Other side, I hold supplies to help the poor side

Chapter 135 This Is Our Doctor Jin's Wish

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor, and I'll take responsibility even if you have problems with eating. Now I want to ask you, do you want this cassava!"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Although cassava is poisonous, you shouldn’t have any problems listening to Dr. Jin’s cooking.

They even eat Avalokitesvara clay, so how could they be afraid of it?

If you eat too much Guanyin soil, you will die, but don't you eat it the same way?

"Yes! As long as this thing can be full, it's troublesome!"

"That's right, everyone is hungry and eating dirt now, do you still dislike this?"

Seeing them regrouping again, Jin Yan smiled and said, "Actually, there are two types of cassava, one is sweet cassava, and the other is bitter cassava. Sweet cassava is less toxic than bitter cassava, and it tastes better. Just dig sweet cassava."

"In addition, this cassava is extremely easy to grow and has a high yield. As long as the branches are left, it can be cut next year. I think everyone will take a few with them. When they arrive in Baili County, they will be considered as some food, so that everyone will not be hungry. die."

Baoziniang nodded in agreement, "We are all farmers. The land is our life, and the food is our sky. If we don't bring some to plant, how will we live in the future."

When it comes to this, everyone seems to have a common language.

Jin Yan suddenly remembered, everyone hasn't eaten salt for a long time, don't they feel weak and weak?

So when everyone finished digging and went back, it was already noon.

"In this way, wouldn't there be a lot of benefits if one did well, and we would all know which one didn't do well?"

Jin Yan taught them to help Fu Songyu and Jiang Yan in the future. There are not many cassava on this mountain, but it is very laborious to dig one.

Hearing that she was so generous, everyone immediately refused, "This is not acceptable, salt is so expensive, how can we eat it, Doctor Jin, you probably don't have much, so don't give it to us anymore."

Song Yang immediately scratched his head aggrieved, "Yeah, our house is the same, some were eaten, some were robbed, and now there is nothing."

"Don't talk about it, I used to eat something with a salty taste, at least I could swallow it before I was poisoned, and now I don't have extravagant expectations." Chen San said while sighing, "I don't know what to eat. I haven’t eaten salt for almost half a year, and I have no energy in my body.”

A group of people soon arrived on the mountain, and Jin Yan taught them how to recognize cassava. Everyone was doing farm work, so naturally they knew how to do it right away.

I drank pumpkin soup yesterday, and their pumpkin cooked a big pot of pumpkin soup. Everyone has something in their stomachs, and they have the strength to work.

"However, when we recommend, there will also be complaints. For example, whoever works all day and eats the least amount of food, who is unreasonable and scolds after speaking, I will complain to him. Our nomination vote is one vote. If If there are complaint votes, one vote for recommendation will be offset, and the ranking will be determined by analogy."

She changed the way she said it, "Well, I'll give it to you as a reward. Every once in a while, everyone will recommend a model family, and the first, second and third prizes will be distributed to everyone according to their ranking."

Last night I was thinking about how to sell it to the guards, but I forgot about my own people.

When Liu Shi heard this, she felt embarrassed immediately, ouch, why did she still praise her.

Everyone suddenly didn't know what to say, they all knew that this was Dr. Jin's wish, and it was all for their own good, so they immediately agreed.

Jin Yan replied to them immediately, "So in order for everyone to better build a civilized family and not offend others, we implement anonymous voting, and each family uses people who can work as participants, and everyone tells us the reasons for the nomination and complaint votes. Me, I will write it down and tell everyone when the results are announced, so that we don't have to lose face, and we can also tell him if there is anything he didn't do well enough."

Baoziniang saw that everyone was in this situation, and immediately reminded, "Look, life is so tight now, if we don't bring any food, what can we eat in the future? Although cassava is poisonous, it can be prepared well. You can support a family.”

Mrs. Liu immediately nodded with emotion, "You're right. I was scared just now. I used to go up the mountain to look for food. Afterwards, many people were eaten to death. I dare not eat indiscriminately."

Liu immediately asked, "What does this model family mean?"

Song Yang also felt the same way, "When my family didn't eat it before, I would go to the mountains to pick mushrooms with the villagers, and I didn't know what happened when I came back. I was dizzy after eating it."

Bao Ziniang immediately clapped her hands and applauded, "I'm optimistic. If you do this, you won't have to endure other people's bad things in private in the future, and you don't want to refuse. This is our Doctor Jin's wish."

This is the first time everyone has heard of such a request, and everyone finds it novel.

It hasn't rained for a long time, and the land is dry. It's good to dig out a piece of soil with a hoe.

"Who isn't? Now look at whose family still eats salt, that is, Doctor Jin's family has a better life."

"Oh, isn't this offending people?"

She said that she seemed to have forgotten something, thinking that she had brought so much salt in the mountain stream back then, and she hadn't finished a jar until now, just in case she didn't have to eat it in the future.

Now there is really no hope except waiting for the guards to distribute food every day.

Mrs. Liu asked everyone with some melancholy, "Do you still have seeds in your family? We used to have some in our family, but the journey was really hard, and the seeds were gone."

Jin Yan immediately gave an example, "Based on everyone's current situation, isn't it divided into six families? We rate others from various aspects. For example, I think Sister Liu is upright and always defends me in front of outsiders. Yes. We are very friendly, so I will recommend Sister Liu."

"Yeah, we've already settled for drinking, and now we've settled for eating. It doesn't matter if you eat salt or not. That thing is precious!"

She immediately clapped her hands and decided, "I still have a lot of salt in my place. I'll distribute some to everyone when I get back. It really takes some strength to eat some salt."

Jin Yan smiled immediately, and really wanted to say that her salt is really not expensive, but it's really not good to hit everyone like this.

Seeing that everyone was sweating profusely from exhaustion, Grandma Chen called a few people who were cooking together to bring over the food, "Come here and drink some water, we have already boiled the cassava, don't worry, Doctor Jin has come to see it, What we cook can be eaten, everyone is hungry, come and have a taste.”

The eight people were indeed hungry, and quickly looked at the cassava in the bowl.

Immediately, someone said, "This cassava really doesn't look like a tree root. If I didn't tell me that it was cassava, I would have thought it was some kind of sweet potato."

"Fart, sweet potatoes don't look like this. If you ask me, they look more like sweet potatoes."

"Oh, this cassava is really delicious! Please try it, it's really good, and it's a little sweet."

One person said this, and the second person said that after everyone tasted it with anxiety, they immediately burst into tears.

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