Chapter 150
Chi Lumian learned from Fu Nian's narration that Fu Nian had been dormant after being imprisoned by Zhuli, hiding his inner anger.

Until one day, a little mouse accidentally broke into the secret room, and he saw the hope of escaping from the secret room.

Relying on the corrosive herbs that the little mouse stole for him bit by bit, after Fu Nian lay dormant for another 20 years, the chains that imprisoned his freedom were finally broken!

Chi Lumian couldn't help secretly admiring the miserable young man in front of him.

It's so similar, it's really too similar to myself.

"I heard that you are a master of both medicine and poison. Otherwise, you can report the name of the medicine you need for healing, and I will prepare it for you. You can rest assured that you can prepare the medicine yourself."

Fu Nian smiled: "The mastery of both medicine and poison is just those people's bragging. In fact, I am better at poison. Why don't you leave it to you, little genius in the medical field, don't be humble."

He was very curious about what healing elixir the girl in front of him would concoct.

Chi Lumian felt a little embarrassed when he heard the young man's words: "Accept and accept. Then I'll show you a little bit."

While the two were talking, a little yellow chicken with a red strap around its neck came over and rubbed against Chi Lumian's leg.

"You little guy, when you're full, you think of looking for me!"

Chi Lumian mentioned the little yellow chicken, which was wobbly due to overeating, and his restless paws began to pluck the little yellow chicken's feathers again.

Chi Lumian couldn't put it down for this little yellow chicken, touching it again and again.

In her previous life, her childhood was ups and downs, and she always hoped to have a little playmate.

Every time I see a grandpa selling such chicks at the gate of the school, I have to stop and look at them for a long time.

Once, a classmate gave her a little yellow chicken, which she secretly raised in the grass near the unit building.

The nephew of the adoptive parents came to visit, and met Chi Lumian downstairs playing with the little yellow chicken, and without saying a word, he asked the little yellow chicken to leave.

But Chi Lumian could only accept it without saying a word.

The regrets of her childhood have always remained in her heart, and now by chance, her little wish has been fulfilled.

Such little happiness made Chi Lumian feel full of reality, and this little yellow chicken has become her spiritual sustenance now.

The red moon in the sky is disappearing, dawn is approaching, and this time is the coldest time in the demon world.

Chi Lumian didn't feel it because of body training before, but now that the temperature dropped, the already thick monster power in her body became more solidified.

She felt hard and cold all over, and her body couldn't stop shaking.

Just when she was about to stand up with Xiao Huahua in her arms, a warm black feather cloak was draped over her shoulders.

Before turning around, Pei Jinghan's cold voice came from behind: "Cold?"

Pei Jinghan changed into a moon-white moiré gown, and her black hair, which is usually tied up, was scattered behind her.

This attire made his temperament extraordinarily soft, and even his handsome and sharp facial features seemed to be covered with a soft filter.

He stretched out his hand to Chi Lumian: "Go back to the house, I have prepared hot porridge and snacks for you."

Chi Lumian stared blankly at the man's generous palm, and when she realized it, her hand had already been put into the man's big palm.

For some reason, she felt that this scene was very familiar, and her reaction was like a conditioned reflex.

Without giving the girl a chance to withdraw her hand, Pei Jinghan grabbed Chi Lumian's little hand and pulled her up from the steps.

The girl's hands were very cold, and it took him a bit of power to barely cover the heat.

After returning from Chongluan Yaoyuan, Pei Jinghan was going to undo Mianmian's magic spell on her dantian, but there were many twists and turns, and she never found the time.

And now, Mianmian probably has forgotten that she has a curse on her body.

The curse-binding connection between the two had been stable before, but after seeing Mianmian this time, he felt that the flow of the curse-binding on the girl's end had become very slow.

Especially today.

This feeling made him very uneasy, so he came here specifically to find Mianmian.

Fu Nian watched the interaction between the two from the sidelines, feeling that he had become too much, so he embarrassedly teased the chicks in front of him, hoping that the loving couple would leave quickly.

Chi Lumian was pulled up and led away by the man, feeling weird and natural, when she came out of the yard, she looked sideways at the man with a somewhat stern face beside her.

The heat from his palm made Chi Lumian a little dazed: "Did I forget something about you?"

Chi Lumian asked the doubts lingering in her heart. Judging from all signs, she felt that she and Pei Jinghan seemed to be not just acquaintances.

Hearing what the girl said, Pei Jinghan tightened his grip on her little hand.

Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered the warning given to him by the hexagram master who went to Shengdian three days ago.

"Be careful what you say these days, for fear of causing catastrophe."

The hexagram master advised him to speak carefully in the near future.

At that time, he was still a little puzzled as to what kind of occasion this "cautious words" should be used, but at this moment, he suddenly understood.

Pei Jinghan looked back at Chi Lumian, and suppressed the thousands of words and surging emotions in his heart that he wanted to explain.

He shook his head under the girl's probing eyes, with a slight smile on his face: "It doesn't seem to be there, let's go."

Back in the room, Chi Lumian didn't have much appetite, and the monk didn't need to eat anymore, she just took a few sips of porridge.

But Pei Jinghan, who was originally indifferent, coaxed Chi Lumian to drink the whole bowl of porridge.

I don't know if it was his own illusion, Chi Lumian felt that after drinking all the red bean porridge, the demon power in his body was not as sticky as before.

It's just still a little cold.

She stared at Pei Jinghan's hands packing the food box. When she was led away by the man just now, Pei Jinghan was like a big warm baby, alleviating her coldness.

At this moment, she was so sleepy that she had the courage to make a request to Pei Jinghan.

"I... can I hold your hand and sleep?"

Chi Lumian didn't know where her self-confidence was, she always felt that a man would definitely satisfy her amazing request.

Hearing this, Pei Jinghan paused for cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks, and raised his head in astonishment.

At this moment, he felt that the little monster's bold and arrogant feeling towards him had returned.

Anyway, when he came back to his senses, he had been sitting by the bed like a sculpture for quite a while.

Looking at the arm held by Mianmian and the girl's quiet sleeping words, Pei Jinghan smiled helplessly and gently.

After a full sleep, Chi Lumian's body temperature warmed up, but she still curled up in the blanket nostalgicly.

It's just that she always felt that there was something left to do.

"Oh——" Chi Lumian sat up with a "chuckle".

Seeing that Chi Lumian was full of energy at the moment, Pei Jinghan withdrew his hand and rubbed his numb arm: "What's wrong?"

Chi Lumian hurriedly got out of bed and put on his shoes: "I forgot about that guy Xiangliu!"

After saying that, she immediately ran out the door.

However, when she was about to run, she suddenly realized that when she fell asleep, Pei Jinghan's hand was held by her and did not take it back!
(End of this chapter)

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