she became a god in a dream

Chapter 42 Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Chapter 42
After sending Shen Dong away, Mr. Huang stayed alone in the Deep Blue Library until night fell and the sky shone scarlet.

He sat on the swivel chair, turning the chair irritably, waiting for a communication from a mysterious person.

Finally, Mr. Huang heard a familiar voice passing through layers of barriers and reaching his ears.

"Mr. Huang Xian." The voice seemed to come from under the water.

Mr. Huang listened intently, the voice suddenly became louder, as if he was calling directly next to his ear:

"Master Huang!"

The moment the connection was successfully established, faint blue rays of light intertwined and intertwined in midair, forming the upper body portrait of Cunhuo.

Mr. Huang stopped turning the chair continuously, with superficial worries on his face:
"Thank God, I thought you turned into a flower manure."

Cun Huo rubbed his temples and said, "Things are not that bad."

"Then you should contact me in time." Master Huang lowered his face, and his tone became more and more excited as he spoke.
"According to the agreement, you should have contacted me last night. Do you know how immoral it is for a man who is nearly 40 years old to stay up late and wait in vain?!"

And he originally planned to catch up on sleep during the day, but the organization directly assigned a newcomer over.I didn't feel well either.

Mr. Huang's complaints are justifiable, and Cun Huo explained:
"No way, in order to find out where the fruit of hope is planted, I broke into a very strange field last night. I got stuck and couldn't come back before the scarlet flash."

"A strange field?" Mr. Huang asked, "What kind of strange field?"

Inch Fire fell into memory.

He was busy returning to his residence, so he took a shortcut from memory.

But I don't know if his memory was messed up. It was already a harvested field, but it turned into a place full of dark green weeds.

The clumps of weeds were as tall as him, and it was impossible to see the road clearly when standing inside. There were only weeds in front of us, and they were still weeds.

The weeds were so green they were black.

He walked in the grass for a long time, and suddenly he noticed a dark yellow light from the corner of his eyes.

It was as if someone was flying past him with a lantern.

He hurriedly ran towards the light source, the only sound in the field was his heavy panting and the rustling of grass blades rubbing against each other.

Once again, he was standing on the edge of the field.

A scarecrow stood in the weeds with outstretched arms and empty eyes.

The sky was pitch black, and the moon was like a dirty eye.

".That's it, I missed contact with you."

Master Huang frowned.

By chance, he learned that the Fruit of Hope came from Yonghong Farm.

I hope that the fruit can remove the pollution and quickly restore the state of the awakened person below the peak of awakening.

Coupled with its low price and convenient usage, once it appeared half a year ago, it immediately became popular among low-level awakened people.

No one knows the exact source of the Fruit of Hope, only that it has something to do with City 2.

Master Huang touched the source of the fruit of hope through a person who sold the clothes of the deceased.

The whole process is a bit tortuous.

But what excites him is that what is hidden behind the Yonghong farm, the fruit of hope, and the corpse must be enough information to interest the deep blue organization.

He had a hunch that as long as he could find out where the fruit of hope was planted, all the secrets would be revealed.

He let Cunhuo infiltrate Yonghong Farm, just to see that Cunhuo's strength in the mid-awakening stage can come and go freely in the farm.Even if you encounter some extraordinary guards hired by the farm at a high price, you can evacuate in time without being discovered.

After all, the value of the fruit of hope is not enough to involve higher-level characters.

In addition, the current time is the early morning of November 11th, and November 25th is the time when Yonghong Farm will hold the Rose Fair.

In the past few days, members of many organizations will come to Yonghong Farm to participate in activities.Correspondingly, the small actions behind the back of Yonghong Farm will be much restrained.

Cun Huo sneaked into Scarlet Farm during this period of time, and his safety could be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Yonghong Farm cannot read minds, so it is impossible to know that someone is coveting the fruit of hope.

That weird field should just be a warning to guests who stay up in the middle of the night and wander around.

"Next, try to avoid nighttime activities." Mr. Huang thought for a moment,
"You can also mix with the guests, under the pretense of visiting the farm, and search for suspicious areas. If you encounter a crisis that cannot be solved, go directly to the edge of Lake Berson and ask those who are fishing for help."

Cun Huo wrote it down: "If everything goes well, I will contact you on time."

After disconnecting, Mr. Huang sat on the chair and sighed.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was too conspicuous to go out in person, and there was a risk of being picked peaches, he would have set fire to the entire field of Yonghong Farm.

How can there be any weirdness at a glance.

Those flamboyant compensations are nothing to him.

How can it be like this now, not only have to work hard to find a newcomer with a strict mouth and strong strength, but also have to worry about his safety all the time.

and many more
Isn't this a coolie just delivered to your door?

Master Huang suddenly remembered Shen Dong's existence.

She is not only strict-spoken and strong, but also his team member.

As the only member of Team X at present, Shen Dong will face many tests in the future.Improving strength is imminent.

Tomorrow morning, I will send her to explore Yonghong Farm with Cunhuo.

Master Huang closed his eyes happily.

A good night's dream.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Mr. Huang appeared outside Shen Dong's house on time.

The house assigned to Shen Dong was a small two-story mahogany villa. There was a parking lot and a small garden in front of the house, and delicate trees were planted on the side near the concrete road.

"Ding dong-" Almost the moment the doorbell rang, the door was opened from the inside.

After changing his clothes, Shen Dong stepped on a pair of slippers, making room for Mr. Huang.

"Good morning, Captain."

"Good morning." Mr. Huang handed the breakfast to Shen Dong, and found a seat for himself to sit down.

In front of them is an empty swimming pool.

Mr. Huang put his arm on the armrest and crossed his hands: "How does it feel to return to the life of modern people?"

"It feels normal." Shen Dong took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun,
"Actually, I quite enjoy the life in the ruins of the sharp stones. After all, it must be expensive to experience such a pure jungle life in Blue Star."

"It's rare to see a newcomer as humorous as you." Mr. Huang smiled. "After living in the jungle for a few days, can you skillfully use your natural ability?"

Shen Dong nodded calmly: "Currently, I can use mental shock to do it instantly."

Before she entered City No. 2, she had already figured out her own position, a spiritually inclined awakener, a fragile newcomer who only mastered auxiliary skills.

Mr. Huang recalled that when he rushed to the service area yesterday, Shen Dong sat quietly on the chair by himself, but there were obvious mental fluctuations around him.

I don't know what Shen Dong experienced in the ruins of the sharp stone, but his strength actually has a shadow of a mid-awakening.

At that time, he guessed that Shen Dong was an awakened person with a spiritual tendency.

Sure enough, he has always had a good eye for seeing people.

"You have just entered the scarlet world for a few days, and you can reach this level, which is already very good." Master Huang encouraged Shen Dong.

Eating buns alone was a bit choking, Shen Dong took a sip of soy milk: "It's just the result of actual combat training."

That's right, actual combat is the best way to improve your strength.

Mr. Huang began to seduce a sincere and innocent newcomer again, and pushed her into the glass bird's mouth of Yonghong Farm.

(End of this chapter)

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