Lan Zhi sneered.

She didn't refute.

She was also unwilling to use the precious time Li Rong bought for her to make meaningless rebuttals.

She speaks directly from the facts!

Lan Zhi flipped his palm, showing the death scythe for the first time in the ring.

There was a look of fear in Tianyi Fengyi's eyes, and she wanted to back subconsciously, but found that Lan Zhi didn't slash her, but slashed at the energy line connecting them with the death scythe.

Tianyi Fengyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Her adsorption talent is invisible and intangible, even if it can be realized, it cannot be cut off by weapons——

Just as she was thinking about it, she watched helplessly as a gale rose from the death scythe, twisting the energy lines to pieces in an instant!
The energy lines tightly wrapped around Lan Zhi's body dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the energy circuit on Tianyi Fengyi's body remained unchanged, Tianyi Fengyi's whole body was shaken, and she vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Although the absorption talent is half on herself and half on others, it is actually hers. If the energy line is broken, it is equivalent to breaking her talent.

It is like cutting a vine in the middle, the vine will be severely damaged, and the ends will quickly wither, but the roots will not be affected.

Although Lan Zhi didn't say a word, he made everyone understand that the root of energy lies in Tianyi Fengyi.

Tianyi Fengyi, she is a fake!
"Shocking inside story! Miss Tianyi is actually a fake!!!"

"My God, how dare she?!"

"Tell me a ghost story, a fake has been Miss Tianyi for 20 years and no one has found out..."

"I just heard Patriarch Yi say that Tianyi Fengyi couldn't be a fake. I'm a little curious, how did he become the Patriarch of the First Family with his eyes?"

"Let me also tell a ghost story. When you find a cockroach, it means that the dark place is already full of cockroaches; when you find a fake Miss Tianyi, it means that the entire Tianyi family has already been occupied by fakes! The owner of Tianyi said Maybe it's also fake!"

These words hit Tianyi Fengyi's deepest fear. Tianyi Fengyi's emotions completely lost control, and she said sharply: "I am the real one! I am the real one!! It's just that she deceived you and didn't do anything. I know, it's a deliberate illusion!"

Jiu Clan's natural consciousness and soul power are extremely powerful, Tianyi Fengyi loses control of his emotions, and his consciousness also attacks indiscriminately.

She is most familiar with and most proficient in attacking with consciousness, everyone loves it!
As soon as she lost control at this moment, she subconsciously used the most familiar and skilled method to attack everyone indiscriminately—as long as everyone liked her, no one would question her again.

At that time, it will be up to her to decide what is right and what is wrong!

However, the arena has a protective shield, so her attacks can't fall outside, so all the attacks fell on Lan Zhi's body, in fact, it was to load the virus into Lan Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lan Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness is a sea.

To be exact, Lan Zhi's sea of ​​consciousness barrier is a sea.

Sea water is the softest existence, but also the strongest and most turbulent existence.

Lan knows that all emotions, memories and moods are hidden deep in the bottom of the sea.

No matter how Tianyi Fengyi loads the virus, what she encounters is the boundless sea. The virus is washed away by the sea water, and she doesn't even have the chance to dive into the water, and she can't tamper with her sea consciousness picture at all.

On the contrary, it was Lan Zhi who immediately discovered her intentions, and suddenly a huge wave came over, forcefully knocking out her consciousness!

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