she became a god in a dream

Chapter 229 Turn off that lamp!

The next moment when he heard the call, Shen Dong came back to his senses.

According to Ron's previous explanation, she withdrew her attention and wanted to talk to other people on the boat.But the few people who were chatting enthusiastically fell silent the moment the singing sound appeared.

They stared blankly at the darkness in the distance, looking as if they were wandering away.

Among them, Eugene seemed to hear something, and his expression suddenly became excited.He grasped the edge of the boat with his fingers, his knuckles turning white.His lips trembled like two fish about to be dehydrated.

Responding to something in the dark is bound to bring misfortune.

The faint singing came from all directions, and the companions on the boat were all in a daze and couldn't extricate themselves.Shen Dong stretched out his hand to stun Ron, ready to wait for the singing to pass.

The destination of this trip is near the shipwreck, and there is still a distance of less than [-] meters.


Ron's heavy body hit the deck of the ship, making a muffled sound.

Shen Dong turned his wrist, and before he could take a breath, he found that the sound of the surrounding water had completely disappeared, and then he saw the sparkling water surface on the side of the boat.

At this height, the river and the side of the boat are completely flush!

The five candles jumping on the boat gave off wisps of light, illuminating most of the area.The river outside the boat looked extremely turbid under the bright light, and layers of black foam floated from afar.

The lifeguard's hands were on the side of the boat, and his eyes were empty, trying to capsize the boat.

Half of her palm had already entered the river water. At this moment, the singing that had been faintly uttered a human cry.

The moment the cry sounded, the unconscious lifeguard's expression changed, and his distracted eyes became focused.She seemed to see the person who fell into the water, and made a movement of rolling up her sleeves, and as soon as her thighs were stretched, she wanted to jump into the river.

The fact is, she was wearing short sleeves, and where her eyes were focused was a dark yellow unknown object.

The dark yellow object was rapidly approaching the helpless ship.


The lifeguard was brought down by Shen Dong, and lay side by side with Eugene.

"Shen Dong, you've done a good job." The police chief's voice came from the bow, "If it wasn't for your stop, the two of them would have fallen into the river and drowned."

Shen Dong turned around and looked at the figure sitting side by side with Kaiser in the dimly lit place.

The singing was so loud that she couldn't see clearly.

The sheriff's voice came into his ears clearly: "Can you pass me a lamp? It's too dark here, and I want to see what's in the water."

Shen Dong shook his head, grabbed the nearest lamp, and wanted to move forward, but when he walked around the two bodies on the boat, he bumped into the body of a sixth person.

There are only five people on board, who is the extra one?

In an instant, a cold wind seemed to blow to the bottom of her heart, making her cold from head to toe.

The moment he saw Shen Dong's body stopped, the black figure sitting on the bow flickered, his arms twisted and elongated, and he stretched out his sharp claws to grab the light.

"Give me the lamp!!"

[If you find that there are more crew members on board, please immediately turn off all light sources. 】


A light blue light swept across, and all the candles on the boat were extinguished, leaving only trails of light smoke rising.

There was a smell of burnt flesh, and the sharp claws stretched towards Shen Dong froze in the air. The monster pretending to be a sheriff calmed down, and slowly stood up straight.

It fluttered its nostrils and let out a heavy breathing sound.

Shen Dong stood still, watching the humanoid monster circling around the bow of the ship like a headless fly.This monster seems to be able to see the target only under a certain light source.

Kaiser's position is very close to the monster, and many attack methods are inconvenient to use.

She approached the bow a little bit, and her thoughts formed a short blade in her hand. Her eyes locked on the monster's weakness, and she stepped out with one step, stepping on the wet ship board.

The sobbing singing was more clearly heard on the silent ship.

At this time, a little light appeared on the edge of the blurred field of vision.Shen Dong raised her eyes slightly, and amidst the wriggling of the scorched monster, she saw bright river lanterns emerging from the water, emitting a bright yellow light on the dark water surface.

The upright monster blocked the flames.

But more and more river lanterns emerged from the water, like a star-studded galaxy.Seen from a height, the shipwreck point keeps emerging bright river lights, like the end of the universe.

Shen Dong's eyes reflected a little bit of fire, and she found that the humanoid monster no longer turned around, but turned its head, staring at her with rotten eye holes.

The sound of rushing water suddenly sounded beside him, strands of rough dark yellow ropes were glued to each other, breaking through the water like a big fish!

A long river of dreamlike lights flickered in front of my eyes.

In the blink of an eye, she understood everything.

This time the light source is in her eyes!

"Shen Dong!"

There was a sound of rubbing against each other like sandpaper, and the scorched monster threw out its arms, and gouged Shen Dong's eyes with wrinkled and smelly fingers.Behind it, a big fish made of rough hemp rope opened its mouth and bit the hull.

A layer of golden light defense pattern lights up, and the shrinking crosses quickly go out one by one.

Shen Dong swung out the short blade with one hand, and inserted it straight into the monster's arm.She closed her eyes, stretched her right arm, and pointed her fingers at the big fish at the bow.A string of golden cipher texts appeared, and several strands of hemp rope were firmly pressed in the air, unable to move at all.

At the same time, the blue light of the short blade piercing into the scorched monster's arm flashed and exploded.

Minced flesh and blood collapsed into the boat, only Shen Dong who remained awake maintained the barrier around his body, thus able to stand on the boat with dignity.

That call to her seemed to be mixed with more than one force, full of resentment and unwillingness.The pain in the two eyeballs was unbearable, as if someone had plucked her eyeballs and thrown them into the raging fire to roast.

"tick-" "tick-"

There was the sound of dripping blood that couldn't be softer, and a hand with bulging veins on the back of his hand wiped the corner of his eyes.The strong smell of blood is wafting in the air.

Under her eyelids, an unquenchable candle was still burning.

At this time, more and more river lanterns emerged from the shipwreck point, almost covering the ship's surroundings. Countless candles fluttered and swayed, and the water surface was as bright as day.

The more flames there were, the brighter Shen Dong's eyes became.

The rootless fire not only scorched her eyeballs, but also penetrated into the depths of her soul along the center of her brows, burning more and more vigorously with pain as fuel.

On the ship, the monster that once again lost its target began to spin around again.

Bright candles have the ability to block spiritual exploration. In the severe pain, Shen Dong licked the liquid between his fingers, and a bloody smell flooded his taste buds.

It's just blood.

She flipped her wrist, and an identical short blade emerged in her palm.

After achieving extraordinary achievements, most of the awakened people rely on spiritual exploration. Once their spirits are imprisoned and their eyes are poked blind, they are like beasts that have lost their claws and claws, waiting to be caught without a fight.

However, real beasts will not be afraid of the dark, they will only rage and tear everything around them!
The moment she closed her eyes, the singing voice floating on the river changed, as if it was singing against her eardrums.

A gust of wind blew past the blood-stained face, Shen Dong moved his toes, and the short blade was sent out like the wind.A broken wind sounded from the burnt monster's throat, and it dodged towards the bow of the ship in embarrassment, but was pierced into the heart by the blade that was approaching step by step.


Its black eye sockets squirmed inward twice, and fell backward unwillingly, and was swallowed by the water in an instant.

There was a rustling sound around the boat, and the big fish finally broke through the defensive pattern on the boat, and countless ropes stretched and bent, entwined around Kaiser and the sheriff.

Shen Dong, who wanted to kill the burnt monster, paused, swiped his knife and cut off the squirming ropes, and rebuilt a brand new defensive pattern.

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