she became a god in a dream

Chapter 234 The Hanged Man

She hiccupped while slightly drunk, and through this dazzling necklace, she thought of the dancing figure above the ruined city.

Coincidentally, that curtain call happened to take place at Katchmore.

Among the noisy crowd, no one paid attention to the sloppy dressed Shen Dong with a casual posture.Her temperament has already merged with this legendary city-state, rotting in the bustling place.

Suddenly, a voice of discussion caught her attention:
"I heard that this necklace is in memory of a ballet dancer named Tiffany."

"Tiffany? There's no such dancer in the Golden Theater, is there? Could it be Mr. Quincy's little lover?"

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense. Mr. Quincy held a special reception for this necklace and said he was Tiffany in his dream.

Tiffany has a resolute character and a soul yearning for freedom. The "Swan Lake" she plays has shocking power.The scarlet gems were shipped from the extreme north. From the design to the completion of the "Black Swan" gems, it took fifteen gem craftsmen a full year.

This is a rare treasure in the world. "

"In a dream? It sounds too unreal."

"What do you know? Those big people who are favored by the Lord of Glory will of course see things in their dreams that you and I can't see."

"Is that so..."

A luxuriously decorated carriage came from the corner of the street, the driver at the head waved his whip, and the brown whip tail made a crisp sound in the air.

There was a commotion in the assembled crowd, apparently someone recognized the logo on the carriage.

Shen Dong saw a man pull open the curtain and step down on the servant's back.His eyes are piercing, his hair is combed back, and his hair is shiny.

This is Quincy.

Shen Dong lowered his eyes, passed through the crowd and continued to walk forward.Behind her, Quincy, who was about to enter the shop, turned his head and looked at the figure in the distance wonderingly.

So familiar, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before.


After strolling around Kachemore, Shen Dong took a long look at An Tuo Wan and Tao Le from a distance. Because of her matchmaking, they got mixed up before the jihad started.

"One-stop wholesale of Tao Lele sacrifices" is just a part of the "Tao Lele" industry.

Because of this name, many of the judges who couldn't get along in the Scarlet Trial contacted Tao Le himself through his relationship, and sincerely expressed that he could endure hardship and work, and he didn't need a salary.

With the help of this mysterious power, the "Tao Lele" industry beat the pack, and made a hole in the major industries monopolized by the nobles.

Taking advantage of the boom in the "Tao Lele" industry, the promotional advertisements of the Lord of Reality were sent to the whole country...

In such a large industry, her task is quite difficult...

With a sullen face, Shen Dong took out a stack of business cards from his pocket, on which were printed the contact information of various businesses under "Tao Lele".

She had felt it as early as entering the node, and it was strange to put it in her trouser pocket.

Standing on top of a bridge, in her eyes, the calm water turned into a wide and endless river, with dreamy bubbles constantly floating on it, and a completely dead black sea was silent below it.

Shen Dong moved the time point, and a strong pulling feeling came from all directions.

It was as if one arm was pulling her arm and calf, and in the distorted light, someone called out softly.

"Shen Dong." A person gently tugged at her arm, "Aren't you awake yet? Shelley will deduct your salary."

"Kaiser? It's you again." Shen Dong blinked and sat up.

As soon as she moved, she felt a sharp tingling pain from her shoulder, as if someone had pierced her flesh with a dagger, and the wound was scorched by flames.

It's a bit like the method used by law enforcers to torture her.

Shen Dong looked up and saw a circle of white gauze soaked in blood, wrapped around her right shoulder.

The moment she saw the blood-stained gauze, fragments of broken memories squeezed into her mind.

In the 14th year of Jihad, her team had just retreated from the front line, and received an order from above to investigate the city-states occupied by heretics during the retreat.Because there will be troops passing through this path, the safety of the passing city-state must be ensured.

She was seriously injured, pierced by an iron sword drawn with a curse pattern, and had to endure seven days of burning pain, and then seven days of flesh and blood rotting.

It is now No.15, and the wound shows signs of healing.

At this time, Cather sat down on the chair next to the folding bed, looked at her and said, "Who else could it be? Shelley is in a meeting, and it's time for Ha to patrol for you.

I have to set off in a while, and there is no problem with this city-state. "

As she spoke, she conveniently took out a glowing red apple from her bosom. With a flick of the blade, a perfect peel fell into the trash bag meanderingly.

"Eat it." Kaiser dug out the core, handed half of it to Shen Dong, and began to complain,

"Those people sitting in Kachemore are really uncles. They said they did an investigation, and it turned out that we investigated four city-states without any problems. When we asked them for information, we concealed it more strictly than anyone else.

Even if you want me to die, you have to tell me why I died.

Really aggrieved. "

She wiped the paring knife on her pant leg and put it back in her pocket.

Shen Dong took a bite of the sweet flesh, and asked thoughtfully, "What's the name of the next city-state?"

"It seems to be called The Hanged Man?" Kaiser glanced at Shen Dong, "Anyway, it's a weird name. Why? Interested?"

As time went by, Kaiser, who was originally taciturn and cold-faced, became talkative.She is undoubtedly an extremely sincere person, and what she says basically comes from the heart.

Shen Dong listened to her heart, and was about to nod his head when he saw a person push open the door curtain, who arrived before the sound came:
"When you wake up, you don't take over with me. Instead, you hear the story."

Haggai's eyebrows and eyes became sharper, and when he looked into her eyes, he could only see endless ambition and vitality.There was still an unhealed wound on her cheek, and her whole body was as aggressive as a sword's edge.

"I love to tell stories, so let me do it this time." She showed a thoughtful expression, as if she was thinking about how to word the words and how to make the story more fascinating.
"There is a strange story about the city-state. When the city was first built, a young man was walking by the river bank and saw willows reflected in the water.

She thought to herself, are the two the same?
So she bent down, compared repeatedly, and came to a conclusion that this willow tree has both positive and negative sides, but there is no difference.

Then she saw herself in the mirror.

At the same time as the corners of his mouth curled up, the person in the mirror also smiled.While frowning, the person in the mirror also made a sad expression.After repeated comparisons, she came to a conclusion that people, like other objects, have pros and cons, but there is no difference.

She is a person who is good at thinking, and she often thinks about some unconstrained and unconscionable problems.

She looked at the statue of the Lord of Glory located in the center of the church, and then at the shadow of the statue reflected in the stained glass, and came to a conclusion:
Holy and human, no different than any other item.At least from the perspective that can be observed, it is like this.

So far, she has never seen the other truth of the rumored god.

Holy may be false.

Like willows, sentimental poets and painters give reflections different images, but the truth is, willows, river willows, are no different.

The young man was hanged from a tree by the faithful.

The moment her head fell to the ground, she saw strange expressions on the faces of familiar residents.

Her last thought before she died was that maybe people's fickle emotions can be seen as two different sides.

Human is more complex than divine.

Her soul wanders the streets of the city-state all day long.

Those residents called her: The Hanged One.It means two sides of things.

In order to appease the hatred of dead souls, the city-state took the name of the Hanged Man. "

After hearing the story, Cather's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "The story is obviously not like this, you are blatantly blaspheming!"

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