"The first glass of wine is to pay tribute to the warriors who sacrificed their lives fighting against the Rong Kingdom's invasion!"

In the solemn silence, the emperor poured a glass of wine on the ground.

The crowd fell silent instantly, and the emperor's majestic voice reached the turret, and Xiao Fuyuan and others could hear it clearly.

People who have never experienced war are affected by the atmosphere, not to mention Bai Dazhuang and Bai Erzhuang, who have personally participated in resisting the Rong Kingdom's invasion of Ningcheng, and their eyes are red.

"Second brother, did you visit Xu Damao's grandma before you came back?"

Bai Dazhuang thought of Xu Damao who died at the border, the soldier with a round face and a childish smile.

After he returned home, he found Xu Damao's grandmother and promised to provide for Xu Damao's grandmother in her old age.

Before coming to the capital, I originally wanted to take Xu Damao's grandmother to the capital with me.

But the old lady said that she was old and wanted to stay at home, saying that she was afraid that if she left, Da Mao would not be able to find his way home.

He bought land for Mrs. Xu, built a new yard, and entrusted her to the care of the village chief and neighbors.

Before he came to Beijing, he also told Bai Erzhuang to remember to visit Mrs. Xu.

"I went. Brother Dachui and I went there once after you left, and also once before coming to the capital. The old lady is in good health, can eat and sleep, and the people in the village take good care of her. Before I came, she also Ask other teachers and students in the private school to check it out every ten days."

Bai Erzhuang said that the arrangements for Xu Damao's grandmother were very appropriate.

Bai Dazhuang felt relieved.

"The second glass of wine is for the people on our border."

Bai Dazhuang nodded: "The people on the border have suffered a lot these years. I only hope that they can live a good life from now on."

Xiaofukuoka answered: "Be free from the pain of war."

Bai Dazhuang touched the bow on his sister's head with a look of relief on his face.

My sister speaks best. With her words, the people of Ningcheng will be able to usher in peace and tranquility.

His eyes fell on He Lianliang in the prison car, and he shook his head slightly.

Qiuniang is not here, so I wonder how Qiuniang would feel when she saw her brother being escorted to Beijing as a prisoner.

At this time, everyone in the Bai family already knew that Qiuniang's true identity was the princess of Rong Kingdom. She came to Beijing to meet her brother.

"The third glass of wine is for the returning Northwest soldiers."

The emperor just finished speaking.

There was a rush of guards, and soon every northwest soldier had a bowl of wine in his hand.

Xiao Fuyuan saw the emperor's cousin raising his glass and drinking it down in one gulp.

Instantly, the northwest soldiers cheered! The battle flag is waving and hunting is flying!

Qiuniang hid in the cheering crowd in the capital, and she immediately recognized her brother He Lianliang among the many prisoners.

It's not that his brother hasn't changed since he was a child, but among the many prisoners, only Helian Liang's eyes are black.

It was these eyes that caused the brothers and sisters to be bullied since childhood in the royal family of the Rong Kingdom.

As the former coach of the Rong Kingdom, He Lianliang was treated better than other prisoners of war. He was held alone in a prison car.

And the clothes are very clean.

It seemed that although he was a prisoner, the Northwest Army still gave him the dignity of a Rong Kingdom commander.

Living in a brutally competitive environment since he was a child, he has developed an alert nature, and he still retains this alertness even when he is a prisoner. He Lianliang felt the eyes on him and turned his head like a leopard, looking towards the cheering crowd.

There was a woman in green clothes in the crowd, standing extremely quietly, in sharp contrast to the cheering crowd around her.

Even with the curtain and hat on, He Lianliang could feel her gaze.

That look was very familiar, like the long-forgotten look from my mother.


The entire prisoner presentation ceremony lasted until the sun set in the west.

The fourth son of the Bai family announced the treatment of prisoners of war on behalf of the emperor, and those low-level soldiers were returned to the border to open up wasteland. This is also the hope that they will have land and houses and no longer live by looting as they once did.

For those generals and some soldiers who surrendered, they were integrated into the Northwest Army.

As for the captured Rong princes, no announcement was made about their disposition.

Xiao Fuyuan knew that this was a difficult problem, especially for He Lianliang. Even if the emperor's cousin wanted to show Xia Guo's magnanimity, he would not let him go easily.

Letting him go would be like letting the tiger return to the mountain.

In fact, there was a big discussion in the court about the arrangements for He Lianliang.

Some advocated beheading him.

Some advocate imprisoning him in the capital.

Of course, these discussions are no longer a secret. They were not only noisy during the court, but also in teahouses and imperial schools in the capital, and ordinary people were also discussing in the streets.

It seemed as if everyone in the capital had a responsibility to deal with He Lianliang and had to make suggestions.

But whether He Lianliang was beheaded or imprisoned, it was not a matter of concern to the Bai family at this time.

The Bai family is immersed in the joy of the fifth child returning home.

I thought that the fifth brother would not be able to go home until very late, but he didn't expect that the fifth brother would arrive home as soon as Xiao Fuyuan and the others had a cup of tea.

It turned out that the emperor considered that many soldiers were from the capital and would be eager to see their families when they arrived in the capital, so he postponed the banquet originally planned to reward the three armies and let everyone go home to reunite with their relatives first.

Bai Zhaomei arranged the prisoners properly and returned home without stopping.

Following Bai Panmei back were Zhao Xiaogui, Hanwa and other young men from Shenshu Village.

As soon as Village Chief Zhao saw his grandson, he burst into tears and pulled Zhao Xiaogui to the backyard of the Bai family to talk about himself.

Hanwa Gangzi and others were taken to the side hospital for a temporary rest by Mother Zhu.

Wu Chaojing didn't know that his father and stepmother had come to the capital. As soon as they arrived at the door of Bai's house, they were intercepted by Bai Dazhuang and sent to the Xu family's house two streets over.

"younger sister!"

Bai Zhaomei came to the upper room, and before taking off her armor, she hurriedly bowed to her grandmother and parents, then took little Fuyuan into her arms and lifted her up.

The maids, wives, and servants had all heard of Lao Wu's name and feats for a long time. This was the first time they saw Lao Wu, and they all put down their work and came to watch the fun.

"Sister, do you miss Brother Five?" Bai Zhaomei showed her white teeth.

"Think about it!" Xiao Fuyuan said.

"Fifth brother brought you something good."

After saying that, he whistled outside, and a snow-white white fox swooped in.

Mrs. Bai and others were shocked.

The white fox showed a pair of fangs and roared several times.

"Snowball." Xiao Fuyuan saw that the white fox looked like a ball of snow and gave it a new name.

The white fox whined, walked up to Xiao Fuyuan's feet, rubbed them, lowered his head and lay down obediently.

Xiao Fuyuan touched the white fox and felt very satisfied.

The whole family was very curious about this snow-white fox. Seeing that it was harmless, they gathered around it.

"Xiao Bai saved me in the heavy snow and showed me the way... I think it was sent by my sister to save me. I brought it to my sister. My sister called it Snowball, and it will be Snowball from now on." Bai Pan Sister smiled and told Xiao Fuyuan how he led the white fox to him.

Little Fuyuan rubbed Xueqiu's plush head and said thank you for your hard work. Snowball whimpered, stuck out his tongue and licked Little Fuyuan's hand obediently.

"It's usually very fierce. It seems that it only listens to my sister." Bai Zhaomei is not surprised at all that the white fox listens to her sister.

Little Fuyuan picked up Snowball and touched its head. From now on, her pet will be a white fox!

She was very satisfied with the gift that Fifth Brother brought her from the northwest!

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