Chapter 337

The activeness of Zhenghei Banner Banner Ding is naturally a good thing.

And this activity must be maintained.

At least it can't be too rotten like the Manchu Eight Banners.

The reason for the corruption of the Eight Banners was to transfer all the Eight Banners into the customs, and gave them the privilege of staking land, allowing them to quickly accumulate wealth that they could not even imagine before. way of this organization.

And then hereditary.

That's it, who wants to work hard?
I don't have a chance if I want to work hard, I have to protect the nobles in the capital.

All this directly led to the decline of the Eight Banners' combat power after entering the customs. However, within 30 years, the Eight Banners have become a vase.

Everyone knows how bad it was later.

Man Qing knew it himself, from top to bottom.

As a result, when the Eight Banners were finally mobilized, the marches had to be staggered with the green battalion, and they could not walk together.

Cover your face.

I'm afraid that my rot will be discovered by the green camp.

You can't close the promotion channels, change blood in time, and you can't be completely hereditary, only hereditary based on military exploits.

Only in this way can the powerful combat power of the Black Banner Legion under the banner people system be maintained for a longer period of time.


It just sucks.

"Let's go! Stay at home!"

"I've only been back for a few days, let's go."

"You don't want to move even after you say it. You know what to do when you earn money, and you will come back in a little over half a month, so you can't delay the land at home."

Zhengheiqi needs population.

The need for slaves at the bottom is even more urgent.

This also led to the abnormal prosperity of the slave trade business in Zhengheiqi, which directly led to the fact that in addition to the fugitives in North Korea, the landlords in North Korea have begun to sell people to Zhengheiqi.

The wind of slavery was raging, and even the Cossacks captured by Black Flag City were not sent to Shengjing, but were directly digested internally.

The same is true on the Mongolian grasslands.

The good business of reselling slaves to the Black Flag country is spreading on the grasslands.

This was a good business when the Yuan Dynasty was alive.

The low productivity of the grassland and the oppression and usury of the nobles in the Yuan Dynasty led to a huge number of Mongolian herdsmen becoming refugees during the Yuan Dynasty. Nearly 90 households of refugees went south to the Han land to survive. The market, the bull market, and the sheep market are parallel and equal, and the human market is used for large-scale human trafficking.

In Dadu alone, the number of refugees is in the millions.

The closer to the north, the more crowded the city.

At that time, the Han landlords and Hui landlords resold slaves wantonly, and there were a large number of Mongolian refugees among them, and some were shipped overseas. The Yuan Dynasty had to specially arrange officials to monitor and rescue the traded Mongolians.


Then these rescued Mongolian slaves were either thrown to the nearby nobles of the Yuan Dynasty as slaves, or sent back to their original places to continue to be slaves to the local nobles of the Yuan Dynasty. Unless they died, they would never be detached.

How can you sell the Mongols?

That's our slave.

You sold us what to use.

Now that the Zhenghei Banner is rising, human trafficking like this is rapidly flourishing in the Chahar Mongolia and Khalkha Mongolia that are deeper in the Zhenghei Banner territory and grasslands.

Although it is not possible to directly establish a market, the scale is indeed expanding.

Because the productivity of the grassland is still so low, but the Mongols on the grassland know that at this time there is no option to go south to plunder to make themselves more comfortable.

In the end, Da Khan, who was able to lead them south, was defeated by the Manchus.

But now, the Zhenghei Banner that the Manchus were chasing after was also entrenched on the Great Wall.

Therefore, those who could not survive on the grassland were naturally reduced to slaves, and flowed into Zhengheiqi, which needed a large number of people.

That's not enough.

Banners have to do some chores.

Not only North Korea, but even the natives in the depths of Liaodong who are more wild than the black flag tribes, and Sakhalin Island.

There are black banner people who do odd jobs.

Only in this way can the slave market in Shengjing be a little more popular, instead of being empty every day, disappointing the customers who came to buy.

"As well as the place where the population is introduced, let's put it in Yaluwei first. Let's start the market first. I have passed the booklet to His Majesty for the mutual market, and there will be a reply in a few days, just in time for the construction of the city."

Now in Shengjing, Jiao Boqing, who is a little bit fatter, feels that life is getting more and more difficult.

There is a shortage of people.

After the improvement of production technology, Liaodong used to be poor, but now it is white sand, black water and black land. It was worthless to develop before, but now it is urgently waiting for development to produce more value.

A large number of slaves reduces development costs.

Too bad there aren't enough slaves.

Otherwise, once the roads are repaired, the fields will be opened, and the city will be established.

Liaodong was too fat to die.

He was scratching his head to assign the slave work for the next month, and a familiar forehead popped up outside the door.

"Boleguo? You are auspicious!"

Kai Maolin, the patriarch of the Black Banner tribe and first-class captain of Yundu, ran to Jiao Boqing from time to time after returning home with the army.

"It's really not good to fight North Korea. The south is fighting Jian slaves."

No need to guess, Jiao Boqing said straight.

"Why don't you try it? I know you are capable, but can you understand North Koreans better than North Koreans?"

"Then where are you going to take the papers from the prince! What are you doing here!?"

Kai Maolin, the authentic barbarian, said seriously: "One bang, then decline, and three times. If the first time the paper fails, and the impact of the war in the south, then the next time will definitely not work. With you, our paper will be handed over to the prince. There are more chances of adoption.

The one who lacks the most slaves in Shengjing is not us, it is you, it is the prince, and there are still three months before farming. If we can get one more slave within these three months, we will reclaim five acres of land this year. "


The savages were forced to use allusions.

After Jiao Boqing hesitated again and again, he also signed the three words 'Boleguo' on the booklet that Kai Maolin had prepared.

After finishing the work, I have to sigh that it is really nice to have two names and two faces.

"Send it yourself."

"That must be."

Kai Maolin, who won the joint name, grinned and walked away with yellow teeth.

Jiao Boqing also secretly had a headache.

It's the first time.

The nobles and nobles of the Zhenghei Banner were united unprecedentedly, and all racial differences and chains of contempt were eliminated directly, all for a great goal.

Get more slaves.

Get slaves from Mongolia.

Get slaves from North Korea.

Get slaves from wilder savages.

The Cossacks were all flying the ore manuscripts in the mines of Black Flag City.

If His Majesty hadn't been in Tongzhou, the fanfare of enslaving Han Chinese from Shuntian Mansion would have been inevitable. Just like this, the operation of entraining Han Chinese slaves on the ship to Daming had already appeared.

Now that an organized unit is going to raid North Korea, it has already shown the extent of the population demand within Zhenghei Banner.

Immigration policy and a large number of slave trade and slavery are not enough.

And the booklet for the battle here has not yet been sent to the pass.

Zhu Youjian has already seen this from the notebooks that Liaodong handed over recently.

Facing the cruel, barbaric and backward phenomenon of slavery that is rapidly expanding and seems to have no end, he raised his pen and wrote laws such as protecting the personal safety of slaves, elevating the social status of slaves slightly, standardizing slave trading, and punishing slave owners who abused slaves. .

And set up a special slave department at the sticky pole, trying to ensure the right of slaves to become freemen and even bannermen through military exploits and official labor, and the smooth passage of this ascension channel.

(End of this chapter)

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