Mr. He's heart beats the world with his beauty

Chapter 149 Serving the Jun Family

Chapter 149 Serving the Jun Family

Half a month later, He Zhaozhi was finally discharged from the hospital.

Song Lan helped him take off the suit jacket on the hanger, and walked over to put it on for him: "I can work with peace of mind after you leave the hospital."

He Zhaozhi grabbed her hand: "Do you still want to go back to KEO? Shall I help you?"

Song Lan gently pulled out her hand: "No need, Jun Zetian and the Jun family have helped me a lot. If I resign and return to KEO now, I will be ashamed of the kindness of the Jun family."

He Zhaozhi fell silent.

Previously, because Song Lan offended the He family, she was excluded by everyone in Yecheng, so she could only work in a bakery.

It was indeed the Jun family who handed over an olive branch and took in Song Lan, defying all opinions and resorting to decisive measures.

"However, after all, KEO is the property left by your father, and you should go back." He Zhaozhi reminded in a low voice.

Song Lan paused: "I will consider it."

When she returned to Jun's to work, it happened that the project department was having a meeting, and Song Lan was distracted for a while.

Was scolded by the head of the project department.

"Song Lan, you have been distracted since you entered the door. Do you know that Jun's project department represents the core of the entire Jun's? You really think that Mr. Jun invited you here for nothing!"

Song Lan turned pale, and immediately got up to apologize: "I'm sorry minister, it's all my fault, I shouldn't be distracted."

The minister's anger subsided slightly, and he said with a cold face: "It happens that I have something here, and you can only do it."

"We recently cooperated with a big magazine and needed to complete a corporate interview. But you are the only reporter in the department, so we have always decided to let you do this interview."

While Song Lan was surprised, she lowered her eyes and accepted the minister's arrangement: "Good minister, as long as I can help the project, I will do it well."

Song Lan's task is to visit a folk artist who is the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of shadow puppetry.

It is required that within three days, a first-hand interview draft must be obtained.

The minister only provided the address, and Song Lan found the address to find the door, but saw that it was a one-story compound, and the door of the old man's house was a dilapidated, rusty iron gate.

Song Lan knocked on the door cautiously, and it took a while for someone to open it.

He is an old man with gray hair.

"You are?" The old man's cloudy eyes were puzzled.

Song Lan took out her work card and indicated her intention: "Mr., I'm here to interview you. This is my work card. I want to ask you something about shadow puppetry."

When mentioning shadow puppetry, the old man's expression changed, and he refused indifferently: "I don't know about shadow puppetry, don't look for me, you can go."

"how come?"

Song Lan was surprised: "Aren't you Mr. Wang, the heir of the shadow play?"

"Don't worry, old man, I will never interrupt your interview rashly. When are you free, I can make an appointment with you..."

Song Lan explained softly, but Mr. Wang refused to accept her no matter what he said, and strictly guarded against her, refusing to let her in.

"I said I won't see you, but I won't see you. You get out, and if you don't get out, I'll call the police. You really treat me like a widowed old man who is easy to bully, don't you?"

Mr. Wang suddenly roared through the crack of the door, his old face was full of sadness.


He slammed the door shut, Song Lan was taken aback, and had no choice but to leave here hopelessly before trying to figure out a solution.

From the words revealed by the old man, it can be known that he is a widowed old man who lives alone and has a withdrawn personality.

Song Lan entered the old man's name into various websites and platforms, and finally found a clue in a certain forum.

"God, how could this be..."

Song Lan's eyes were soaked by the blue light of the screen, revealing that he couldn't bear it.

What she found was a few pieces of news.

It was all years ago.

Mr. Wang used to have a pair of sons and daughters, who were raised by shadow puppetry. What the sons and daughters love most is the superb shadow puppetry of the old man.

After the two children grew up, they were admitted to universities and found good jobs.

The son is a fireman and the daughter is a police officer.

Unfortunately, just five years ago, Mr. Wang's son died bravely in order to save the trapped people in a fire.

Two years later, Mr. Wang's daughter also made a heroic sacrifice as an undercover agent in the anti-drug process.

After the two died, the public authorities came forward and compensated Mr. Wang a huge amount of compensation, allowing him to spend his old age peacefully.

But since then, Mr. Wang seems to have lost his soul. He has to stay in the dilapidated house where the family of three squeezed together when he was a child, and he refuses to leave.

People under the age of 60 turned gray overnight.

After reading the report, Song Lan came to the door again with a heavy heart.

This time, as soon as he entered the compound, he saw Mr. Wang moved a chair and sat alone in the courtyard looking at the sky in a daze.

His gray and thin hair was rustling in the cold wind.

Not very sad.

Song Lan felt uncomfortable, thought about it, and left quietly.

Now is not the time to interview Mr. Wang.

She heard that after the death of his children, Mr. Wang no longer performed shadow puppets. He just stayed in the house every day to make shadow puppets, and when he passed away, he took them away with the children.

Song Lan inquired about the fire brigade where her son was, and ran over.

"Hey, who are you, the fire brigade does not allow outsiders to enter."

The guard stopped Song Lan and frowned.

Song Lan took out her work card and press card, and said sincerely: "Hello, I am a reporter. I learned that Wang Gu worked in this fire brigade before his death. Mr. Wang is in a dire situation. I would like to ask everyone to help He's busy."

Wang Gu is the name of Mr. Wang's son.

When the guard heard Wang Gu's name, he was stunned for a while, and then sighed, "Wait here, I'll ask Wang Gu's captain."

After a while, the captain came over and said solemnly, "How do you want to help Mr. Wang?"

Seeing that there was something going on, Song Lan quickly said her plan: "I want to invite everyone to play a shadow puppet show for Mr. Wang, so that he can rekindle his hope for life."

Song Lan said it sincerely, but the fire captain shook his head: "You reporters really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. Do you know how busy the fire brigade is? Mr. Wang needs money and power, and we can afford it, but the shadow play Don't you think it's too simple?"

"Captain, after Wang Gu died, you, as his teammates, have often visited Mr. Wang. Money, power, and things, Mr. Wang is not lacking, but is it useful? What Mr. Wang lacks most now is spiritual comfort. I know my thoughts are very naive, but please think carefully, what if it is feasible? I am not speaking from the perspective of a reporter. I really can’t bear to see the father of the two heroes, old and lonely, living in pain day and night among."

After Song Lan's perseverance, the captain finally let go hesitantly.

"Okay, three days later, our detachment will be on vacation, and we will be free to play shadow puppets with you... I hope the method you mentioned will be effective."

(End of this chapter)

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