Become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Chongzhen!

Chapter 353 Good Days Are Coming Soon

Chapter 353 Good Days Are Coming Soon
Zhu Youjian thought about it too.

The king is dead, and the son is on the throne, and the settlement of accounts may have to be delayed, otherwise a country will have to save face.

Even if he didn't dare to yell directly at Zhengheiqi, according to North Korea's temperament, it is absolutely necessary to file a complaint with Daming.

And that's actually just one of the reasons.

When Li Hao came to the throne, he was also frightened by the words "take what they need", so he couldn't and didn't dare to do any operations for the time being.

North Korea and China have clamored to sue Daming.

But across the sea, Daming had to wait for a while for his reply. If he had to scold Zheng Heiqi, Daming would have to send someone across the sea slowly.

Not to mention that it is still a question of whether Daming dares to send someone to point and scold at Zhu Youjian.

The last and most critical reason.

It is the formation of a chain of interests.

Huge cakes were tinkered out.

After Zhengheiqi plundered slaves, the Kung Fu of the Great Ming's Northern Expedition in Guannei.

The northern part of North Korea was not in full swing by the slave trade activities of the landlords and gentry who plundered and harmed their personal safety.

Trading slaves from the south and then transferring them to Yaluwei in the Black Flag State would make at least double the profit, and the slaves would be allowed to carry commodities on the road, so this profit had to be counted separately.

Buyers from the Black Flag country usually settled with sand and gold.

This money is earned, as if it fell from the sky.

Who can't be jealous.

King Li Hao himself couldn't help but put a foot in it. In recent years, the victims of natural and man-made disasters and starving people would die if they stayed in the country.


Then is this a business that can make more money than reselling white sugar from Daming?
In short, let's sell it for a while.

This money just helped him carry out military reforms.

In this way, after the looting, it actually opened up a business route for Zhengheiqi to provide a stable population of slaves.

Today's Yaluwei has just set up a large number of tents and a wooden wall fence.

On the contrary, the people's market on the side is booming. When the big tents are set up, they become inns, shops, bars, taverns and so on. It can be said that they are prosperous for a while.

As soon as the evening came, torches began to be prepared in the city, and at night, apart from soldiers patrolling, the city continued all night long.

A group of bannermen who came to buy slaves chatted and wandered around in the foul-smelling air. There were large areas of closed or empty wooden cages beside the road.

"No way, none of the sturdy ones were delivered today, and it takes a lot of effort to do heavy work."

"It's fine to pan for gold sand."

"Hey, speaking of panning gold sands, did you hear about the lawsuit over Jiapigou two days ago? A slave was found hiding gold privately and was beaten to death. The family hits [-] big boards! Can you tell me this is plausible!"

"Didn't it cause trouble?"

"It's making trouble in Shengjing! It is said that many Zhang Jing are not satisfied with this matter, whoever beats a slave to death beats the master to death!"

Under Zhu Youjian's urging, the slave department is expanding rapidly.

The organization aimed at preventing slaves from rebelling internally became the protective umbrella for the slaves in a short period of time. If they couldn't eat, they would go to the slave department. If they were beaten hard, they would go to the slave department.

Those who kill slaves indiscriminately will be confiscated by the slave department after being punished, and the slaves can be sold directly to the slave department if they are unhappy.

Of course, it is still possible to accommodate some money after killing the slaves.

Due to the growing population of slaves, the slave department has become an important department in Zhenghei Banner in a very short period of time.

"I hope the prince can change it!"

"My lord has always been wise! That must be changed!"

While talking, Qi Ding lost half of the cake in his hand, and suddenly a hand full of dirt stuck out of the wooden cage and grabbed the cake. The woman who was naked and her belly was still slightly distended stuffed the cake into her mouth and had fun outside The yellow dog was a step late and roared angrily at the woman in the cage.

"Brutal thing!"

A big foot came over and kicked the yellow dog away fiercely. Amid the howling of the yellow dog, the three bannermen stopped in front of the cage.

"how much is this!"

With a yell, the slave trader who was sitting drinking tea not far away hurried over and said in Jurchen with gestures: "Ten taels of silver, or two taels of gold sand!"

Qi Ding was furious, pointed at the woman's stomach and said: "You have so many bastards with your cubs! One or two gold sands at most!"

"No, no, no." The dealer waved his hands again and again, "It's fat, fat!"

"You bastard!"

Banner Ding swung his fist, and the slave trader screamed and ran away.

One person chased after it, while the other two stayed by the side of the cage.

"Hurry up and take it away, what else are you paying for?"

"It's a bad rule not to give money, the Yalu Guard and the Slave Division will investigate."

The North Korean bannerman took out a tael of gold sand and put it on the wooden cage, and the people beside him laughed and said, "Another North Korean was saved."

"It's not about saving, it's about seeing her with a cub. I remembered my old mother-in-law. My mother-in-law was sold with a cub at that time."

"Before I said I was thinking of my neighbors, but now I am thinking of my childhood sweetheart. Don't think of grandma next time!"

North Korean Qiding cut the knots on the cage with a short knife, and said to the woman inside: "Follow me, if you can eat enough, work harder, and I will let the child recognize me as a godfather."

Qi Ding on the side laughed in broken Korean: "You are blessed! Zheng Haqi is a great benevolent man! Or Pashiku!"

The jesting Qi Ding and even many North Koreans don't care about these North Korean slaves.

Even those who were originally slaves.

Because they are slaves, after they become masters, they naturally know better how to treat slaves as masters.

There are very few people who can continue to think from the standpoint of slaves after turning over.

Not to mention that in their worldview, or in the perspective of everyone in this world, including all slaves, Zhengheiqi is a place of compassion and progress.

Unexpectedly, when the regime is stable, the people are rich, and the country is strong, the slaves are given a chance to stand up.

"It's a blessing to be here."

"That's the reason. There are more and more cripples here in Yaluwei, and each of them pulls the cripples here with a black heart, and throws them away if they can't sell them.

Hurry up and go, gotta!Come and use my burden cloth to cover it up, Master Bashiku, hurry up, this is your own, we Niulu will buy ten low-class slaves!Otherwise, we will have to go all over the world and become country heads! "

Qi Ding pulled the burden cloth to cover the North Korean female slave, and hurried to call for his companion who was still chasing and killing the slave trader.

After whispering a few words to appease the woman who was thanking her so much, North Korea Banner let out a sigh of relief.

Most of the hard-working people should be sold here. North Korea sells more, and there are few slaves left.

Good days are coming.

He thought so, Daming thought so.

Daqing, who had found a breakthrough, comforted himself and thought the same way.

Because of the Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty, Dashun, who was on his last breath, also thought so.

Even North Korea, whose military reforms are gradually smoothing out while Gaga sells people to make money, thinks so.

 It's the last day, please~ There is still a vote for the monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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