Chapter 128 I, Smaug, will die. (Monthly ticket plus update)
The feeling of riding on the head of a giant dragon is more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

The gusts of wind blowing towards the face, the sudden turning points and setbacks, if the heart is not good, I am afraid that they will be scared out of illness.

Fortunately, Tang Sen's ability to bear it is not bad, and the seat and seat belt that he personally realized are also very firm. After the initial discomfort, he has begun to get used to it.

The only thing I still can't get used to is that Smaug talks too much.

"Although I have surrendered to you, I am still a great dragon. Standing at the apex of Middle-earth, in front of those humble ants, you have to give me some face, right?"

Smaug's voice mixed with the sound of the wind penetrated into Tang Sen's ears, but Tang Sen turned a deaf ear.

"Look at those Orcs, they are simply vulnerable in front of me. Speaking of which, my ancestors and Orcs are still in the same camp. Although I look down on these soulless dregs at all, the dragon has never attacked Oak."

"It's all because of your order, isn't it worth rewarding?"

"I don't want much. Just give me half of the wealth that originally belonged to my lonely mountain."

"Why ignore me? One third is fine."

"Those humble dwarves don't need that much wealth at all. They will only waste it. As long as you ask, they will absolutely obediently offer it with both hands. If you don't want to, I will spray them to death. How about we be the masters of the mountain together?"

"Without those gold coins, I can't sleep at all, and if I can't sleep, I will be very miserable."

"Master, you don't want to see your loyal and powerful servant die from insomnia, do you?"


Tang Sen couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then he was swallowed by the strong wind, and he almost couldn't catch his breath. He roared: "You have already circled the lonely mountain twice, if you don't go down, I will let you go down again." Taste the feeling of your heart being strangled!"


"You didn't say I had to come down." Smaug muttered, and fell down at the door of Erebor from the bottom of his heart.

The orcs could no longer be seen in this plain that was densely populated with dark creatures. They either fled to the direction of the Misty Mountains or headed for the big dense forest.

Sharin led the dwarves to hold a banquet.

The curse on their bodies was finally lifted, and each of them wanted to fill every inch of space in their stomachs.

Seeing Tang Sen coming, Sha Lin brought over a pot of broth with a smile on his face, and said, "Taste it quickly, I made it for you just to thank you, and I didn't even give it to anyone else who wanted to eat it."

Tang Sen looked at the pot of green broth, then at the other dwarves who were only looking at this side from the corner of their eyes, and decisively rejected Shalin.

If memory serves me correctly, Sharin's craftsmanship seems to dislike even dogs.

"We have to go after eating." He took a piece of buttered bread casually, "Although I don't know the situation of the Iron Hills, the dwarves there are our capital against Mordor and must not be consumed here .”

The sweetness of the soft bread and butter made Tang Sen couldn't help squinting his eyes.

How long have you not eaten?

Is eating such a wonderful thing?
He couldn't resist grabbing some more slices of bacon on the table, and a good dwarven roast.

The supplies are too abundant. After all, since the Troll Jungle, the food in the team is only enjoyed by the two brothers Gandalf and Kili.

"The lord of the Iron Hills, Dyne Ironfoot, is Thorin's younger brother. I don't think he will be happy to hear the news of Thorin's death." Balin said.

"You mean, he won't welcome us?" Tang Sen said.

"The duel in Erebor, traveler, although Durin witnessed it, Sharin did not have royal blood, and still" he glanced at Sarin who was drinking his craft with a sullen face: " female."

"This is an unprecedented example. The dwarves of the Iron Hills may not agree with the result of that duel like we do."

"The Lonely Mountain does not need the approval of the Iron Hills, and the people of the Blue Mountains can move back." Qi Li said next to him: "Since we have recognized Shalin, we must use everything to protect our king."

He was a dwarf with royal blood who was conquered by Sharin, and he did have a say in this matter.

"Don't worry about these issues." Tang Sen said: "Trust Shalin, she can make you agree, and she can also make other dwarves agree."

The three of them looked at Sha Lin. Sha Lin swallowed a mouthful of soup with a bitter face, and looked at each other blankly.

"what are you guys saying?"

She raised the pot of soup: "Want some?"

"." The three turned their gazes back at the same time.

