People are in the heavens, wealth can rival a country

Chapter 120 Smaug Emerges from the Sea of ​​Gold

Chapter 120 Smaug Emerges from the Sea of ​​Gold (Monthly Pass Plus)
The key was inserted into the keyhole without hindrance.

"Behind this door is Erebor." Balin murmured these words, and Sorin rushed forward like a madman, knocked Sharin away at once, leaned his whole body on the stone wall, and pushed hard .

A low door was opened.

The dwarves burst into cheers: "Travelers always have a way!"

The hope in the desperate situation made all the dwarves almost forget the unhappiness just now, and swarmed towards the door.

The last two dwarves dragged Shalin's sledgehammer with difficulty. Tang Sen put the sledgehammer into the Mithril ring and walked into the secret door.

Under the moonlight shining in from outside, everyone could see the corridor made of pure refined steel, as well as the throne and dwarf characters carved on the corridor.

"The seventh kingdom of the House of Durin."

"May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves and protect this homeland."

After Balin read these words, his excited expression slowly disappeared, and his tone was sad and complicated.

These words now seem to be a mockery, unity?

The dwarves looked to Thorin, and there was no unity left after the King's words.

And the power to protect this homeland lies in the hands of the travelers.

In the eyes of everyone, Sorin, the royal family of the dwarves, didn't look at those patterns and words at all. He just couldn't wait, stumbled and ran towards the depths of the corridor, saying in his mouth: "Erebor I recognize the walls, the hall ahead, and the chambers filled with golden light."

Tang Sen's expression moved slightly, but he didn't stop him. He just said, "I'm not sure if the curse of immortality can resist the dragon flame."

"After all, the skeleton frame can still move. If it is burned to slag, there will be nothing left."

"So, I prepared some equipment for everyone."

Mind communication Mithril ring, a strange big shield appeared in front of everyone.

The shield is two meters high and three meters wide, like a wall, and different from ordinary shields, the shield is actually concave toward the outside, and there are many strange hooks on the surface of the shield structure.

Bahrain was the first to take over the shield, because it was made of Mithril, so although it was huge, it wasn't too heavy.

"What is this thing for?"

"Dragon flames used to stop giant dragons." Tang Sen said calmly, "Although dragon flames are enough to burn everything, I don't think Mithril is among them."

In fact, burning everything is just an exaggeration. The temperature of Longyan is indeed very high, and it can even melt metal, but that is under the effect of long-lasting breathing.

If it's just a breath, it's not bad to be able to burn the steel red, otherwise, the whole Erebor would have been melted in the dragon flames.

Of course, ordinary people would definitely die suddenly in the face of Longyan. That thing not only hurts physical damage, but also contains evil magic power, so that the elf king Thranduil has been unable to get rid of that scar for so many years.

"You plan to let us confront the evil dragon head-on?" Even Shalin was a little unsure: "Is this your plan?"

"I don't think a shield that can block the dragon's flames is enough to fight against the dragon." Sharda shook his head again and again: "Although I have never seen it, I know that the dragon has indestructible scales and a Claws and tusks."

"The wind from its wings is enough to blow people away!"

"Its giant tail sweeps like a battering ram!"

The dwarves talked about their knowledge of the dragon one after another.

"It's all true."

Tang Sen commented on the words of the dwarves, saying: "When the dragon flames are ineffective, the giant dragon will use its terrifying body to attack you."

"But the strong wind will not kill you, nor will the fangs and claws kill you. As long as you block the dragon flames, what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid we can't do much harm to the dragon." Shalin said in a low voice.

"We couldn't even smash its toes," Sharda continued.

"That's not something you need to care about." Tang Sen shook his head and said, "You just need to use your shields to block the dragon's attack. If anyone loses their shield, leave the battle immediately."

"Then, I'll take care of everything."


The dwarves looked at each other.

Sharin emphasized again: "This is your plan? Is it that simple?"

"As I said, it is not difficult to deal with Smaug." He added: "With sufficient preparation."

However, there is no need to explain these preparations to the dwarves in detail, and the dwarves have only seen a little bit of the ability of the Mithril Ring.

They would not understand how much time Townsend spent to manifest the mithril needed for these shields, and how much thought he spent making it the most beneficial form against the dragon.

"Don't worry, in Erebor, Smaug can't be fully used. You can run without any problem. Therefore, there is only one thing to pay attention to."

Tang Sen said seriously: "Don't let it get away."

