Chapter 349
So Wu Sangui knew that Zhengheiqi was colluding with the Qing Dynasty.

Whether it is playing the highest level of self-respect for raising bandits, or Zhengheiqi, a large country, wants to annex the Qing Dynasty, which is already in desperation, by merging.

At least this spring.

Wu Sangui didn't dare to move.

Blocking the communication between Changping Prefecture and Tongzhou is just for self-protection.

Sitting next to an ambitious hero, who had already planned to annex the Guanning army, Wu Sangui's move was just to delay as much as possible, until the battlefield south of the capital had a result.

When the Confederate Army won, they together with the Confederate Army restrained the savages.

Even if the southern army won, the fruit of victory would be placed on the face of a fierce beast, and the situation in the capital would be difficult to predict.


The evaluation result of the information obtained by Wu Sangui is different from that of the Great Ming Northern Expedition army that has already assembled in one place in Tianjin, and the main forces of the four towns have assembled and are about to march towards the capital.

"It's also a serious crime to raise the bandits' self-respect. Anyway, after the capital is recovered, I will definitely have a copy of him."

In the big tent, the generals of the four towns of the Ming army discussed their affairs. A tall and thin middle-aged general with a goatee and a goatee sipped his tea and spoke in a relaxed tone, seemingly optimistic about the war.

Another general with a bright and friendly face on the side also smiled and said: "Brother Ming Fu's words are very true. I heard that there is a market. The army has dispersed, leaving only thousands of elite troops stationed in Tongzhou, otherwise we should be more careful."

"In any case, right now the army is aiming to recover the capital and destroy the Tartars, so we cannot start a war with King Pingxi's subordinates, but as brother Hezhou said, we need to beware of King Pingxi's real rebellion."

When Huang Degong opened his mouth, the kind-faced Liu Zeqing cupped his hands and said, "It's all up to the general's wishes, how about this, how about guarding against savages from the end of the future?"

Huang Degong waved his hand: "How dare brother Hezhou bother you, save the past!"

"I am humble!"

"This is the disciple of Mr. Chen, Minister of the Ministry of War, the son of Mr. Xia, the left servant of the Ministry of War, Xia Wanchun. When he was monitoring military affairs in Tongzhou as the supervisory censor, he was ordered by the emperor to recruit [-] elite soldiers. Now he just listens to him."


With this name, not to mention the newly arrived Liu Liangzuo, Liu Zeqing and Gao Jie, who already knew him, couldn't help but slander him.

What is it that people are more popular than others.

At his age, I still can't live to rebel and become a thief.

He directly ordered three thousand elite soldiers as "my teacher of the Ministry of War and the father of the minister of the Ministry of War".

The four towns chatted for a while around the young and promising topic, and Xia Wanchun was entrusted with a heavy responsibility to a place where accidents were not easy, and they turned around and began to discuss the real direction of the battle.

It can be said that in the second Northern Expedition of the Ming army that may start at any time, Zhengheiqi became a stable third party.

Under the leadership of Huang Degong, who was deployed with the rank of General Zhengbei, Daming began to delineate the direction of attack.

The Qing Dynasty also prepared strategies to defend against the enemy under the calculation of the kings on the front line.

But Zhu Youjian took the news seriously.

Although Nanjing was aware of the previous connection between the sticky pole and Jin Yiwei, under Wang Chengen's operation, the ties were broken after all, and the necessary information would still be sent to Zhu Youjian.

Old Ye's family is probably being closely watched, and there has been no news recently, but after Chengnan also participated in the market, Sticky Pole himself was able to find out information about the war.

Second-hand information is now on Zhu Youjian's desk.

This information is poor, so it is natural to make good use of it.

"A letter."


When You Shoulong heard the words and wrote at the desk, Zhu Youjian had a copy of the information in one hand, and said with a smile: "The enemy is divided into four towns, all of whom are important ministers of the Ming Dynasty. If you confront it head-on, you will definitely lose.

However, since it is divided into four towns, the Ming army is also divided into four groups, and they may not be united. In the Qing Dynasty, there are still kings Sanshun and many green battalion soldiers available, or they can imitate Tian Ji's method of horse racing, leading Sanshun kings to reject the Ming army. Hitting the underdogs, in this way, may solve this problem. "

After speaking, Zhu Youjian handed over the information at hand to You Shoulong who was just about to write: "Finally, I attach the precious information, as well as my assessment of the strength and armament of the Marquis of the Four Towns of Daming by my black flag."

In the four towns in Jiangbei, each town paid 40 taels of silver and 20 shi of grain and rice. When the four towns were first established, each town had [-] soldiers, and they continued to expand under the urging of the court.

Moreover, at the beginning of the establishment of the four towns, because the imperial court had no money, it could only temporarily delegate power to the four towns.

Give them all the military and civilians to be under the jurisdiction, the prefectures and counties to be under the control of the department, the battalions and guards to collect and sort out the old soldiers, the barren land to be reclaimed, and the mountains and swamps to be exploited; they are still allowed to attract business in the territory and collect taxes to buy horses for the army. The right to 'use'.

It's basically equivalent to cracking the soil to seal the king.

Even Zhu Youjian didn't let Longwu do anything about it.

Because at that time, Jiangbei really needed four warlords to suppress the situation, and one of the four warlords was half useful, and the military strength was really not strong, and more materials were needed to increase troops and arm them.

In addition, the capital fell, and the court was revived in Nanjing under the chaos. Without the support of these warlords, Ming Dynasty would not be able to control Jiangbei.

Now the situation is better, Longwu is rich, and the salary that should be paid will be paid, and the rights below will be recovered little by little.

As for the abuse of these rights leading to the collapse of the local government system, we will have to wait until later.

As for why it is said to be a half useful.

Gao Jie counts as one.

Huang Degong counts as half.

Gao Jie's character is poor, but he is really capable, and he is really determined to take back the Central Plains in the Northern Expedition. His intention is very firm. He is arrogant, obscene and vicious. As far as he is capable and willing to contribute, he is already a dragon and phoenix among people in Nanming. up.

As for why Huang Degong counts as half.
"The meritorious service is rough and fierce, and I don't know the meaning of the text. I was established in the south of the Yangtze River and commanded by the imperial edict. There are many small groups.If you get the credit, you will get the imperial edict or scold the emissary.However, loyalty comes out of nature, and those who hear that state affairs are regulated and admonished will always bend themselves and change without hesitation. '

He was promoted all the way through his military exploits and became the chief soldier of the Beijing camp. What is praised by the world is his personal bravery, his fighting style is sturdy, and he likes to lead the way with an iron whip.

The word loyalty and bravery was indeed carried out by him.

But such a combat style is obviously unqualified as one of the four Jiangbei towns.

So it can only be counted as half.

And the remaining two.

Nature sucks.

But helplessly, the four towns were promoted only after they had military strength, instead of being promoted to become the four towns commanding the troops.

In order to stabilize the Longwu regime, there is no choice.

Fortunately, this time, Zhu Youjian has the right to choose.

"Let Yue Le send it over, they know how to choose."

(End of this chapter)

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