Alliance of the Heavens and Ming Dynasty

Chapter 119 How to Save the Last Ming Dynasty

Chapter 119 How to Save the Last Ming Dynasty
"Zhu Houzhao, Zhu Youjian, what are you two looking for from us?"

Zhu Di said extremely displeased.

His body became younger, his wife was found back, and he planned to give Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Gaosui three brothers and sisters or something, but he didn't expect to be called by Zhu Houzhao before the specific implementation.

"That's right, don't you know we're busy?"

Zhu Houcong also looked displeased. He was studying the Dafa of Immortal Cultivation, which interrupted his great cause of cultivating immortals and delayed his ambition to fly to immortality. How could Zhu Houzhao and Zhu Youjian be responsible.

He is not just doing it for his own selfish desires, but for the sake of the entire old Zhu family. If he succeeds in cultivating immortals, the old Zhu family will flourish, and immortality will never be a dream!
At least he thinks so.

"There are too many problems in Zhu Youjian's land, and it is difficult for me to reverse them in a short period of time. This is because everyone is a family. If everyone helps together, the work efficiency will be much faster."

Zhu Houzhao said nonsense casually, he just wanted to keep everyone busy.

Why is he the emperor of the old Zhu's family, he is the only one who helps Zhu Youjian clean up the mess, and everyone should work together.

"How big a problem can be, you Emperor Zhengde has all-powerful means, can't you solve it?"

Zhu Houcong said in a strange way.

"If it's easy to solve, I won't look for you."

Zhu Houzhao said angrily: "The Donglin Party controls the government, the nine borders support themselves, and the establishment of slaves outside the pass is becoming more and more arrogant."

"In addition, Zhang Xianzhong and Gao Yingxiang rebelled, and refugees spread all over the country."

"The gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, the princes of various places, and the merchants of Jin Dynasty in Shanxi are all great disasters."

"The impact of natural disasters is even more severe."

"The Ming Dynasty controlled by Zhu Youjian is rotten from the root, and it is already showing signs of subjugation. If I want to solve all the problems by myself, it is simply a dream."

After hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, everyone's faces turned serious. All kinds of problems mixed together are indeed not easy to solve. Even if they change them, they may not be able to play well.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work!"

Zhu Youxiao patted Zhu Youjian's shoulder with emotion, expressing deep sympathy for Zhu Youjian.

He, Emperor Tianqi, was also deeply persecuted by the Donglin Party. The case of moving the palace is still a psychological shadow, but fortunately he has Wei Zhongxian to support him, which made the Donglin Party want to die, and even the Donglin Academy was banned. up!
Zhu Youjian is different. With his personality, he must not be able to play against the Donglin Party. Zhu Youjian must be in a very difficult situation now.

He guessed half right, guessed half wrong, Zhu Youjian was really in a difficult situation, but it was all done by Zhu Youjian himself. Not only did he not vigorously suppress the Donglin Party, but he also trusted the Donglin Party very much.

As long as Zhu Youjian has a normal mind, why is he in today's predicament.

"Come with us to Zhu Youjian's world, let's see who can kill me."

Old Zhu said murderously, Da Ming is his Ni Lin, whoever dares to destroy Da Ming is his sworn enemy, and he will kill him at all costs.

Emperor Taizu, the most prestigious and most qualified emperor, has spoken out. How can everyone dare to object? Isn't it just to save the last Ming Dynasty? What a big deal, let's do it!

Everyone passed through the gate of time and space and came to the world of Chongzhen.

Old Zhu acted resolutely, and immediately asked Zhu Youjian to find all the files. He had to confirm the situation first.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles!
This sentence is not only applicable to war, but also to political games. Only when the disease is determined can the right medicine be prescribed.

"A bunch of bloody bastards."

After reviewing the files, Lao Zhu was immediately furious. The situation in the Chongzhen Dynasty was not only rotten, it was rotten to the extreme, even the root was broken!
Donglin Party, nobles, gentry, vassal kings, warlords, Shanxi merchants, Jiannu, Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, so many moths and enemies, it is no wonder that even Zhu Houzhao finds it difficult.

There was a sharp light in his eyes, Lao Zhu was already full of murderous aura at this time, if he dared to destroy the foundation of Ming Dynasty, one would count as one, and all of them would die.

"It's really hard to clean up."

Zhu Biao, Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Qiyu, Zhu Jianshen, Zhu Youtang, Zhu Houcong, Zhu Zaidi, all had extremely ugly faces.

"Donglin Party, damn it."

Zhu Yijun, Zhu Youxiao gritted his teeth and scolded, and always hated the Donglin Party. In their world, the Donglin Party stirs up troubles and fights against the imperial power. Unfortunately, the crime deserves death.


Zhu Changluo laughed, his face full of embarrassment. After all, the real prosperity and rise of the Donglin Party began with him.

Not only did he cheat his own son, but he also cheated Daming Jiangshan like eggs.

"Zhu Houzhao, what do you think should be done now?"

Old Zhu looked at Zhu Houzhao. He was the first to come to the Chongzhen Dynasty and knew the situation best. He wanted to hear Zhu Houzhao's opinion.

The same goes for the others, all of whom focused on Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Youjian, the emperor of the Chongzhen Dynasty, had already been ignored by them. From the information files Zhu Youjian found, they roughly judged what kind of person Zhu Youjian was.

One word: stupid.

Two words: stupid.

In a word: too stupid to be cured!

Abolishing the East Factory and suppressing Jinyiwei is tantamount to abolishing one's own hands and feet. This alone shows how low-minded Zhu Youjian is in politics, and it can even be said to be extremely stupid.

Jinyiwei and Dongchang are the emperor's most powerful weapons to check and balance the forces of all parties. He abolished Dongchang and suppressed Jinyiwei vigorously.

"My opinion!"

Zhu Houzhao murmured slightly: "If you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside."

"Get rid of the Donglin Party first, and we can't let those idiots who can only talk about harming the country continue to harm the country!"

"Moreover, most of the officials of the Donglin Party are extremely rich. They ransacked their homes and seized their wealth, which can temporarily alleviate the situation of lack of money and food."

"Afterwards, nobles, vassal kings, gentry, Shanxi merchants, and warlords on the Nine Frontiers will be destroyed if they should be destroyed, and suppressed if they should be suppressed. At worst, they will use their heads to appease the hearts of the people, and push all the problems of Ming Dynasty to them. The conflict between the people of the world and the imperial court."

"Furthermore, the Jin merchants in Shanxi have been carrying out illegal smuggling, providing food, tea, salt and other materials for the slaves outside the customs. The elimination of the Jin merchants in Shanxi will not only relieve the financial pressure, but also cut off the slaves outside the customs from spying on the Central Plains."

"The most important thing is that the Jiannu outside the customs is located in a remote place, and the food production is limited. Without Shanxi Shanxi merchants to provide them with supplies, even if the Ming Dynasty procrastinates, the Jiannu can be dragged down."

"In terms of the background of the war, Jiannu, who has only risen for a long time, is absolutely inferior to Daming."

Zhu Houzhao talked eloquently and clearly: "Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong rebelled. Although the momentum is huge, most of the soldiers under him are from refugees. They don't know the way of long-term law and order. They only know how to burn, kill and loot blindly, and they will not succeed in the end."

"Just send a good general to lead the army to quell the chaos, and the battle will be decided. In my opinion, Sun Chuanting and Lu Xiangsheng are the best candidates."

"These two are rare men under Zhu Youjian who know how to fight and are good at fighting. With them two leading the army to put down the chaos, Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong can't make any trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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