Chapter 129 New President
Sensing something was wrong, Song Lan ran into the bathroom to call He Chaozhi.

"You said that after I left, Lin Xiao didn't leave, but reported to others? I know, I'll send someone to investigate now."

If it was just Lin Xiao laundering money and raising funds by himself, then it would be easy.

If he is doing things for others, and there is a bigger behind-the-scenes manipulator behind him, then they should be alert.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, which is the worst situation.

After waiting in the bathroom for a while, after confirming that Lin Xiao had left, Song Lan tiptoed into the living room.

Before the hotel staff came to clean it, he picked up the soil in the potted plants, found the chip of the monitor, wiped it clean and stuffed it into the bag.

She planned to listen to the recording again when she got home at night, and then blurred He Zhaozhi's voice before posting it online to reveal Lin Xiao's crimes.

In the evening, Song Lan, who was heading home at sunset, suddenly received a call from He Chaozhi.

He Zhaozhi spoke quickly, with a bit of displeasure: "Song Lan, why are you so impatient, I haven't heard it yet, and you posted the recording on the Internet?"

Song Lan was dumbfounded. She took out the chip in her bag and pinched it on her fingertips.

At this moment, the cold chip produced a burning illusion on her fingertips.

"I don't have it. I didn't send it. The chip is in my hand. I haven't extracted the master tape yet."

He Chaozhi on the other end of the phone was silent for three seconds, then lowered his voice and said, "Go online and look."

After hanging up the phone, Song Lan turned on the phone and looked at it.

All I saw was the recording evidence of Lin Xiao's illegal fundraising on the headlines of the hot search!
She clicked in, and the words in the recording were exactly the same as what she overheard!
But in the end Lin Xiao called the mysterious person to report the interruption, and cut it off.

Song Lan looked at the phone screen, eyelashes soaked in the cool blue light.

She murmured blankly: "How is it possible, besides me, who else..."


Lin Xiao broke the law, and the next morning, people from several departments and the police came to KEO to collect evidence.

When they left, KEO was left in a mess, with documents scattered everywhere.

A few interns who had never seen the world were scared to tears by the scene, trembling and huddled together.

"How could the president do such a thing? Will he be sentenced to life imprisonment for raising such a large amount of funds? We work here, so we won't be arrested too, right?"

Song Lan stood in the ruins. Compared with the terrified employees with different expressions around him, his expression was only slightly pale.

She had expected this to happen last night, so she prepared her psychological preparation in advance. Hearing this, she slightly raised her eyebrows, her eyes as cold as glass were clear and calm.

"Don't talk stupidly. Lin Xiao's crime has been investigated. We don't know about it. We have nothing to do. No one will be implicated."

Apart from Lin Xiao, Song Lan is the biggest KEO.

When everyone heard her calm words, they all surrounded her like a drowning man grabbing driftwood.

"Sister Lan, Lin Xiao was arrested. Several shareholders withdrew their capital and ran away this morning. KEO's reputation has also been damaged. Can we continue to operate?"

"That's right, I don't want to resign, but looking at the current situation, is KEO going to close down?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Song Lan scolded coldly.

Under her calm gaze, the voice of discussion was quietly suppressed.

From the company's key elites, directors of various departments, to interns who have just started, they all look at Song Lan with the eyes of the backbone, expecting her to save KEO from the fire.

"Sister Lan, what do you think?"

Song Lan did not disappoint everyone.

She took a steady step, and calmly stepped on the pile of documents that were meaningless to KEO, her voice was like an ancient well without waves, clear and crisp.

"I was the vice president before, but now that the president is gone, I am still the pillar of KEO. Don't worry, as long as I am here, KEO will not fail, and everyone will not disperse. From now on, the salary will be paid as usual. , the journal did as it did. Our KEO brand will stand up again just as it fell down. The only thing that has changed... probably is me, who is about to become the president from the vice president. If everyone recognizes me, you can stay with me Let’s grow KEO together, if you don’t want to, the door is on the left, go to the finance department to get your salary and leave on your own, I will never stop you.”

Song Lan's powerful words echoed in the messy KEO office.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one spoke.

Song Lan smiled sarcastically: "It seems that you don't recognize my ability? Forget it, I won't keep you, you go."

Song Lan calmly rolled up the sleeves of her suit, bent down to help up the fallen file cabinet, and started to work as if no one else was around.

Behind him, a little intern ran over: "Sister Lan, I believe in you, let me help you!"

Song Lan lowered her eyes and smiled, remembering the innocent and lovely face of the other party in her heart: "Then thank you for trusting me and KEO."

One after another, old employees, new employees, management and salaried workers all took the initiative to come to Song Lan to help tidy up the company.

"Sister Lan, we can't see your contribution to KEO during this time. For us, Lin Xiao is a mascot, and the person KEO can't do without is you. As long as you don't leave, our KEO won't On the contrary, anyone who works for a job is a job, it is better to have meat to eat with Sister Lan, everyone agrees!"

"Yes, Sister Lan is never stingy in giving us benefits, and the bonus dividend is comparable to that of MC. I have long seen Lin Xiao, that old fox and old fritters. I decided to stay with Sister Lan and work together!"

Soon, the long-lost laughter and laughter came from the company again.

Afterwards, Song Lan counted the number of people. There were dozens of people, but only three or four left.

The company's key elites are still there, and she is already very satisfied with this ending.

"Miss Lan."

A young woman in a sky blue suit pushed up her glasses and walked in.

This is her newly promoted secretary, Lin Jing.

Lin Jing handed the prepared report to Song Lan, with a pale face: "Sister Lan, although we believe in your ability, but after Lin Xiao was arrested and the shareholders withdrew their capital, our KEO's capital chain was completely broken. It is estimated that the funds will not last for a month, so what should we do?"

Song Lan glanced outside the door and found that many employees were sneaking on the door and listening.

Seeing her glance over, everyone shrank back in embarrassment.

Song Lan couldn't help smiling, put her hands together on her chin, raised her eyes with ease and said, "Don't worry about the funding, it's already in place."

"Huh? So fast?" Lin Jing and the staff outside the door widened their eyes.

Just when He Zhaozhi called, Song Lan raised her beautiful red lips and raised her index finger at them, "Hush."

She picked up the phone, turned on the speakerphone, and made sure that He Zhaozhi's voice could be heard by everyone.

"I have injected 5000 million into KEO, if it is not enough, just ask me."

He Zhaozhi's laughing voice echoed leisurely over the office.

(End of this chapter)

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