Chapter 123
Mrs. Shen wants Qiaoer to take a patient to the city for treatment.

The person was carried by Sun Ji, who said that he was crushed by the beams of the house, and he was seriously injured. His ox cart was washed away by the flood, so he had no choice but to beg them.

They couldn't do nothing, Qiaoer was the best driver in the family, and the road was not easy to walk in the rain for several days, Mrs. Shen was not at ease about Shen Nanzhou driving the carriage.

Qiaoer looked at Li Yan in embarrassment.

"Go, I can do it here alone." Li Yan thought for a while, put down the plantain in her hand, wiped her hands, "I'll go and have a look."

The worst kind of wood for the beams is not light, and being crushed by the beams would be dangerous, and she didn't know if she could help, so Li Yan quickly followed her back.

The man has been carried into the carriage, waiting for Qiaoer to come back.

Li Yan saw that the woman who came with her was the woman Sun Fuli called her fourth aunt, and it was her man who was injured, who was also the pillar of the family.

At this moment, the woman was confused, and the man still had traces of blood flowing from his mouth. Li Yan checked his pulse, which was already very weak.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until you enter the city. If you believe me, just wait for me for a while. You can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor." Li Yan looked at the woman and got her approval before taking out the medicine and feeding it to the man. To minimize turbulence.

Uncle Niu in the workshop has classified the plantains according to their size. In fact, there is no need to divide the plantains too finely, just clean them and let them dry in a ventilated place.

They thought the thatched cottage was on the top of the mountain, but it was not. It was only halfway up the mountain. The living conditions were far less suitable than Qingshui Village, but they had no other choice.

Sun Ji also came back, he just came back after staying in the city for a whole day, he was worried about his family, he didn't come back until Su Yue said that there should be no serious problems, and planned to pick them up another day.

"It's really flooding." Li Yan sighed.

After the flood, there were homeless refugees. The yamen couldn't control so many people, but the common people were not allowed to enter the city, and nothing else was seen. It was Hu Shaojing who set up a shed to give porridge because of the birth of his son.

Li Yan and Madam Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

She has been to Huangsha Village, where the terrain is very low and is often flooded, but in previous years, the water was not heavy, and even if it was submerged, the water would recede quickly.

"Okay." Li Yan replied, knowing that she was worried about the inconvenience of going to the workshop alone.

"Okay, I'll help you to ask." Shen Nanzhou agreed.

Sun Ji's small home on the mountain was nothing more than a simple hut built with thatch. She also came here to see their new home. Besides looking at the new home, she also wanted to see if there was anything else she could do to help.

However, Qiaoer didn't come back at night. Of course, they didn't see Sun Ji and the others coming back. It must have been delayed by something, and they waited for a long time before giving up.

Although there is an additional workshop next to Shen's house, it is still a bit deserted here.

Li Yan looked at Mrs. Shen who was also worried, and when she saw her praying to God to have mercy on the poor people, she couldn't help but sighed.

But he has already divided it, so it’s okay, the small ones can be used to fry and make tea.

"When the water level was at its highest, it was almost at the level of my chest." Qiao'er made a gesture, and she dared not get too close to the opposite bank at night.

"The water outside is almost filling the yard." Li Yan looked at the open yard door and said worriedly, because there was too much rain, she didn't go to the mountain stream to fetch water.

However, most of their homes were destroyed by the water, food and housing became a problem, and the yamen did not send people down, so the people had to rely on their own strength to rebuild their homes.

As for his uncles and aunts, if they were willing to follow him, he would take them all with him, and finally lived a good life for a few years, and when the flood came, they would all be in vain.

The village road is muddy, but the carriage is stable, and the mountain stream, I don't know if it can pass.

It was getting dark, and Uncle Niu took a trip and came back to tell her that Qiaoer had arrived at the mountain stream, and he would not come back until the water was not so strong, and told them not to worry too much, everyone was fine, but he had to stay in Huichuntang for a few days .

Only then did Sun Ji leave with gratitude.

Li Yan was still a little worried, and asked Uncle Niu to go to the mountain stream to see if he couldn't get home because of the flood, because the water there was relatively strong in the morning and evening, and there was a lot of rain recently, so it was not impossible.

However, Sun Ji didn't want to stay in Huangsha Village any longer. He had had enough fear and fear, and planned to move to the mountains with his wife and children. Anyway, he could live by relying on his ability to find honey.

"Understood." Qiao'er responded, and drove away quickly in the carriage.

Although there was a lot of rain in previous years, it has never been poured into the yard like this year.

Shen Nanzhou directly expressed his agreement with his decision.

"I'm willing." Shen Nanzhou waved his sleeves, but turned around and went back to the study.

Li Yan looked at the workshop, picked up the umbrella leaning against the wall, "Mother, I'm going to the workshop, there are still some medicinal materials that I haven't finished processing."

This year seems to be another flood. They are lucky because they are on a relatively high terrain. The people in Huangsha Village are not so lucky.

With the consent of the Li people, Sun Ji moved with his wife, children, uncle and aunt to the hill behind Shen's house, and there were two other families who moved to the hill with him.

"I heard that there was another flood in Huangsha Village, and the villagers suffered heavy losses this time." Mrs. Shen sighed.

"I'll accompany you. Anyway, I'm idle." Mrs. Shen pulled her back and said casually.

"Meddling your own business again." Mrs. Shen said angrily.

The seriously injured man also returned to Huangsha Village under Su Yue's careful care, but their home had been destroyed, and they had to go to relatives in the end.

"Is the water very strong?" Li Yan asked Qiao'er in a low voice.

Most of the nearby hills are unowned, but there are still agreed-upon boundaries between villages and stockades. Shen Nanzhou heard that he wanted to move to the nearby hills, and asked him to communicate with the Li people and Luowan village first. Say hi over there.

The dead leaves have been picked out, they just need to wash them, but the time is almost up, so they can only put them in the workshop to dry overnight.

Because of the rain, the school was closed for several days, and the house was quiet again.

Sun Ji showed embarrassment, and wanted Shen Nanzhou to be a middleman.

The water in the mountain stream receded a lot in the afternoon, and Qiao'er drove the carriage back to Shen's house.

Li Yan listened to his nagging and didn't know how to comfort him.

Although Sun Ji and the others had suffered heavy losses, they might not have suffered the worst. At least they had scooped up a few pots and pans, and still had a few taels of silver with them.

Shen Nanzhou also came to sit at his house, comforting them not to be discouraged, the hard times will pass.

Li Yan couldn't sit still, and dragged Qiaoer up and down the mountain.

It was the first time for her to climb such a high mountain, but what passed before her eyes was not what she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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