Chapter 34

Bai Sanzhuang turned his head and saw an old man with a white face and a young man standing beside him.

The boy was holding a little girl by his hand, not his sister.

Bai Sanzhuang seemed to be drained of strength, his feet were weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Sister." Bai Sanzhuang ran over with a cry, snatched the younger sister from the young boy, first hugged her in his arms, then looked left and right to see if the younger sister was injured, and when he saw that the younger sister was intact, he hooped the younger sister again. arms.

Xiao Fuyuan couldn't breathe under the hoop.

"Brother Bai, you are strangling your sister." Seeing Xiao Fuyuan twisting in Bai Sanzhuang's arms, He Shun reminded him aloud.

Bai Sanzhuang only has his younger sister in his eyes, and he doesn't care about others.

I didn't bother to think about how this person knew his name.

"Sister, who took you away?"

The men of the Bai family have double standards for Xiao Fuyuan, and Bai Sanzhuang is no exception. He feels that it is impossible for his sister to run away by herself, and someone must have taken her away because she saw her cuteness.

"Is it them?"

At this time, He Shun and the young boy are two human traffickers in Bai Sanzhuang's eyes.

"Brother Bai."

He Shun looked helpless, it seemed that the little brother of the Bai family didn't recognize the young master and himself.

That's right, after four years, I don't look bloodstained, and the little master has changed from a child to a young boy.

"Brother, it doesn't matter." Xiao Fuyuan shook her head.

Obviously she ran away by herself, and had nothing to do with my little brother and uncle.Seeing the sweat on the third brother's anxious face, Xiao Fuyuan felt guilty, and forgot to tell the third brother when he slipped away, which made him anxious.

"Sister, don't be afraid, brother is in charge of you. If they dare to abduct you, brother will be the first to spare them." Bai Sanzhuang let go of his bold words.

No matter who they were, if he dared to provoke his sister, he would risk his life to do it.

Tian Maimiao couldn't stand it anymore.

She already recognized the two people in front of her, the old man and the young boy who were hiding in her butcher shop back then.

"San Zhuang, no one abducted your sister, take a closer look at who is standing in front of you?" Tian Mai Miao patted Bai San Zhuang on the shoulder.

Reminded by Tian Maimiao, Bai Sanzhuang raised his head and stared at the two of them. After searching for a long time in his memory, Ying Zhuozhuo found the old man and the young boy who died frequently in the heavy snow.

He recognized who the two were with a look of disbelief.

"Miss Mai Miao, after a few years of separation, your business is doing well." He Shun cupped his hands to Bai Mai Miao.

"It's very good for your blessing." Tian Maimiao bowed back.

"Brother Bai, how are you?" He Shun asked Bai Sanzhuang again.

"It's not bad." Bai Sanzhuang didn't know why these two people appeared in Nanguan Town again.

"Why is my sister with you?" Bai Sanzhuang hugged his sister tightly, like an eagle guarding a cub.

He Shun shook his head, smiled and told about Xiao Fuyuan's visit to Malaysia and met a young boy. Bai Sanzhuang was quite embarrassed, because he was too excited just now.

But there is no way, his sister can't make a mistake.

"Is this Ah Zhen?" Bai Sanzhuang smiled at the young man in front of him.

The little baby he saved back then has grown so tall?
He is more handsome than when he was a child.

"Ah Zhen has grown taller, do you still remember my sister?" Tian Maimiao stood in front of the young boy and gestured at his height.

The young boy was not used to such close contact, his body stiffened, he stood still, and his heart was churning.

Bai Sanzhuang and Tian Maimiao are his saviors.

He always remembered that in the winter of that year, Brother Sanzhuang took off his cotton coat and wrapped himself in the heavy snow. After taking him to Nanguan Town, he bought him candy and carved a small wooden horse for him.

He kept the little wooden horse with him all the time.

He lived in a pork shop and had a high fever at night. Sister Mai Miao stayed up all night to take care of herself, cooked porridge and bone broth for herself, and bought herself new clothes and shoes.

If it weren't for these two people, I'm afraid I would have died four years ago.

"Brother Sanzhuang, Sister Maimiao." The young boy pulled out his thoughts from the memory, finally spoke, and smiled at Bai Sanzhuang and Tian Maimiao, "I remember, I remember everything."

The reunion of the old people, the rescuer and the rescued seem to be very happy.

