Chapter 323

The policy of building bathhouses has not been released for a long time in Zhengheiqi. Except for Shenyang, which has manpower, and hastened to build bathhouses in winter, other towns have not yet settled down.

Inside Zhengheiqi, he hadn't fully felt the benefits of the bathhouse.

Therefore, it is not true to build a bathhouse in Tongzhou for the use of sergeants.

Rather, Zhu Youjian was worried about the fact that no one cared about the bathhouse after it was built.

The only use of the bathhouses in Shengjing today is that Jiao Boqing will forcefully drive some people in the city who are so dirty that they damage the city's appearance into 'torture'.

The reason why Yushi was asked to help build the bathhouse.

Because it can send them off.

a piece of cake.

It can also use work as relief to solve some rogue populations that appeared in Xiatongzhou due to the war.

You won't say yes.

And this hole opened.

Gradually Zhengheiqi will send them more and more frequently.

Until the cooperation is stable, or they are directly included in the administrative system of Zhengheiqi.

of course.

Hygiene issues do matter.

Therefore, after the Japanese who arrived in Liaodong from the Japanese kingdom were given some warm clothes in Jiulian City and arrived in Shengjing with the freight caravan, they were all driven into the bathhouse by Jiao Boqing.

This made the Japanese people who watched the novelty and talked and laughed along the way panic.

"Quiet! Quiet! Absolutely don't make trouble! Those who make trouble will be slaves for the rest of their lives!"

Qi Xinlang tried his best to control it by shouting, which kept the thousand or so people from rioting, but it also attracted soldiers patrolling the streets nearby.

The Japanese Banner Ding who was in charge of managing these immigrants hurried over to send people, and Qi Xinlang then began to arrange for people to take a bath.

"It's just a bath! Wash it! Only when you are clean, you are eligible to see Lord Joshiro! Only with the consent of Lord Joshiro! You can stay! Then the execution office will give you work!"

Hearing that they were not going to be stripped and cleaned and thrown into a big steaming room to cook and eat, everyone immediately calmed down.

Take a bath in a hot spring.

There are many volcanic islands and hot springs in Japan, so they are not unfamiliar with bathhouses and group bathing, but the separation of men and women makes them feel unnecessary.

Japanese people lined up to enter the bathhouse.

The side is full of spectators, most of them are bannermen who have positions in the city and cannot go out with the army.

"These women look like they haven't grown up, and the men are almost the same. Why are they so short?"

"The group with the flags on their backs? There's a shop in their area that sells fish cakes, which are quite chic, but they're a bit poor and tattered."

"I still have a bit of skill in fighting, but when the Ministry of Industry sees them, they have a headache. Others can wear them if they are one size bigger and tighter, but they can't do it. They are two sizes too big and have to be changed. Cotton clothes are easy, and iron armor Cotton armor is difficult, and the weapons used are also weird.”

"Damn, looking at the bathhouse that Xiu came to use for us, it was crowded by them."

"No one has seen you go before."

Hearing that, the banner man with the Viking braid snorted coldly.

There's no such thing as a hunk in the old woods who would take a bath in the water at every turn, he wouldn't panic from the cold.

And those Japanese who had been on the boat for nearly a month, and some of them trekked in the ice and snow for several days after getting out of the bathhouse, all doubts and worries in their hearts were gone.

"The previous hospitality included white rice, fresh fish and meat, miso soup and even the taste of my hometown. With this meal alone, the Lord of the Black Banner is worthy of my service."

"Don't worry, although your father is not here, Mr. Liang is in this city as Tongxin, and he is your father's friend"

Among this group of more than a thousand people, most of them are the family members of the Japanese Banner Ding who served in Zhengheiqi before, the other part are the newly attracted ronin warriors, and finally some Japanese lowliest Japanese who were specially recruited by the black banner warriors in the army. citizen.

After Jiao Boqing came over to show his face and glanced at it, he made arrangements in a few words.

The family members are first included in the Japanese urban area, which is regarded as national treatment, but they are not allowed to move around in urban areas outside the Japanese area within one month, which is regarded as an observation period.

After the ronin warriors were simply distributed some warm clothes, they were also placed in the Japanese area to familiarize themselves with the environment before waiting for dispatch.

The males who were born as coolies had not received combat training, so they were sent to Qianshanguan together with the laborers selected from the Koreans who had been taken in these days.

Cheap girl?

Work on the third floor of the bathhouse.

Pull down the performance of the bathroom.

Those who don't want to send it to the factory to screw it first, ah no, it should be cotton and loom.

"By the way, I've checked them all. None of the people who sent them had wide sores. Jiulian City didn't mention this."

Jiao Boqing was very concerned about the Japanese woman's body.

"Don't worry, my lord. I have been inspected in the dark hall on Tsushima Island. How can I board the ship if I am sick?"

"That's good."

The planned immigration policy is a small test this time. If this group of Japanese people can be properly resettled and utilized, then the regulations can basically be finalized. In the future, when dealing with similar immigrants, regardless of their ethnicity, they can try this method.

Immigrants, after all, are not the same as forcibly moved slaves.

treatment must be differentiated.

of course.

This is the policy of Zhengheiqi.

In contrast, the Manchu Qing Dynasty was much simpler and ruder when it also presided over large-scale relocation and resettlement.

From the beginning to the end, they regarded the Han people in the capital area as slaves, perhaps even worse than slaves.

Therefore, those people who were taken away from the capital, whether they were the first batch or the second batch, were not properly resettled.

Zhangjiakou Guancheng was still occupied by the Manchus. The original Han people in the city and the brought craftsmen and Han people were all resettled in the south of the city.

At the same time, the supply of rations can only ensure that there will be no mass starvation.

This led to many Han people fleeing after the second team was escorted to Zhangjiakou.

That's right, the previous attack and losses outside the city did not make Man Qing give up the idea of ​​leaving the customs.

Instead, due to the reduced pressure on the front line, an additional escort force was dispatched to a total of 1 people, arriving in batches.

Because of this, the exit is a foregone conclusion.

Man Qing regained some of his original intentions.

Since the troops sent by the capital can still reach the area where the main force of the Ming army has not appeared in the capital, the search mode of half looting and half forced conquest has begun!Wantonly confiscating people's wealth, food, fodder and livestock!
The government has also gradually closed to the outside world, only strictly controlling the capital, and it seems that those areas that are out of control have been abandoned, and they are used as search sites!

When Shanxi Shanxi merchants sent the information to Zhu Youjian, it also made him nervous.

". Pass it on, let the sticky pole think of a way, use bribes, make a conditional exchange, etc., be sure to open a hole in the east of the capital city, if Jiannu has the act of poisoning and killing the people, it is also good for the Han people in the capital city There is a hole to escape."

But at this time, Hao Ya, who was far away in Zhangjiakou, was looking at the terrain and city walls of Zhangjiakou, and felt troubled.

He muttered in his mouth: "I have to find a way to tear it out, otherwise."

 There will be another chapter added before twelve o'clock, and there will be three updates after completion, and three updates in the next few days. After NO.20, we will start to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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