she became a god in a dream

Chapter 225 The Extraordinary Cat Lady

Chapter 225 The Extraordinary Cat Lady

Cat Lady was not born an ordinary cat.

I vaguely remember that at the end of autumn that year, a rare heavy rain enveloped Katchmore.In a remote town in Great Yarmouth, a newborn cat was abandoned under a bridge pier.

The rain was too heavy, and the splashes of mud stained the cat's pure white coat black.

Adam, who had just turned ten years old this year, chased the hound out of the castle. In the chaotic world, he saw the hound Jacques with his nose up, circling in front of a puddle of mud.


Adam wiped the rain from his face, and walked into the restless hound step by step, puddle by puddle.


A flash of lightning pierced the sky, and the cat opened its eyes in a panic, and gold flowed in its eyes like water.

At that moment, the sky that shattered like a spider web and the brilliant golden color were imprinted in Adam's eyes for a long time and never disappeared.

People always say that children can't distinguish dreams from reality. They will absorb the weird elements in dreams and add them to the boring things around them.When Adam says he picked up a bizarre cat with glowing eyes, no one believes it.

The illegitimate son lives in the countryside, and the stray kitten he picked up lives next to his bed.

"Xiaobai, I know you can do magic."

Adam secretly hugged the cat, and sat on the roof together and whispered, "Since you came into the house, I have heard a lot of whispering.

The groom who died of the bubonic plague last year, she wandered in the small garden talking about her buried savings.I dug it out for her, and gave it to her poor husband;

The cook who threw himself into the river the year before last had been standing outside the housekeeper's room, chanting 'cure' and 'cure'.I asked the housekeeper about him, but the housekeeper told me to leave with a black face;
Xiaobai, I know you can do magic, and you have also seen strange shadows and heard their whispers, right? "


Xiao Bai stretched out his paw and pressed it on the back of Adam's hand.In the bushes below, a handsome cat with a strong figure and three interlaced fur colors flashed past.

What is this human being talking about?really noisy.

Adam pinched the little white cat's paw, sighed, and sat on the roof watching a gray figure walking towards the castle.It was a shabby priest who wanted to raise funds to build a magnificent church of glory in the town.

He had seen that tattered drawing, the framed window frame inside was like real vines winding and growing, the colorful glazed windows were like flying butterfly wings, and the arched dome was as deep as the night sky.

The old priest was sent away.

But those bleak figures followed behind the ragged priest, stepping on the dirt, and slowly walked towards a dilapidated shanty town.Adam hugged the white cat and followed it cautiously.

On the crowded road, more and more blurred figures appeared beside him.

The priest got into a dilapidated door, and Adam squeezed in along with the praying crowd. The moment he looked up, he saw the huge wooden cross in the center of the room.

The sun shines through the cracks in the room and shines on the heads of the crowd from behind the cross.

The old priest stood above the altar, looked at the believers below, and muttered prayers in a low voice.The fuzzy figures that filled the room no longer murmured inexplicably, they stopped shaking, and quietly watched the dazzling golden light.

Adam rubbed his fingers unconsciously on Xiao Bai's body, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He noticed that the depression that had been lingering in his heart had disappeared, and a mysterious feeling enveloped him, as if at this moment he discovered the truth of how the world works, and all troubles have solutions.

From this day on, Adam learned to use the old priest to kill the ghouls and use other methods to preserve the remnants of the living.

In the castle, the acrimonious butler fell from the top of the stairs and broke his neck on the stairs; the servant who indulged in restlessness and let his servants bully the illegitimate child walked on the street, was kicked back and forth by the runaway horses, and died of broken internal organs...

Adam put on rich clothes and ate delicious food.

Xiaobai also has his own luxury cattery, like a shrunken castle.

On this day, Adam, who has received mystical education, learned that some people in this world can awaken extraordinary abilities.Such people often hear strange noises and see unusual things in childhood.

All these abnormalities are called awakening precursors.

Xiaobai was lying on the soft grass, with his belly spread out, sleeping in the dark, without the appearance of a cat at all.Sensing Adam's gaze, it gave him a sad look, rolled over to cover its belly, and fell asleep again.

Adam looked back and touched his nose.

It doesn't matter whether the golden color in the cat's eyes that day was his illusion or not.He only knew that the various miraculous foods fed to Xiaobai were not wasted, and Xiaobai became more and more intelligent.

After that, the vegetation withered and flourished, and the snow fell and the sun warmed up.

As time flies by, Great Yarmouth's bustling city center has undergone dramatic changes.

Adam, who had always been regarded as a disgrace, was looked at for the first time and took back to the center of rights.But the extraordinary in him falls among the young people who are also nobles, he looks so ordinary, so gray.

Like an ugly duckling strayed into a flock of swans.

In the vortex of intrigue, Adam grew up step by step into a big man who can not be ignored by anyone.He has everything unimaginable in the past, and has won the respect of more and more people.

Anyone who dared to challenge his authority would be found dead on the street the next day.

Once again seeing the sacred figure crucified on the altar in the center of the Church of Glory, the high-spirited Adam only felt that the so-called Lord of Glory was nothing more than his brilliance and wantonness at the moment.

That miserable and lonely childhood was buried in the deepest part of my heart.

The only thing he brought from the past to the present - Xiaobai, also has a bigger and more luxurious cattery, and even has three dedicated servants to take care of its eating activities.

On the day when he was about to be the heir, Adam was served by his servants, put on a decent gown, and his hair was meticulously combed into a fashionable aristocratic hairstyle.

Layers of gray powder are thrown onto the hair, trying to create a refined and easy-going image.

According to his daily habit before going out, he came to Xiaobai's room and wanted to tell it the news of going out.

But there was no longer a cat in the empty room. The shivering servant seemed to have expected it, and tremblingly said, this is the order of the Earl.

"It's just a cat! Can't he even tolerate a cat?!"

At the moment when the old Lion King entrusted his power, he was still unwilling to hold onto something.He thought killing a cat was just a small matter.

Adam went crazy looking for the cat in the villa. He opened a drawer, and saw his young self hugging his knees, full of tears; he tore off a vine, and saw himself in tatters find a An equally embarrassed cat with a look of surprise.

The moment he saw the blurred figure, it seemed like everything changed.

He once devoted himself to helping those poor people fulfill their unfulfilled wishes. At the beginning, he just wanted to have enough food, good clothes, and a comfortable living condition.

The white cat lay blood-stained in the dry grass on the ground, as if he had seen it for the first time.

The golden color flowing under that heavy rain originally overflowed from his eyes.

Surging abilities gathered on the white cat's body like a whirlpool, the sky was gloomy, and light rain began to fall.The blurry figure of the cat appeared in the rain, and was sucked back into its original body little by little.

Adam rescued the cat, like saving his former self.


The cat moved, and opened a pair of ordinary light brown eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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