"However, I still don't know your old name?" Bai Sanzhuang was annoyed that he forgot to ask the old man's name.

"How expensive is it?"

"What a coincidence, I just met your sister when I arrived here today." He Shun said.

"Uncle He, you came to Nanguan Town..." Bai Sanzhuang asked.

"I plan to live here for a while. My house is at the entrance of the back alley. There is a big pagoda tree in front of the house. I just arrived today, and the house is in a mess. After cleaning up, I will invite the little brother of the Bai family and Miss Mai Miao to have a glass of thin wine. Both of you must be honored." He Shun cupped his hands and said.

"That's fine."

Tian Maimiao and Bai Sanzhuang readily agreed.

The two sides exchanged pleasantries again, and said goodbye and went back.

"Azhen, you go home to rest first, and come back to find my sister, who will cook you a big bone." Before Tian Maimiao left, he pinched the little boy's face and said, "I raised it with big bones when I was young." The meat is all gone, and my sister will make up for you."

Little boy: "..."

No one has dared to pinch his own face yet.

Sister Mai Miao was still the same as before, she would strike at the slightest disagreement.In the days when she lived in the butcher shop, she liked to pinch her own face.

Forget it, anyway, I gnawed a lot of her big bones back then.

Tian Maimiao: Anyway, those big bones are finally accounted for by Bai Sanzhuang, and they have already been recovered.

"Goodbye, little brother, goodbye uncle." Xiao Fuyuan waved to He Shun and the little boy in Bai Sanzhuang's arms.

After finding his sister, Bai Sanzhuang came alive, hugged Xiao Fuyuan, and walked side by side with Tian Maimiao through the streets.

"Azhen doesn't seem to be a local." Bai Sanzhuang chatted with Tian Maimiao.

"He's from the capital." Tian Maimiao said.

"how do you know?"

"Listen to the accent."

"Have you been to the capital?"

Tian Maimiao looked at the sky and said nothing.

Xiao Fuyuan was in Bai Sanzhuang's arms, walking all the way to see the street scene.There are vendors all along the street, there are shopkeepers with drums, oil sellers with oil picks, and little girls with baskets selling flowers.

Passing by a stall selling maltose, Xiao Fuyuan opened her eyes curiously.

Below is the stove, and above is a large pot of syrup. Use a small wooden stick to pick up a little bit and pull it into a long thread. Once the small wooden stick is wound into a sugar lump, continue to wind and continue to form a big sugar ball.

The onlookers bought candy balls and laughed while licking them.

Xiao Fuyuan was very envious.

"Eat candy." Xiao Fuyuan pointed at the malt candy and struggled to get off the ground.

Bai Dazhuang was afraid that his sister would run away again, so he hugged her tightly and refused to let go.

"Little Yuanbao, sister treats you to some candy, okay?" Tian Maimiao nodded Xiao Fuyuan's nose, walked to the candy shop with a smile, dropped the copper coin, and asked for two candies.

"Miss Mai Miao, come to visit when your shop is no longer in use. Just now, my mother-in-law went to your shop to buy meat, but there was no one there."

Tian Maimiao said with a smile: "I won't be free at the moment, I will spare a pig's liver for my aunt later."

Tian Maimiao coaxed Xiao Fuyuan with maltose: "Sister hug?"

Xiao Fuyuan was greedy for sweets, stretched his arms outstretched, and rolled from the third brother's arms into Tian Maimiao's arms.

I got the maltose as I wished, stuck out my tongue and licked it, and it stuck in my mouth, it was sweet.

Next time, I must bring my little brother to eat candy.He doesn't look very happy, just eat sugar.

If Bai Sanzhuang knew that the girl only thought about the little brother he just met, he would be sad again.

When I came to the door of the lacquerware shop, I heard the opposite side asking why there was no one in the pork shop.

Tian Maimiao yelled and hugged Xiao Fuyuan tightly, unwilling to let go.

"I've delayed your business today, and I'll close the stall for you in the evening." Bai Sanzhuang thanked Tian Maimiao for helping him find his sister, and delayed her business for a long time.

"Okay." Tian Maimiao readily agreed.

Xiao Fuyuan saw that the tips of the third brother's ears were red.

"Oh, Bai Sanzhuang, if you don't work hard, you will wander around. Is my Xu's shop paying money to hire a uncle?"

A strange voice exploded behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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