Alliance of the Heavens and Ming Dynasty

Chapter 596 Fighting 9 Days Away

"We can't lose in the next two battles. If we lose again, we will be finished!"

Zhu Di said with a serious expression: "Zhu Houzhao's basic combat power of soldiers is far superior to ours. If we fight him slowly, we won't get any advantage. It's better to fight with all our strength."

"In terms of overall strength, we still have a certain advantage. With the tactics of the sea of ​​​​people and the battle of soldiers, we will not necessarily lose."

After hearing this, everyone felt a little moved in their hearts.

As Zhu Di said, while the advantage is still there, it is the best choice to fight Zhu Houzhao with all his strength. If time drags on, they will definitely be dragged to death by Zhu Houzhao.

They are not like Zhu Houzhao, who can mobilize at will regardless of their strength or resources.

If the time is too long and there are accidents in the country, it will be troublesome.

Some people in Zhu Houzhao's Taiwu Dynasty intended to rebel and make trouble, and their lair was not necessarily peaceful.

"Let's launch the final decisive battle. Instead of being slowly worn to death by Zhu Houzhao, a hearty battle is more suitable for us. Even if we lose in the end, we will have no regrets."

The most powerful Zhu Di and Lao Zhu both agreed to launch the final decisive battle. What else can everyone say, they can only follow along.

To defeat Zhu Houzhao, it is no longer possible for a single dynasty and two dynasties to achieve it. It requires their concerted efforts to have a slight chance of winning.

And this slight chance of winning is divided into two halves, one half is in the thirteen dynasty coalition forces commanded by Xu Da and Zhang Fu, and the other half is in them, the emperors.

The situation has reached the most critical moment, we have to be of the same mind, otherwise we will all be ruined.

"Li Jing, Qi Jiguang, Yue Fei, Hu Dakui, Wang Baobao, Su Dingfang"

A trace of fear flashed in Lao Zhu's eyes, and he said: "Zhu Houzhao's ability to recruit talents is too good. In all the worlds we have experienced, most of the talents have been searched by him."

"As far as we know, there are still many generals of the Taiwu Dynasty who have not participated in the battle in this war, and the combat power of the Taiwu Dynasty is still reserved. I don't know how much Zhu Houzhao has hidden?"

This tone was mixed with envy and envy, and jealousy contained resentment. Zhu Houzhao's luxurious lineup of generals made Lao Zhu very coveted.

Zhu Di's eyes were shining red, full of envy and hatred, if he had Zhu Houzhao's background lineup, he would dare to declare war on everyone openly.

With a profound background and a strong lineup, it is no wonder that Zhu Houzhao is so inflated and lawless.

Zhu Houzhao: Just ask, who else?Those who are not convinced stand up and hit you until you are convinced.

Old Zhu and Zhu Di couldn't read Zhu Houzhao's heart, but Zhu Houzhao probably thought so.

But then again, in terms of recruiting talents, everyone has made progress in the process of conquering different worlds, but the effect is far inferior to that of Zhu Houzhao, there is no comparison at all.

Most of the talents they earn under their command are ordinary roles, and their abilities are not high or low. Compared with Li Jing, Yue Fei, Su Dingfang and the like in Zhu Houzhao's hands, they are not at the same level at all.

In the process of conquering different worlds, Zhu Houzhao always finds top talents quickly and accurately, and recruits them under his command. Everyone is envious and puzzled by this.

Could it be that Zhu Houzhao failed to predict the future?

There are doubts and guesses. After all, there are many unusual things about Zhu Houzhao, which makes it hard for them not to be suspicious. It's just that due to their relationship with each other, they tacitly didn't ask Zhu Houzhao's old background.

However, even if they asked, Zhu Houzhao would not tell them.

Zhu Houzhao didn't even tell his own son about the secret hidden deep in his heart, so how could he tell these competitors.

"Even poaching the corners of my own family, my cousin is of course very powerful."