"I don't always understand what you're thinking." Sharin muttered, "But, well, I'll do it."

"It's all coming."

The dwarves came to claim their shields one by one, "We have to try anyway, we have no better way anyway."

Balin led the way, and the dwarves walked along the corridor towards the hall.

The dwarf's craftsmanship was not designed. Even if the lights were not lit in Erebor, there was still light coming from nowhere, enough for people to see the road clearly. Soon, the end of the corridor appeared in front of them.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Then, step out of the corridor and walk up the stairs leading to the main hall.

The entire Erebor Hall was presented in front of the eyes, and the huge metal pillars with no end in sight were silent in the dim light, and under the giant pillars were piles of unimaginable gold and silver treasures.

This is definitely the most shocking scene that Townsend has ever seen. Whether it is Rivendell, or the Kingdom of the Woodlands, the exquisite cities of the elves are not as simple and crude as the scene in front of them.

The combined wealth of the entire Middle-earth world may not be greater than the wealth here.

Everyone can see Sorin standing quietly at the end of the stairs, a short distance from the gold coins.

No one knew what he was thinking, because everyone was filled with complex thoughts in their own heads.

"She is [-] times more magnificent than I imagined in my dream." Tang Sen could hear Shalin's murmur. This female dwarf rarely paid attention to the monstrous wealth on the ground. Instead, he looked at the metal pillars and the solemn carvings on the surrounding walls that belonged exclusively to the dwarves.

"We're going home." Bahrain's eyes were blurred by tears, and he could barely hold the giant shield in his hand.

As the oldest of the dwarves, how could he miss the Lonely Mountain less than Thorin?Even more pure.

Townsend quietly waited for the dwarves to recover, and did not remind them of the fierce battle they were about to face next.

But Sorin finally couldn't wait any longer. He thought of the ocean of wealth and took the first step, then the second step, and the third step, getting faster and faster, more and more excited.

Finally, he began to rummage through the sea of ​​wealth like a madman.

Then Sharin came back to his senses and shouted softly: "Shorin, what are you looking for? Come back quickly, and be careful of that dragon!"

"He's looking for the heart of the mountain, the Silmaril of Aken." Balin sighed, "The jewel that symbolizes the power of the king under the mountain, Thorin's obsession, his original plan was to let the hobbits steal it."

"He didn't know that after being crowned the Oak Shield, he was already the well-deserved king of the mountain in our hearts."

Sharda closed her eyes in pain: "Not anymore."

The other dwarves are only silent. They have experienced betrayal together. It is not the dwarf's betrayal of the king, but a king. betrayal.

At this time, a certain part of the sea of ​​wealth suddenly moved, gold coins and gold objects rolled down, and a buried, charming and bright light appeared.

Thorin froze for a moment, then cried out excitedly, and quickly moved towards the light.

"Don't go there!"

All the dwarves saw this scene. They saw a golden eye slowly opening beside the ray of light.

The eye buried under the coin was larger than Thorin's entire head, and Thorin's reflection approached above the bright and gorgeous iris.

But he didn't notice at all, his eyes were only on the gem that symbolized this royal power.

Then, waves surged in the sea of ​​wealth, and those waves made of gold were stirred by ferocious dragon horns, wide dragon wings, and slender dragon tails. !
"By Durin—"

All the dwarves froze at the unimaginable sight.

A huge and majestic creature, a veritable dragon, rises from the golden sea to announce its presence.

"I thought" Sharin swallowed, "I thought it would be smaller."

"A hundred years ago, when it came to the lonely mountain, it wasn't so huge." Balin couldn't take his eyes off the dragon's body. Of course, in fact, his vision couldn't even cover the entire body of the dragon.

Tang Sen was also shocked by this scene, his back shivered, and he even wondered for a moment, could he really control such a magnificent creature?
He has read some data and knows that Smaug's body length is even more than 100 meters. This data is of course an exaggeration. After all, Smaug has a slender body, and his long tail even occupies two-thirds of his body.

But even so, when it really existed in front of him, Tang Sen discovered that data is just data.

But the truth is, even if you just look at the ferocious faucet, it is not much different from the dump truck that crashed into the heavens and worlds.

And Sorin stood in front of it, as insignificant as an ant.


The great dragon meandered, and slowly brought its head closer to Thorin.

"Look what I found?"

He speaks out, and even can hear the tone of joking and arrogance.

"A dwarf, a... thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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