People are in the heavens, wealth can rival a country

Chapter 216 I have no doubt that wizards can win

Chapter 216 I have no doubt that wizards can win

"A war sweeping the entire world from which no human being can avoid."

The magician waved his cane, and the voice echoed throughout the tavern: "Gentlemen, maybe you will say that there have been too many wars in this world, such as this—"

He pointed to old Tom.

"He has obviously experienced the last world war. He has seen how the flames of war raged, and those who wailed, cried and even died in the war."

"Many wizards have been involved in the war, but more wizards can still stay out of it."

"When the war is over, those pains and sorrows will become history. People can still sit in a pub, drink a glass of whiskey, and only think about the ingredients for dinner or tomorrow's work."

"But this time is different, gentlemen."

The magician's tone became heavy, and he slowed down, saying: "This is not a war between countries, nor is it a war for secular interests. Let me make it clear, gentlemen."

"It's a race-to-race war."

"The absolutely insurmountable gap between ordinary people without magic power and wizards with magic power divides ordinary people and wizards into two completely different categories. When the flames of war ignite, it is impossible to stop."

"This war will only end when one side is completely defeated, when everything we have now is completely destroyed, when one race completely controls the other. Oh, I think some people have remembered, it happened once in the wizarding world Such a war."

"At that time, the opponents of the wizards were elves."

He asked softly: "Should everyone here be familiar with this race?"

"The food on your table and the wine glasses in your hands are not created out of thin air, but come from the labor of an enslaved race. This is a race whose thinking has been completely reshaped since its defeat. They were forever the property of wizards, and such slavery has become commonplace by now."

"Elves and Muggles are not the same," whispered old Tom. "They're not human—"

"That's right, it's different!" the magician interrupted old Tom, and exclaimed, "Elves never thought of themselves as spirits, did they? Even before they were defeated, they didn't think they were the masters of the world. But humans think so."

"Muggles in your mouth think so, and wizards think so even more.",

He fixed old Tom with piercing eyes, and asked:
"Sir, are you willing to be reduced to the situation of an elf? To be deprived of your own independent thinking, to be completely enslaved, so that you, your descendants, your descendants' descendants, generation after generation, are in your For the conceivable future, you have lost your freedom forever."

"The funny thing is, back then your descendants didn't think it was a bad thing, they just thought it was born that way like you think house-elves are now."

Old Tom was taken aback, reflexively backed up a few steps, and hit the bar.

"It's impossible for something like this to happen to me. It's impossible for Muggles to start a full-scale war with wizards. Moreover, even if a war does break out, wizards will not lose."

The magician sneered and said, "I've always said that arrogance and stupidity are the source of destruction."

He pointed to the door of the Leaky Cauldron, and said: "Gentlemen, please put yourself in your shoes. If you are ordinary people, you suddenly find that there are a group of people in this world who can change your memories at will and control you at will." body of."

"Your wife may no longer be your wife tomorrow, your children may face you with swords in an instant, your life is only in the thought of others—"

"Wizards don't do that!" cried old Tom.

"But." The magician looked at him calmly and at everyone present:

"Ordinary people would think so."

"Man's greatest fear is never the known death, but the sharp knife that hangs above his head and does not know when it will fall."

"Can't he be called stupid who doesn't realize this?"

Old Tom opened his mouth and was speechless.

"As for arrogance—"

The magician continued: "Why do you take it for granted that wizards will never lose?"

He snapped his fingers, and an invisible attack shot out, drilling a round, regular hole above the beams and pillars in the center of the bar, even penetrating through the wall of the Leaky Cauldron, allowing a ray of light from the outside to enter, forming a A light beam like a channel.

"Is it because of the magic we have mastered?"

He asked: "I can easily kill hundreds of ordinary people, I have no doubt about it."

"When the war started, the wizards used the power of magic to easily control those high-level human beings, destroying the unity of human beings, and causing the social order of ordinary people to collapse in an instant. I have no doubts about this."

"When an army organized by ordinary people and their weapons, even nuclear weapons, come to the heads of the wizards, the wizards will have a way to escape and let the ordinary people return without success. I have no doubts about this."

"We have power far stronger than ordinary people. Even a young wizard who has not graduated, killing an ordinary person is as simple as waving a magic wand."

The magician's voice became higher and higher, and the affirmation in his tone even made the people present think that he was overthrowing everything he said before.

Until he finally closed his mouth, stared at everyone with those blue eyes, and sighed.

"Of course, the wizards who have all this take it for granted that they can't lose, just like an ant is too insignificant and no threat to an elephant."

"Just one question."

He stretched out a finger and said, "Gentlemen, a simple math problem."

"I don't know exactly how many wizards there are in England's magical world, but I can tell you clearly how many ordinary people there are in England."

"Fifty eight million."

"This number expands to the whole world, it is 57 billion."

"When you hear this number, you don't have any idea, do you?" the magician said, "Let me give you a simple example."

He raised his cane and pointed it at Old Tom.

"This number means that you need to face more than 1 ordinary people, and they are all your enemies."

"This figure means that even if you are proficient in Killing Curse, you need to swing the wand more than 1 times. If you can perform a spell in three seconds, then you need to kill without interruption, without sleep, for a full nine hours. "

He said these data in a tone of no emotion, and continued to point the cane to the next person.

"You too."

"You too."

"You are all the same."

"I mean, your wife, your father, your brother, even your child who was just born and hasn't learned to walk, needs to face this."

Everyone was frightened by Tang Sen's cold and cruel tone and words, and someone screamed: "No—that's enough!"

"Does that scare you, gentlemen?"

The magician looked at them coldly and said, "What will really happen is a hundred times, a thousand times crueler than what I said!"

"Listen!" The magician slammed his cane heavily on the floor, and said, "Maybe some people will take chances and think that after only one or two battles, ordinary people will be afraid and will succumb."

"Yes, some of them will definitely. They may regard wizards as gods and never dare to resist."

"But there are bound to be people who will resist, and they will try everything, even if they use their fists and teeth, even if they are lame and underage, they will do whatever they can, day and night, just to pull the wizard down from the altar .”

"Never underestimate the courage of human beings, and never underestimate the willpower of human beings. They have brains as smart as wizards. Most importantly, they have absolute numerical advantages."

"And we—"

The magician took a deep breath and tapped his chest with his finger: "You will die if you are stabbed in the chest by the blade held by an ordinary person."

"Your family members will die, your friends will die, and your children -- they have a long period of being vulnerable like normal people."

"Now, gentlemen."

"Please tell me, do you still think wizards can win this war?"


Someone sat down on the ground, and more people had pale faces and shortness of breath.

"Then what should we do?" Someone asked in fear.

The magician didn't answer this question, but just snapped his fingers, and a flame ignited above the bar. The next moment, his figure jumped out of the flame, standing lightly and gracefully on the bar.

Looking down at the entire bar, he slowly opened his arms.

"Our deduction game is over, gentlemen."

"Now, I can answer the original question, why did I come here."

His voice echoed in the tavern, other than that, there was no other noise.

"I'm here to save wizards and the wizarding world, I'm here to save ordinary people who would die in war, I'm here to stop a war that's going to break out out of arrogance and stupidity, I'm here to stop a war that's about to sink into hatred and the world of death."

"Gentlemen, I am here for a brighter civilization."

(End of this chapter)

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