Chapter 23
But he knew how powerful Sheng Ling was!

Even if he can't transform into a beast, he can still crush that second-order wandering orc!
Moreover, among the orcs, there are not no orcs who are smaller in animal form and smaller in human form.

As long as it is good enough, females will naturally accept it!In addition, Sheng Ling is also a powerful witch doctor!

Neil suddenly wanted to introduce his sister to Sheng Ling, but he was afraid that Sheng Ling would not like her.

Sheng Ling looked at Neil who was a little confused, and passed the barbecue in his hand.


The meat delivered by Beastmaster City today is not bad, it is more chewy than yesterday's, and it is even more delicious when grilled.

Neil smelled the aroma of barbecue, and immediately put other thoughts behind him, and sat down without being polite.

"Thank you, Master Sheng Ling!"

Sheng Ling didn't care too much, after all, she was already full, but her mouth was still a little greedy.

The telegraph machine in the space looked at Neil with mung bean-like eyes.

"Hehehe, this kid is not bad! He looks sunny and has six-pack abs! If this is placed in the base, it's not a proper little fresh meat! Master! Come on!"

Sheng Ling calmly watched Neil eating the barbecue.

Although the telegraph machine is not a good one, it has to be said that the reviews of the telegraph machine are still good.

At least Neil looks good.

However, Sheng Ling only has an appreciation.

Now that I am new here, the most important thing is to gain a foothold.

Sheng Ling didn't shield the telegraph at this time, so the telegraph naturally knew what Sheng Ling was thinking.

"Master, isn't there more males than females in this world of beasts? Are you... a female? You can also sit and enjoy the blessings like those females, and then have three wives and four concubines, hehehe!"

Sheng Ling didn't care about the obscene laughter from the telegraph.

Although this little black thing is useless, sometimes you can go out on missions, and when you are bored, you can also chat or something.

The telegraph's laugh froze abruptly.

"Master, this is the only role I have in your heart?! Although...although chatting with you is strength, but I also have other functions! It's like I can give you advice at this moment."

Sheng Ling pouted.

"What do you call making plans?"

"Why don't you call it a plan?! Why have you practiced so hard for so many years! Just... how about being lustful?!"

Thinking of something, the telegraph spoke again.

"Besides, those... the time-traveling heroine, isn't it... hugging left and right, beep beep, beep beep?"

As for the treasures collected by the telegraph machine, Sheng Ling kept silent.

"In those story books, don't they also travel to the beast world and start a life of hehehe? Since we are here, maybe it is the compensation from the gods! After all, you have been practicing for so many years, and you are still a beep beep beep!"

Sheng Ling suddenly felt itchy.

"You read a lot of those stories."

"No! In this regard, I know more than you master! So listen to me, you must be right!"

Sheng Ling changed her sitting position, her lowered eyes were a little dark.

If there are more males and fewer females, is it necessarily beneficial to females?

not necessarily.

Problems arise when there is an imbalance in anything, especially an extreme imbalance.

Even though the Beast World stipulates that males cannot harm females, judging from the news we have received.

Most of the females in the animal world have multiple partners, and there are very few females who only have one partner, almost none.

Why is that?
(End of this chapter)

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