Chapter 810 Go their separate ways

In the Ming Dynasty, one hundred acres was considered a small landowner, and above three hundred acres was a large landowner. If one could have six hundred acres of land, then in the Ming Dynasty the local county town would be a well-known large landowner, barely able to have anything to do with aristocratic families.

Those who are higher up cannot be called landlords. They are noble people and lords.

Of course, the land must be good, not mountainous or forested.

Naturally, the land divided up by the Han people was also good land.

Flat land suitable for farming and low cost of cultivation.

The banner of one hundred acres of land was spread in Ming Dynasty, which could attract millions of low-level common people who were hungry for land.

One thousand acres of land is enough to make a Han lose his mind.

Even if it is far away.

It is difficult for the Han people to leave their homeland, and they are also trapped and restricted by it. It cannot be said that they love or hate it, but they are just helpless.

But as long as you give enough, it will be different.

Allocate land to the immigrants arriving in the local area, and also open the door to the immigrant people, allowing them to possess firearms, light artillery, shipbuilding, casting armor, setting up pioneering groups, and allowing pioneering groups in remote areas to spontaneously elect their leaders. He also secretly promised and encouraged the pioneering group to actively occupy and annex the land and power of the indigenous people.

In order to prove that the Ming Dynasty was indeed doing this, reporters from many newspapers and organizations had already been here before the Ming Prince came to rule.

In terms of nationality, these reporters came from both the Ming and Qing dynasties.

This ensures that there will always be reliable and objective information appearing on the land of China, and it can also be compared with each other to offset the last doubts of the designated group.


The Ming Dynasty divided the land, and the Qing Dynasty also divided the land.

It's just that one is closer and the other is farther.

"If you go to East China Sea America, you can get 1,200 acres of land, and you can also join the flag and become a flag bearer, black and white flag."

The newspaper is spread out.

The topic of land division has long been a hot topic, and everyone likes to chat about it no matter how rich they are, but the people who like to read this kind of news the most are those who do not have land, are trapped in the status quo, and are looking forward to a new life.

Dockers love this during their extremely short lunch breaks.

The storyteller said that they could keep arguing for a long time.

The crowd exploded when they heard the imperial court's first policy of encouraging immigration to America.

"What kind of flag is this black and white flag?"

"Two hundred acres of land! How many slaves would it take to take care of it?"

"It's too far, too far. I'd say it's not as good as the Ming Dynasty. There have been many people going to America over the years, but I haven't heard of many who came back."

The Qing Dynasty's main goal was to attract manpower to colonize America, but unfortunately the effect was not very good.

It seems that slaves occupied a large number of jobs in the Qing Dynasty, but in fact, there was still a huge manpower gap for the Qing industry to start and develop.

It was different in Ming Dynasty.

Although Nanjing has been conquered, the remaining territory of the Ming Dynasty is only the coastal areas of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fuzhou, Hangzhou and other places. However, under the conspiracy of the emperors of the two empires, the old nobles of the Ming Dynasty whose interests were usurped by the New Deal added fuel to the fire. The newspapers that were not very restricted were fully It shows what freedom of speech is.

Newspapers were blatantly posted in the city of Nanjing denigrating the Qing emperor and the black flag owners, saying bluntly that the old Zhu family in the north had become "Huhua"! Not only do they not recognize their clansmen in the south, they also do not recognize our Ming Dynasty ancestral system. Many policies are contrary to the Ming Dynasty, etc.

This is still normal for some professional newspapers, such as tabloids, to spread rumors in the dark.

The Prince of the Qing Dynasty, the leader of the Black and Red Banners, once again sat in Nanjing and began to govern, and he wanted to collect taxes from the landowners in the south.

When the day changed, the common people were already panic-stricken. There were many alarmist words in the newspapers, and the Qing Dynasty all pushed them. The docks where people went out to colonize were crowded with people.

You Shoulong was surprised and embarrassed to appear among this crowd.

After only squeezing for a while, the official of Haidusi invited him out.

"Master Nanjing Tiger, why are you doing this?"

Liang Yu pulled You Shoulong's simple cloth and said, "I'm so willing to have a huge fortune. If I hadn't remembered your nickname, I would have let you get away with it."

You Shoulong stopped pretending to be an old acquaintance when he saw him. He slumped down on a chair and looked at the ceiling of the guest room and said, "Leave a good name in Nanjing. My family is not short of money in the capital. Here is Your Majesty."

"You have to stop! I don't know now, so there's no need to know."

Hearing this, You Shoulong smiled and directly put his fingers into the tea cup in front of Liang Yu, and quickly moved his fingers on the table: "Oh, it's not a secret, at least not among our group. His Majesty asked me to help Wang Eunuch. Lead the fleet westward until it reaches the Red Sea. At that time, the prince will continue to make a detour, and I will stay in the place called Cairo and dig a canal! When the prince crosses the Mediterranean, I can cross the river and return faster."

"Huh? Are you alone here?"

"It's majestic to go alone."

Liang Yu hissed when he heard this: "It's really majestic."

You Shoulong could only smile proudly.

Each of the twenty Jin Yiwei are the emperor's confidants, occupying high positions and wielding great power.

But not everyone has the reputation of being famous.

In the eyes of the upper-class nobles, these twenty people are naturally lords, but You Shoulong and others also followed Zhu Youjian and had seen and heard of them.

Know what a true reputation is and how to better leave your name in history.

Seeing that the overall situation of the world was certain, they could not sit still.

"It's a big win. Even if you go back to North Korea now, the place will be shaken, but it's not enough! You, Commander-in-Chief of Haidu, are so majestic in the world. Among the twenty of us, there is nothing shocking in the world. You must work hard. In the future, no one can even name me when I stand next to His Majesty.

I'm afraid you don't know that the monks and Taoists in the capital, Liaodong, and the foreign monks have begun to build ancestral temples for His Majesty. When His Majesty learned about it, he specifically asked us to erect them in it. Haha, I'm going to go After offering incense, the image inside doesn't look like His Majesty at all, nor does it look like us. "

Liang Yu clapped his hands when he heard this: "Okay! It just so happens that Nanyang Company is familiar with the route to the west. Don't be polite if you go there. Your name as Lord Tiger will be resounded throughout the Middle East!"

"Help Pei Wu first!"

"How to say?"

You Shoulong pointed his finger at the world map drawn in tea and said: "The leader of the Black and Red Flag is worried that he has no time to take South Vietnam. He plans to help and then kill the Mughals."

Both empires looked to the world.

Naturally, they also look at the world, and their achievements in history are not limited to East Asia.

Soon, the ships going out to sea in Fuzhou, Ming Dynasty, were one after another, and the ships stationed in the waters outside the port were also one after another.

Among the thousands of sails, there was a slightly dazzling black color mixed in, causing the surrounding Ming ships to retreat left and right.

More than twenty black-flag, Qing-dynasty, black-and-yellow-flag warships bound for the Mughals squeezed past in this crowded sea area. The Ming colonial ships could not help but curse, but after adjusting their routes, they were the same as these black ships. , each rushing to the future.

(End of this chapter)

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