"If it's just to save the Iron Hills, it's enough for me to take Smaug with me, but your role is crucial." Tang Sen continued: "I need to persuade the Lord of the Iron Hills to send troops to Mordor, and even form a powerful army. cavalry."

"Dyn Ironfoot has a very violent temper. Unless he is a relative, it is difficult for him to accept other people's proposals." Balin said: "Facing the dark enemy, he may be willing to send troops, but it is absolutely impossible for Sharin, or you Come join his army."

"Even if it is deterred by the evil dragon, it won't work."

"What if it's Mithril?" Tang Sen said, "If I gift him [-] sets of Mithril full body armor, even armor for the mount, will he be moved?"

"Eight hundred sets?" All the dwarves looked over.

"Like the one you lent us before?" Balin opened his mouth wide.

"The premise is that he is willing to make Sharin the commander of that cavalry, and let all the cavalry accept the curse of undeath." Tang Sen said: "Can you imagine that scene? Undead dwarves in mithril armor, in the land of Mordor Invincible, any enemy will be crushed by the torrent of mithril."

A silvery fantasy flashed in the dwarf's eyes.

"Du Lin. If it's that kind of cavalry, I'm afraid even a dragon can't stop it."

"Fart!" The dragon roared next to him: "Nothing can stop the great Smaug!"

Only then did the dwarves realize that there was really a giant dragon beside them.

Well, that cavalry might have been a bit worse against the dragon, but that didn't stop the excitement in the dwarves' hearts when they fantasized about that scene.

"Traveler, no dwarf can refuse such an offer!" Balin vowed, "I mean, if you can, let me be one of them!"

"Me too!" The other dwarves responded one after another.

"That way I can rest assured." Tang Sen said with a smile, "Things that can be solved with Mithril are trivial."

"After all, besides having an annoying giant dragon, I only have a little mithril that I can get out of."

"." The dwarves looked complicated.

Is this human?

At this time, a huge tongue suddenly rolled over, the dwarves sitting next to the dining table were licked with dragon saliva, and all the food on the table was swept away.

"Well, it's not enough to fit between the teeth, and it smells like a dwarf." Smaug commented, poking his mouth.

All the dwarves glared.

Tang Sen stood up slowly, his face gloomy.

Smaug froze.

"I mean" it shrank back, "I haven't eaten for a long time, so you can't let me work hungry?"

"There are orcs and trolls all over the mountains and plains here, go find food by yourself." Tang Sen said bluntly.

"Oc. Smells like rot, and the trolls are slightly chewy, but it tastes like stone."

Tang Sen was speechless, did this dragon really eat it?
"It would be great if you could give me ten ponies, or fresh cattle, and preferably a few more sheep." Smaug said seriously.

"That depends on whether Tie Qiuling is willing to entertain us." Tang Sen didn't bother to pay any attention to him, and said, "Okay, we can get ready to go."

"Wait, we have to seal Erebo's gate first!" Shalin said hastily, "The wealth of the Lonely Mountain is stored there, in case someone else steals it"

"Oak won't dare to come back here anytime soon," Tang Sen said.

"There are also those humans and elves." Shalin emphasized: "Especially the elves, they have been coveting the Lonely Mountain for a long time."

"They won't, and they don't dare." Tang Sen said: "Strictly speaking, these wealth are the spoils I plundered from Smaug, but I don't need it."

"Smaug can smell anyone who takes even a single gold piece, and make him pay for it."

Smaug: "."

The heart wrapped in mithril seemed to start to hurt again.

"That makes sense." Sharin then nodded, "The Iron Hill is not far from here. If we go faster, we can reach it before dark."

"Don't be so troublesome." Tang Sen said, "Smaug's speed is very fast."

Smaug: "???"

"What do you mean?" It stood up suddenly and looked at Tang Sen in shock: "Are you going to let these humble, dirty dwarves ride on my back?"

"Your body is big enough." Tang Sen said as a matter of course: "A few dwarves in the area must be able to carry it."

"What do you take me for!"

"A carriage?"

Smaug roared, "I am a dragon! The noblest and greatest creature in Middle-earth!"

"Nobody deserves to ride on me. Except Master, of course. I mean, I, Smaug, would never let these damned dwarves climb on my back."

(End of this chapter)

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