Ge Guifen's voice was not too loud, because she stood at the end, and there were already several layers of people standing in front, so only the people around her heard her words.

Unexpectedly, just as Ge Guifen finished speaking, the village chief who stood at the front and couldn't hear her at all, happened to say: "At the same time, before I came, Youxi also asked me to reassure everyone. Youxi negotiated in the imperial capital. business, so the price of purchasing us and Xingmi will definitely increase, and the money given to us will be more than before.”

"As for how much, we need to calculate it before we give you the final quotation." The village head said, "But if you want to do things, don't worry, she will never let us guys suffer."

Someone suddenly asked: "Village chief, will the price we will increase later be higher than the quotation given to us by the factory before?"

The village chief looked over and saw that it was Fan Shugen who asked.

At this time, Fan Shugen's eyeballs were rolling around, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, they just turned to Ge Guifen's direction.

Now everyone in Quanhexing Village knows that only Ge Guifen sold the rice to the factory, and did not continue to cooperate with Lu Youxi with them.

After everyone knew about it, Ge Guifen didn't hide it anymore, and even showed it off in the village.

Said how the factory gave her a higher price than Lu Youxi.

You people follow Lu Youxi and have no future.

She had persuaded her before to give all the rice to the factory.

As a result, no one listened.

Let's see now, is he earning less than her?
Regret it?
Before today, Ge Guifen walked with the wind in the village, with her head held high and her chest held high, unusually frightened.

He was determined to let the villagers remember that it was a disadvantage for them to follow Lu Youxi every time they saw her.

Ge Guifen didn't expect that the village head would bring good news today after she had been sick for a few days.

"Hehe." The village head laughed, and heard his wife tell how arrogant Ge Guifen was in the village these days.

"What was the quotation of the factory before? I don't remember clearly." The village head asked.

"Every kilogram is [-] cents more than what Youxi gave us before." Fan Shugen shouted.

The village chief couldn't remember clearly, he was afraid that some people in the village could not remember clearly, so he reminded him again.

But the village chief thought that Ge Guifen really only looked at the immediate interests.

The shit in that factory is like this, and the price of Lu Youxi is going up, only [-] cents per kilogram, and Ge Guifen is actually happy.

If he followed Lu Youxi, it would be more than just a little bit higher.

The village head laughed and said, "I don't know the exact amount, but it must be more than this."

Before the village chief came, he specifically asked Lu Youxi if he could give him a rough estimate so that he could have a better idea.

He won't tell the villagers, lest he fail to reach this number and disappoint the villagers.

Lu Youxi gave him a conservative number.

The exact price will only be higher than this.

Even the conservative figure given by Lu Youxi is higher than the factory's current quotation.

"Really!" Everyone was surprised and delighted.

Only Ge Guifen and Lu Youzhen looked ugly behind the crowd.

Just because of Fan Shugen, the village chief also noticed Ge Guifen and Lu Youzhen.

Seeing their expressions now, the village chief said to the villagers again: "This time, I hope to increase the price for everyone. I want to see if the factory can raise it for us?"

"Even if they can stick to Youxi's price like sending a beggar, and continue to raise it by a dime or two, and Youxi will continue to raise it in the future, will the factory still be able to raise it?"

"Just from the prices they have been giving us over the past few years, we can tell that the factory is not a well-structured company that does big things. There is a sense of smallness everywhere. Can they continue to increase? I don't believe it." The village chief Shake your head.

"Village Chief, you used to have unusual knowledge in speaking. After you go to the imperial capital, you feel even more unusual in speaking now."

The village head smiled, waved his hand and said, "I went to the imperial capital, and I did see something."

"People who really do big business have a big structure, and they are often greedy for profits, but they can't do big things." The village chief smiled, "Let's not talk about that."

"Besides, Youxi also asked me to tell everyone that we will have dividends at the end of the year." The village chief said, "So, we not only increase the unit price of rice, but also get an extra dividend at the end of the year. I Just ask, this kind of treatment, except that Youxi is from our village, and he thinks about our village in everything, so he can do this for us. For other people, who can do this?"

"You count on that factory?" The village chief sneered, "Raising the price of our rice is like killing them, and you want him to give us dividends?"

"That must not be possible!" The big guy shouted immediately.

"That's right! Besides, Youxi's price for us in the future is already higher than that of the factory, and if you want to pay us dividends at the end of the year, it must not be much higher than the factory!"

"No matter how much the factory increases the price, it's impossible to increase it more than Youxi's."

"Of course not. Youxi is here to help us get rich and make money. Naturally, he would be willing to earn less for himself and let us earn more." Aunt Lin said loudly, "But what about others? What about the factory? That's what you want Earn our money! Is it the same as You Xineng?"

"That's right!"

"I'm ashamed, I really didn't expect that child Youxi would be so nostalgic and help us so much."

"She was bullied at Lu's house before, and I really regret that I didn't stand up to help her. Now I want to help her, but I can't help her, and they don't need my help." An uncle sighed.

"Village chief, how will the dividends at the end of the year be distributed?" Some people are still more concerned about the dividends.

The village chief smiled and said, "Youxi said that it is determined according to the quality and quantity of rice submitted by each family in our village."

"If the amount of high-quality rice provided is large, the dividends will naturally be more, and they are all distributed in proportion. When the specific unit price of Zan and Xingmi's purchases comes out, the dividend ratio will also be announced together." The village head explained.

"In addition, because we have now signed a contract with Zhenxin Supermarket to provide Hexing rice for Zhenxin Supermarket. If Hexing rice sells well, then we and Xingmi will also produce B-grade rice."

The village chief told the big guys about the distinction between A-grade rice and B-grade rice.

"In this way, we don't have to sell the remaining rice to that factory at a low price." The village head said, "I know that the factory gave us rice on the grounds that the quality of our remaining rice is not as good as A-grade rice." A very low price. And we don’t want to waste the rice, so we can only sell it.”

"I came back this time to tell everyone that there is no need to worry. Let's take a look at the sales of Xingmi and Xingmi in the supermarket." The village chief said, "If the sales are good, Zhenxin Supermarket will enter our B-grade rice. .”

"At that time, although the purchase price of our B-grade rice will be lower than that of A-grade rice, it will still be much higher than the price given by the factory."

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