Chapter 410 March deadline
The next morning, faint voices of people could be heard in the streets and alleys that were supposed to be relatively quiet. It turned out to be that a surprising event had occurred in the capital.

The extremely noble Crown Prince of Jin will soon marry the Crown Princess, but the Crown Princess is not the rumored legitimate daughter of the Su family, Su Lingxian, but a daughter of a small family whose name and family affairs have never been heard of.

Hehua told Su Qingtianwan excitedly about this big melon while giving her hair.

"Wu Feier is going to be the Crown Princess?!"

Su Qingtian burst out laughing and turned to look at He Hua in surprise, "It's so lively now. Su Lingxian won't want to give up his golden son-in-law to anyone else even if he's beaten to death."

"She can't be beaten to death, but this is a marriage decreed by the emperor."

He Hua said with a good look on her face, "I heard that Su Lingxian made a lot of noise in the palace last night and was very offensive with her words. The emperor got so angry that he reprimanded her for a long time and drove her out of the palace."

"It's a pity that it was just a verbal reprimand and no actual punishment."

After saying this, Hehua curled her lips.

Su Qing was so sweet that her smile became even brighter. She looked at herself in the mirror and slowly selected the headwear she wanted to wear today.

Qin Lang's clever plan really worked, and King Jin and Su Lingxian broke up so quickly.

The reason why Su Lingxian and Gu Mingxuan had their marriage arranged by the Imperial Master so early was because the person behind the scenes wanted to control the Jin Palace through their marriage.

The King of Jin secretly stationed troops behind the old emperor's back and waited for the opportunity to rebel. Once Su Lingxian was successfully married, she could obey his orders.

In other words, everyone in the Jin Palace is just a pawn in the hands of Su Lingxian and the people behind her.

Do not……

Perhaps Su Lingxian is not the one playing the chess piece, but the chess piece that will end up somewhere unknown.

As for whether it is a crucial step or whether it is a discarded child, Su Lingxian would not be able to tell even if he pinches his fingertips.

Now that this carefully planned marriage has been broken, apart from Su Lingxian who is angry on the surface, the people behind the scenes must also be eager to find a way to make amends.

The lotus flowers behind her were still chattering away gossips. Su Qingtian was playing with a flower hairpin in her hand, thinking about what move the person behind the scenes might make.

The wedding banquet of Prince Jin and Wu Fei'er was scheduled for three months. During this period, Wu Fei'er could still survive.

As for how many days she can live after passing through the family, I'm afraid it can only depend on how lucky she is.

Therefore, the next three months from today are the best time for her to search for the Ten Thousand Blood Evil Formation in the entire continent. No matter where the formation is, once it is found, it must be resolved immediately to prevent that day from coming.

Once Wu Feier passes through the door and dies, it also means that the people behind the scenes will fight back at all costs to achieve the success of the blood sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Su Qingtian hurriedly changed her clothes and went to look for Xiao Hanyue.

She told her uncle everything about these days and what might happen in the future.

Xiao Hanyue's brows furrowed more and more as she listened. She knew in her heart how many lives this matter related to, and decided to return to Fengcheng immediately.

Border fortresses are the most important thing for a country. Once the continent falls into chaos, countries will surely continue to fight for survival resources.

"Uncle, don't be too anxious. I have set up a barrier in Fengcheng to keep the people safe."

Looking at the man's face, Su Qingtian said with relief, "Taking advantage of these few months, you and grandpa stock up on food and water. If it really can't be stopped at this time, Fengcheng can only help as many displaced refugees as possible." .”

Xiao Hanyue nodded. He understood that his niece had a bigger mission than the entire Xiao family. After thinking for a long time, he could only say "take care of yourself" and quickly packed up his things and rushed back to Fengcheng.

As a bodyguard, Nie Chen wanted to go back with Xiao Hanyue, so Su Qingtian rushed He Hua back with them. After all, there were dangers around her now.

Brother Nie and Sister Hehua, the lovers, finally found each other's feelings. Now it's really inappropriate to separate the two places.In the afternoon, the carriage luggage was all ready. He Hua hugged Su Qingtian and cried beside the carriage for a long time. Finally, Nie Chen pulled her again and again before getting on the carriage.

There was another carriage behind the Xiao family, and it was the Qin brothers called by Su Qingtian.

The girl arranged for them to return to Fengcheng together, firstly so that both parties would be taken care of along the way, and secondly to make plans for the future of the two of them.

If this matter can be accomplished, Qin Shan and Qin Lang can find a job under their grandfather.

If the success fails, it would be better for the two of them to be in Fengcheng than in the crisis-ridden capital.

After sending away the two bicycle frames, the exquisite courtyard instantly became quiet.

Only a pair of beautiful people were left behind the door, looking at the sky.

"Let's go too."

Xiao Jingmo stretched out his hand to hold Su Qingtian's hand, and the next moment they disappeared in front of the vermilion door.

It stands to reason that the two of them should go to three countries respectively, but Su Qingtian really couldn't bear to leave her brother Jingmo, so she sent Liu Yuan to lead a group of Tianzong disciples to the Yan Kingdom, and Lu Chen led a group of Tianzong disciples to the Ling Kingdom.

He and Xiao Jingmo naturally went to the Snow Country to investigate.

Fan Ye, on the other hand, took the remaining Tianzong disciples and searched for the formation of the blood sacrifice of thousands of people in Mo Kingdom.

More than 90 days passed by in a flash, and everyone successively dismantled nearly a hundred thousand blood sacrifice arrays in the four inland areas of the mainland.

Fan Ye, who had been away for more than ten years, was shocked by the way and number of blood arrays hiding, let alone other disciples of Tianzong.

These blood arrays that eat human blood and souls are being dug out seemingly endlessly.

Under Su Qingtian's instructions, everyone continued to look for those who might have been missed.

After sweeping the Snow Country, Su Qingtian took the opportunity to attend the wedding banquet of Yin Qingyi and Duan Mu Yelin, then turned around and returned to the Mo Country.

When I first entered Beijing, I passed by a familiar house and saw the dazzling white lanterns hanging under the eaves.

A coffin was carried out from the gate surrounded by everyone.

The people on the side of the road looked curiously, watching the guards wearing linen clearing the way. They did not dare to speak loudly, so they could only gather together in one place and whisper.

"I just passed the door yesterday and died today. This Prince Jin's Mansion is too evil this year."

"Who died today? I heard that Tang died before he finished worshiping!"

"No way?! So unlucky?! Isn't this a coincidence?"

"It's true. My cousin went to help as a maid that day and happened to be at the wedding venue."

A woman's voice was low.

"Just after the ceremony officer finished shouting his obeisance to heaven and earth, the bride suddenly twitched all over and fell down. The palace was pinching her and calling for doctors. Finally, they invited all the doctors, but she just fainted and died. There is more air coming out of the ground and less air coming in.”

"It is said... that the bride passed away within an hour. It's just that the people in Prince Jin's Palace didn't believe it, so they postponed the funeral until today."

Su Qingtian heard what everyone said, glanced at the gate of Prince Jin's Mansion, and pulled Xiao Jingmo away.

(End of this chapter)

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