Chapter 350 I, Tang Sen, Make Money!
【Product: None】

【Purchase period: None】

Such words appeared in front of Tang Sen's eyes.

Beyond that, it was pitch black.

"what's the situation?"

Tang Sen frowned instinctively.

"It's a little different from before."

He was sure that he had come to the new world, but there was no purchase target as usual, not even a purchase deadline.

"Is it because of the previous privilege escalation?"

However, I didn't get any instructions about permissions at all.

"It can't be turned into a free exploration mode, right? But if there is no purchase of goods, what about the rewards of Minecraft and the characteristic rewards exchanged for goods?"

"And what about my purchase funds?"

Tang Sen tried his best to widen his eyes, but there was only deep darkness around him, and he couldn't see at all.

He was silent for a moment, and the magic power contained in the extraordinary bloodline swallowed by the shepherd's characteristics began to flow in his body.

Because of the precise control of the ancient magic system, a simple modern magic was smoothly released.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

A little light began to be born in the darkness. The light was not dazzling, but it was enough for Tang Sen to see everything around him clearly.

I am in a boxy room.

To be precise, this place was more like a closed stone room. Tang Sen could notice the direction he was facing. There was a decayed wooden frame. On the shelf were some extremely old books and some sundries buried in dust.

On the stone walls on both sides, there are many murals engraved in seals.

As for behind him, there is a tightly closed stone gate.

"It looks like no one has been here for a long time. Not a great start."

Tang Sen didn't explore the stone room for the time being, but quickly looked down at his clothes.

He was wearing a set of tattered gray-black robes. Inside the robes were gray-white cloth clothes. All the fabrics exuded an extremely decayed smell, as if they could be torn apart with a slight tug.

"It's been around for a while."

Tang Sen didn't pay attention to these details. Tang Sen was already experienced in this kind of situation. After all, he had never gotten a better outfit at the beginning, and the worst time he was even buried in the coffin.

He began to grope carefully, and after a while, he frowned.

No purse, no ring, not even any decorations except for the rotten cloth that seemed to be used to wrap a corpse on his body.

Tang Sen closed his eyes again, feeling the sea of ​​his own consciousness.

Smaug and Daisy stayed safely in the sea of ​​consciousness, but he didn't feel the spell that could summon gold coins in the world of Harry Potter.

"After the authority is upgraded, won't even the purchase funds be upgraded for me?"

Tang Sen's face was a bit unsightly. Although he was no longer as vulnerable as he was when he traveled through the heavens for the first time, purchasing funds were still an important trump card for him to travel through the heavens. If even the purchasing funds disappeared, the so-called authority upgrade Where there is an upgrade, it is clearly a downgrade!
He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, tore off a piece of fabric, and performed the transfiguration technique. Under the effect of magic, the fabric slowly transformed into a round mirror.


The round mirror floated in front of Tang Sen, and Tang Sen's figure appeared in the mirror.

Not surprisingly, it was still his own body. Tang Sen casually brushed out his messy black hair, and then he was taken aback suddenly, noticing a detail.

He slowly raised his hand and spread his five fingers.

On the palm of the hand, there is a strange black pattern.

Words appear above the pattern.

[Wealth Rune. 】

[You can use this rune to communicate with the world and make requests to obtain gifts of wealth. 】

[Time of existence: forever. 】

[Binding master: Tang Sen. 】

[Indelible, inalienable. 】

"Procurement funds!"

Tang Sen breathed a sigh of relief, but soon discovered the difference.

"It seems that there is no expiration date, and there is no restriction that it cannot be taken out of this world."

His thoughts turned quickly: "The previous descriptions of purchasing funds were all gifts from the world, but they were all of a specific type. Now, it seems that I have a certain degree of autonomy in terms of funds?"

"No matter which world I am in, I can directly communicate with the world myself to obtain any type of wealth I want?"

I, Tang Sen, make money!
Thinking that the target of this statement is the world, Tang Sen suddenly felt a little absurd.

Is the existence of letting yourself travel through the heavens so high?
With a thought, he communicated with the fortune rune.

An irregular gold nugget appeared in Tang Sen's palm.

"Isn't it a specific gold coin?" Tang Sen was slightly stunned: "Is it because there is no unified coinage in this world, or is it because my request is too vague?"

This point cannot be verified for the time being, but the purchase funds still at least gave Tang Sen a little more confidence. He re-looked at the surrounding environment, cautiously did not touch the books on the wooden shelf, but began to observe the murals on both sides .

The mural depicts a group portrait scene, many humanoid creatures are busy in a plain.

The term humanoid was used because Tang Sen noticed that besides the human beings he was familiar with, there were many strange species in those lifelike images.

A lizardman with a lizard-like head, a dog-headed kobold, and even a dragonborn with dragon-like wings. Of course, Tang Sen also saw some races he was quite familiar with, short and bearded Dwarves, sharp-eared and handsome elves.

These various races appear strangely harmonious in the murals.

"Does this kind of mural show totems or fairy tales? Or are they recording real events?"

Tang Sen turned his head and looked at the mural on the other stone wall. The craftsmanship of this painting is obviously the same as the previous one, but the content is completely different.

A figure wearing a hood is suspended above the sky, and on the plain on the ground, countless skeletons stand up. Through the details, Tang Sen can easily identify that those skeletons are not all human bones, but just like the previous murals, from of various races.

"It's interesting. This mural looks a bit like the legendary necromancer. Such a profession is not uncommon in various worlds."

Tang Sen narrowed his eyes and looked away.

"If it were to depict a mythical story, the content of the mural would probably not be so concrete and detailed that even the skeletons of various races would be lifelike. So, is it more inclined to record the truth?"

"In this case, the world may be more dangerous than I imagined."

(End of this chapter)

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