Traveling to the ages, eat and drink enough in the text

Chapter 370 Send her to the chapter again

Ding Yu raised his eyebrows and joked, "Uncle, you still have private money in your hand now? Didn't it all be taken away by Jiang Yu? Be careful, I will report it!"

The uncle stroked his forehead and looked at her, "I was kindly treated as a donkey's liver and lungs by you! Also, you thought Jiang Yu was like you, so I gave it to her, but she returned it to me, saying that she was careless and not suitable for handling money , I will take care of all the money in the family from now on!"

"How did I hear that it was a bit of showing off, Erni, did you hear that?"

Erni sat beside her and laughed, nodding while laughing.

Maybe it was because he was about to get married. My uncle looked very happy, and he didn't take it seriously when he was teased by his two nieces. After resting for a while, he started to paste happy words on the windows and doors.

Ding Yu and Er Ni put them on the furniture, and stuffed wedding candies, walnuts, peanuts and the like into the cabinets.

Although the wedding banquet was held at the hotel that day, there were also some ceremonies at home.

It was at this time that I remembered the phone call. Ding Yu was close enough to pick up the receiver and put it on her ear. Before she could speak, the person on the other end of the phone couldn't wait to say something, "Your uncle, you don't have enough money, so I have to make a few more calls." Bai came over, her grandma spent money in the hospital, food and drink, medical treatment, and medicine. There were a lot of balabala, and Ding Yu also recognized that it was Ding Laosan's voice.

Her face immediately sank with a smile, "You asked my uncle for money?"

It seemed that Ding Yu didn't expect that it would be Ding Yu who answered the phone, and his voice sounded like he had been strangled and cut off. After a while, he talked to Ding Yu and said that she didn't have enough money.Ding Yu didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he hung up the phone, and then went upstairs to find the uncle who had pasted happy words on the windows upstairs.

Straight to the point and asked, "Uncle, how much did you call over there? Why didn't you discuss it with me, I already sent the money."

The uncle was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Not many, just a few hundred."

"Hundreds!" Ding Yu put his left hand on his hips, covered his forehead with his right hand, and took a deep breath to calm himself down, "How much is your monthly salary? Hundreds make you say it's very little, you stupid! He beats you if he wants? Don't you wait for me to investigate clearly?"

Seeing that she was very angry, my uncle quickly explained, "I called the village cadres when I saw that my brother-in-law was away. Your grandma is really seriously ill this time. You have had an operation, and the money you called is really not enough. I Thinking that you are so busy, it will be the same if you hit me, so I will call first."

It’s too late to say anything now, the money has already been paid, and Ding Yu pointed to his uncle when he walked out the door and said, “Don’t leave the money with you, let Jiang Yu take care of it! You don’t know when you put it there. People cheated."

The uncle watched her angry figure disappearing over the stairs, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

When Ding Yu went downstairs, he saw Sanni answering the phone. It must be Ding Yu who had locked the phone, and Ding Laosan called again.

Seeing her sister come down, Sanni gave a couple of hums, then handed the phone to the eldest sister before putting down the bag and putting it on the sofa.

As soon as she entered the door, she heard the phone ringing. The second sister didn't hear it in the kitchen. She answered it and realized that it was her own father.

This time, I saw her elder sister talking to the other side with one hand on her hips and the other hand on the phone, "... I don't care whether you put it out with your own money or your brother's partnership, I want to see the hospital's collection Order, I will call you as much as the above, don't try to fool me, get money from me.. I will call you as much as you say, whoever you take advantage of! I don't care if you steal or borrow , That's it, it's settled, send me the hospital bill, and I'll transfer the money according to the above amount immediately."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

Seeing Sanni next to her looking at her, Ding Yu asked, "You don't want to tell me too, did you also send money to this person?"

Sanni quickly shook her head, she is the poorest in the family, her salary is not enough for her to spend on herself, she doesn't have that ability.

On the day of the wedding, many guests came from both the Jiang family and my uncle.In addition, Fang Shi and Uncle Meng, as well as Chen Canzhong and Zhou Shiqi who accompanied my uncle to greet the bride, as well as my uncle's former classmates and current school colleagues, in short, the lively and lively wedding scene was so noisy.

On that day, my uncle was caught drinking a lot of alcohol. Of course, Chen Shenzhong and Zhou Shiqi were standing beside him. Chen Shenzhong couldn't drink very well, and Zhou Shiqi's family had a long history, so he blocked most of the wine.

Another episode that day was that Lin Yu's parents brought him in, but he was brought in by Sanni and kicked out by Ding Yu.

On this occasion, she didn't want to embarrass Sanni, but she didn't want to meet people she didn't want to see.

After the lively wedding, she didn't give Sanni a good face, and returned to Pengcheng the next day after having a reunion dinner with her uncle and new aunt.

Of course, before leaving, I did not forget to tell my aunt Jiang Yu to take care of my uncle and not let him send money to his hometown.

She was worried about his uncle being sometimes confused and soft-hearted, but she was worried about the girl Jiang Yu.

Who knows, Sanni is going to marry Lin Yu directly before Yao Mozi has finished tossing about in her hometown.He even gave up his job in order to marry Lin Yu.

This time Dingyu was really popular, she put down everything she was doing, and notified Erni and Xiaojiu that they would go back to their hometown.Not for anything else, just for how to bring Ding Xi out back then, and how to send her back now.

Send Ding Xi back to Lao Ding's house. From then on, she has nothing to do with her.She just treated her years of painstaking efforts to feed the wolves!

Chen Shenzhong heard that they were going back, and he also said that he would go back. It's a pity that he hasn't gone back to see them once after they have been out for so many years.

And starting a business by yourself means leaving as soon as you want, and you don’t need to ask for leave after arranging things, and you don’t need to be approved by others, you can pack up and leave immediately.

When Fang and Uncle Meng heard that they were all going back, they were also a little moved, and then waited for them for another day. This time, no one was left behind. How many people came, and then went back, except for the addition of Meng Zijin and Jiang Yu, who is new to the door, is still those people.

After so many years of being away, everyone has not been separated, which is actually very good.

Ding Yu thought so in his heart.

When they arrived in Huacheng, Ding Yu went straight to Sanni and sent her back straight to the point. From then on, she didn't have to inform their family members about any decisions she made.Her elder sister will not interfere any more, she can marry whoever she wants, even if she wants to die, she will not stop her.

Ding Yu spoke harshly. Sanni didn't want to be at her mercy at first, but now she also lost her temper, so she really packed up and followed them on the train back to Province H.

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