Zhu Houcong's tone was sour. Among the emperors present, no one was more upset than him.

Qi Jiguang, one of Zhu Houzhao's four great generals, and Zhang Juzheng, the current Minister of the Household Department of the Taiwu Dynasty, used to be his courtier.

Watching his former courtier turn his gun and hit him, this feeling is not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

The same is true for Zhu Zaixi and Zhu Yijun. Qi Jiguang and Zhang Juzheng have served three generations of their grandparents and grandchildren at the same time.

"Okay, let's stop here. No matter what methods Zhu Houzhao has, it has nothing to do with us. The most important thing now is to win this battle."

"If you win, we are still the emperors who rule the world. If you lose, just pray for Zhu Houzhao's conscience to find out!"

Lao Zhu didn't want to talk too much about the talents under Zhu Houzhao's command, so he reached out to stop everyone who wanted to complain.

Afterwards, everyone began to discuss the points that should be paid attention to in the decisive battle.

There is only one ten-thousandth chance of winning against the army of the Taiwu Dynasty with human sea tactics and military tactics. If you want to win this war, you have to start with Zhu Houzhao, the source of the war.

After defeating Zhu Houzhao, the army of the Taiwu Dynasty was nothing to worry about.

But it is not a simple matter to defeat Zhu Houzhao, not counting Zhu Houzhao's hidden means, but only Zhu Houzhao's commonly used three swords, among the emperors, only Lao Zhu and Zhu Di can stop him.

After half a month, old Zhu Zhudi and others finished all preparations and launched the final decisive battle.

This battle is related to the future operation of the Ming Dynasty. If Zhu Houzhao wins, the Ming Dynasty will be unified, and if Zhu Houzhao loses, the future of the Ming Dynasty will be full of wars.

Zhu Houzhao made a very bad start, which aroused the ambitions in the hearts of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. No matter whether they win or lose this battle, the balance of the Ming Dynasty will be declared shattered.

The armies of the two sides clashed on the gray prairie, real soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, the flames of war soared into the sky, and the blood of the battle was scattered all over the enemy.

Li Jing, the god of war, fights Xu Da at the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty

Hu Dakui vs. Chang Yuchun

Wu Mu Shenwei Yue Fei vs. Yongle No.1 General Zhang Fu
Pingwo Zhenhai Qi Jiguang vs Zhao Fu
The strange man Wang Baobao faces off against the titan Sapphire
The blade cut through the void, the spear pierced the sky, the sound of fierce fighting shook the sky, the majestic power swept across, and the entire gray prairie trembled.

The sky is trembling and the earth is howling. After this battle, the gray prairie will be reduced to a jeopardy, full of evil spirits, blood haze covering the sky, and gods and demons will be hard to overcome.

Soldiers will fight on the vast gray prairie, while Zhu Houzhao and Lao Zhu and others will fight nine days away.

In the deep and dark universe, Zhu Houzhao faced the Thirteen Emperors alone, and he still remained calm, confident and calm.

Confidence comes from strength, and calmness comes from fearlessness. Zhu Houzhao feels that his strength is stronger than everyone else, so naturally there is no need to be afraid or fearful.

"Zhu Houzhao, the final battle is over, what else do you have to say?"

Old Zhu stepped into the void, held the Son of Heaven Sword in his hand, and said calmly, with a majestic sword intent ready to be released.

Zhu Houzhao responded calmly with his hands behind his back: "I have nothing to say."

Zhu Di was very displeased with his supercilious and arrogant attitude.

Daming does not allow such an awesome person to exist, if there is, it must be him, Emperor Yongle.

Zhu Di held the saber and carried the majestic image of the black dragon on his back, with a domineering aura: "I don't bring any of my subordinates, and I face us alone, Zhu Houzhao, do you think you are sure to win?"

Zhu Houzhao smiled slightly, and said domineeringly: "It doesn't matter if you fight one-on-one, it doesn't matter if you all come together, the emperor will take it on his shoulders."

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