Chapter 247
But Bai Cai can find out where he went and what he did, which only shows that the other party must have some skills.

"Song Lan, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little tired and want to go back to rest early."

Song Lan's mood is a bit complicated. If she wants to start over, Bai Cai is indeed a good candidate, but at this moment, Song Lan feels that the other party is a little confusing.

So Song Lan, who just wanted to start over, picked up his defense in an instant, but he didn't notice all this at all.

"Fortunately, there is nothing wrong. If there is anything, I will definitely blame myself. Since you are tired, I will send you home to rest. Don't worry, uncle has me here."

This time Song Lan did not refuse, but asked Bai Cai to send her home.

After returning home, Song Lan emptied herself and lay paralyzed in the living room for a while.

Thinking of what happened tonight, Song Lan's heart ached. Thinking of He Chaozhi's indifferent expression at that time, Song Lan finally believed that the other party really wanted to put her to death.

It was also from this evening that Song Lan made up his mind to have a good start with Bai Cai.

When Song Lan went to work the next day, Shen Yingxue who was opposite her started to have nothing to say.

"Why did you leave early last night, and missed the next good show?"

When mentioning what happened last night, Song Lan's face changed. Although she did a night of psychological training, Song Lan forgot that there was Shen Yingxue in her office, and Shen Yingxue also witnessed the audience yesterday.

If Song Lan was able to go to this day with hatred on his back, his psychological quality is also quite strong, so when facing the other party's ridicule, Song Lan quickly adjusted his state.

"What happens next has nothing to do with me, but you, if there was really any good show last night, you would never tell me in this way."

Song Lan knew Shen Yingxue very well. If Shen Yingxue really got her wish last night, she should have shown it off to the whole company when she came here early this morning, but the other party didn't do that. Instead, she whetted her appetite first.

That means that the other party didn't get what she wanted, and Shen Yingxue just wanted to stimulate herself with a little thing.

Shen Yingxue was speechless, and she could only stare blankly in the face of the powerful Song Lan.

"By the way, let me remind you that the company will issue a new task soon. You haven't done the last task well. I'm worried about you this time."

It's okay not to mention this matter, but when this matter was mentioned, Song Lan looked at Shen Yingxue with knife-like eyes.

"What happened last time, you and I know very well."

"What are you talking about? Is it possible that you can't do a good job as a job, and you can blame me?"

Shen Yingxue's speech was very green tea. Song Lan didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and got busy with the matter at hand. Recently, the company has a lot of tasks, and before the next task comes, Song Lan must also rectify her own affairs. group out.

Soon new tasks came down, but this time the tasks of the two groups were the same. As for which group's plan the company would adopt in the end, it would depend on its own ability.

"The problems that occurred last time, we will never recur this time, and this time, if the company can adopt our team's plan, then our year-end bonus and holiday benefits will be doubled."

The company's treatment is actually quite good, and the bonus is doubled. Such a thing is rare, and everyone was very happy when they heard it.

"Then we have to perform well this time. I don't know who it was last time. Someone must have done it on purpose. If you let me know who deleted our manuscript, I will definitely hit him. I don't know."

Fortunately, for Song Lan's sake, the company didn't punish them for their work mistakes last time, but even in this way, it makes people very angry to think that their week's efforts have been wasted.

"Okay, let the past matter pass by, the important thing is the current task, I believe that as long as we all work together, we will definitely come up with better ideas."

And Linda had been staring at Xiaobai during this meeting, and Xiaobai was obviously relieved when Song Lan said that the matter was over.

Next, these five people still work overtime, and look at another group, they commute to and from get off work on time every day, eating and drinking, as if they don't care about the company's mission this time.

"Do you think that Shen Yingxue's group is very strange? Even though there are many people on the other side, why is it almost half the time, and there is no movement at all?"

Linda also sensed that something was wrong, and took the initiative to find Song Lan. Song Lan took a sip of the coffee in her hand before speaking slowly.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Good thing?"

Linda was a little puzzled, looked at Song Lan but didn't say anything, and gently put down the coffee in her hand.

Since the two groups compete for the same task this time, it is only necessary to complete the electronic manuscript.

Once Song Lan was very careful, but there was an accident on the day of reporting to work.

For the sake of fairness, Song Lan's team and Shen Yingxue's team, in addition to the presence of the editor-in-chief, also had to select a few representatives to enter the venue. Because Song Lan's members were too few, they all came together. .

"Song Lan, Song Lan, why don't we make a bet, if I win this competition, how about you just pack up and get out of the company?"

Seeing that the other party was determined to win, Song Lan shook her head with a smile.

"What's the matter? You haven't played yet, but you have no confidence in your own group. Could it be that something unexpected happened to you this time?"

Song Lan still smiled and shook her head, seeing the other party's mysterious appearance, Shen Yingxue felt angry from the bottom of her heart.

She always felt that the other party was insulting her, and with Shen Yingxue's temper, she definitely couldn't hold back.

"Since we want to bet, let's make a big bet. Only children who bet will leave the company to make a bet. Let's have some excitement. What do you think?"

Shen Yingxue didn't expect the other party to say that, but if she refuses now, it will appear that she has no momentum.

"Okay, then what do you think we are betting this time?"

"If anyone loses in this competition, they should walk around the company in their pajamas and apologize to the other party in front of the entire company."

(End of this chapter)

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