted all their efforts to venting their anger for their younger sister, but they didn't expect her younger sister to give themselves a chance.

"Dad, brother, that's not the case. Listen to my explanation."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Ping wandered her mind and began to think of excuses.

Heh, even if it's a family, if interests are involved, they will turn their faces and deny anyone.

Lin Shanshan sneered, and decided to add another blow. It would be best if Li Ping didn't dare to play any tricks until the end of the world broke out.

She took out her mobile phone from her bag and showed them the chat history.

"I'm not lying, this is my monthly transfer record, you can all have a look."

In her previous life, she really spent all the money she earned in this family, and every month's salary was blackmailed by Li Ping.

All the money on her body was given to her by her sister.

Lin Shanshan is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. She values ​​both her father and her sister. She is willing to hand over all her salary for her father, but she is unwilling to involve her sister in it. Therefore, she didn't tell anyone about the money her sister called her, and just kept it like this. down.

"It's just a pity that I bought the computer with the money I saved for a long time. In order to save money, I can't even bear to eat breakfast." Lin Shanshan said hesitantly.

The chat records are clearly placed here, and everyone subconsciously believed what she said about the computer, and the Li family brothers were a little angry.

They don't want to care about this sister anymore.

"Dad, I see this matter, let my sister handle it by herself, let's go,"

Brother Li helped his old father up, and looked at Papa Lin: "Brother-in-law, I'm really sorry, there's only one younger sister in the family, and she spoils her temper too much, please take care of me."

Father Li sighed, feeling that his old face was completely humiliated. He hated this girl, but he couldn't leave her alone.

"Son-in-law, I'm really sorry. This child likes to talk nonsense, but she is also sincere to you, otherwise she wouldn't marry you."

Father Lin nodded. He was 5 years older than Li Ping, and Li Ping married him. He didn't know how satisfied he was.

From the first time he saw the tall and thin Li Ping, he fell in love with him.

"As long as you understand, I know that you are an honest person and will treat Ping'er well."

Seeing them going out hugging each other, Lin Shanshan sneered, turned around and entered the room and closed the door.

What an honest man, these three words have long since become derogatory terms.

Now that she's gone, Lin Shanshan doesn't bother to care about other things. Her father has such a personality that he won't look back until he hits the south wall.

After checking the door lock and making sure it was locked, Lin Shanshan stepped into the space.

The place where she is located is the bedroom on the second floor of the thatched house. Looking down from the window, she can clearly see the two acres of land.

After Xiaoling's setting, the time flow rate in the space except the thatched house and the lotus seat is 30 times that of reality.

So she can clearly see the germination and growth of various crops.

"Xiao Ling is really capable, are you tired~"

"I'm not tired at all~ just brush it twice!"

Xiao Ling waved his little paw, enjoying Lin Shanshan's touch very much, and kept rolling coquettishly in her arms.

What it said was true, to plant these things, just use a small spell casually, it was a trivial matter to it.

Corn, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, mung beans, red beans, etc. have all begun to germinate. The apple and mango trees have not moved. Only strawberries grow the fastest, stretching out long branches and leaves.

It is estimated that tomorrow morning, it will be mature.

Take the time to order some boxes from the Internet, so that these strawberries can be easily packed.
Lin Shanshan thought in her heart that the price of fruit is very high now, and it is more profitable. There is no need to sell the other crops she grows, and she can keep them for herself.

She carried Xiao Ling to the lotus seat to check.

The kung fu practiced by Lin Shanshan is Qingmujue, which complements her wood spirit root and has an absolute bonus for controlling vines, and her attack power can be significantly improved.

She is now on the first level of Qi training, which corresponds to the first-level supernatural powers, the second level of Qi training corresponds to the second-level supernatural powers, and the third level corresponds to the third-level supernatural powers
And so on.

Lin Shanshan tried it. She is now at the first level of Qi training, and the aura in her body can be used to attack five times with vines. After five times, the aura will be exhausted.

The spiritual spring in the lotus seat is still half of what was left over when the essence was washed and the marrow was cut. After a day, there is no more.

It seems that if there is no crystal nucleus, the speed at which the lotus seat gathers spiritual energy is really slow.

"Xiao Ling, I want to go out to practice, will you stay in the space or go out with me?"

Although the aura of the outside world is very thin, compared with the space, it is better than nothing.

"Go out, Xiao Ling wants to go with Sister Shanshan."

"Okay." Lin Shanshan nodded in agreement, then suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you want to take a bath?"

Seeing Xiaoling's hesitation, Lin Shanshan understood that it meant that he needed to take a bath, but he didn't want to.

Are cats so resistant to bathing?

She thought it was a little funny, pulled a big basin from the balcony, and put warm water on Xiao Ling, "Take a shower quickly, these are my shower gels, can you use them?"

Xiao Ling nodded reluctantly, jumped into the basin and began to take a bath.

Like a naughty child.

Lin Shanshan laughed. While washing, she stared at Xiaoling taking a bath. After brushing it, she put it on the bed in the bedroom. "Wait for me, I'll take a bath."

The next day.

As soon as it was dawn, Xiao Ling harvested all the ripe strawberries, lying on the pillow, obediently waiting for Lin Shanshan to wake up.

"Hey." Lin Shanshan was a little embarrassed, she was too involved in cultivation yesterday, she didn't expect to wake up later than Xiaoling today.

Checking the aura in her body, Lin Shanshan was very satisfied with only a slight increase.

This is the end of the Dharma Age, and the aura is thin. If it weren't for her being a wood-type heavenly spirit root, I'm afraid there would be no progress.

"Sister Shanshan, I've collected all the strawberries."

"Wow, Xiao Ling is so good, he even picked them all." She hugged Xiao Ling and kissed him twice.

"Let's pack it up and sell it at the gate of the technical school."

(End of this chapter)

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