medical treatment

Chapter 1036 I’ll rush there as soon as possible

Ji Mansion is a high-end community mainly composed of multi-story and small high-rise bungalows. It is about 30 to 40 minutes' drive from Huashan Hospital and about the same distance from Junshan Mansion.

The positional relationship between the three is roughly an equilateral triangle.

It was already past 7:30 in the evening when Yu Zhiming took the Phantom and arrived at the Ji Mansion.

This is Yu Zhiming’s first time here.

Looking out from the car, he found that the distance between the buildings was quite wide, there was a lot of greenery, and the facades of the buildings and the roads in the community were also well maintained.

The car finally stopped in front of Building No. 9. Accompanied by Feng Sisi and Sun Lin, Yu Zhiming took the elevator straight to the seventh floor on the top floor.

When he knocked on the door and entered, Yu Zhiming was greeted by the affectionate embrace of the little girl Song Qiao and the warmth of her family.

The Yu family in Binhai tonight, as well as people close to the Yu family, are all here.

Yu's father, Yu's mother, the Yu family's eldest family of four and Xiaobo's girlfriend Jiang Feng, the Yu's second eldest and his two children, the Yu's third and his two children, the Yu's fourth and her husband Zhang Bai, and Qing Ning, plus Enter Zeng Yan, a total of seventeen people.

At a glance, Yu Zhiming could tell that they were all human beings.

"Brother-in-law/Lao Wu/Zhi Ming..."

After a series of scrambling and greetings, Yu Zhaoxia defended with distress: "Lao Wu came here so late. He must be tired and hungry. Don't bother Lao Wu. Let him eat first."

After briefly washing up, Yu Zhiming, Feng Sisi, and Sun Lin came to the restaurant to have dinner.

The meals specially set aside for them almost filled a round turntable table.

Song Qiao sat down next to Yu Zhiming on the left side of him.

"Are you not full yet?"

Song Qiao touched his belly and said, "I knew that uncle you would come back late to eat alone, so I deliberately ate less."

"I'll eat with my uncle, so you won't be alone."

Yu Zhiming touched the little girl's head and said with a smile: "You have a sweet mouth, but you can't hide your little thoughts from me."

"Which dish you haven't had enough of yet, just help yourself."

Song Qiao pursed his lips and smiled, his eyes shining brightly as he stretched out his little hand to turn the disc, turning a plate of crystal meat in front of him.

She first put a piece into Yu Zhiming's bowl.

Seeing this scene, Feng Sisi chuckled and said, "Cousin-in-law, your little niece is simply your little cotton-padded jacket."

Yu Zhiming smiled and said: "This little girl is not a little cotton-padded jacket, she is just a little schemer."

"When I was working at the hospital in my hometown, I would often go to my second and third sister's house to have dinner after work. I often worked overtime at that time, so I didn't get off work on time. My second and third sister often left meals for me alone."

"This guy often does this too. He says he's eating with me, but he's actually thinking about the meat in the dish."

When Song Qiao saw Feng Sisi laughing non-stop, she felt a little embarrassed and said for herself, "It's mainly to eat with my uncle and eat some meat by the way."

"I have a small belly and don't eat much."

At this time, Qing Ning brought a steaming casserole from the kitchen.

She distributed the pigeon and sea cucumber soup in the casserole to Yu Zhiming and others, and then sat down on the other side of Yu Zhiming.

"Zhi Ming, is Xie Keke in a bad condition?"

Yu Zhiming nodded lightly and said: "Whether he can survive depends on his recovery tonight."

After a pause, he turned to ask: "Is there a place here suitable for parents to walk?"

Qing Ning introduced softly: "This area belongs to the old city area and has a strong sense of life. Although it is far away from large supermarkets, there is a vegetable market not far away."

"The west gate of the community is a large citizen leisure park, where many retired residents do morning exercises, play chess, and dance."

Yu Zhiming nodded and said: "So, this place is more suitable for parents to take care of themselves than Junshan Mansion."

Qing Ning snorted lightly...

After dinner, Yu Zhiming was held by Song Qiao's little hand and took a tour of the house.

This house is a flat floor with a loft, nearly 300 square meters, with six bedrooms, four bathrooms, two living rooms and a kitchen.

The master bedroom and study room were renovated into a layout similar to Junshan Mansion, and the study room was also converted into a soundproof bedroom.

In addition to the master bedroom and study room, there are two bedrooms with separate bathrooms, a princess room and a guest bedroom.

Currently, Yu's father and Yu's mother live in the master bedroom, while Yu Weidan and Yu Xinyue live in separate bedrooms with separate bathrooms.

Song Qiao lived in the princess room, while Yu Zhiming's three nephews were crowded in the guest room.

Yu Zhiming also visited the attic used as a storage room with Song Qiao and Qing Ning, as well as a large terrace of 50 to 60 square meters.

Seeing many flowers and plants on the large terrace, Yu Zhiming asked: "Qing Ning, do you like flowers and plants?"

Qing Ning chuckled and said, "I like it, but if you let me handle it, I won't thank you very much."

Yu Zhiming smiled and said: "That's good. I guess this terrace will be turned into a vegetable garden by my parents in a short time."

Qing Ning said with a smile: "This terrace belongs to us. We can let our parents modify it as they like without worrying about trouble from the property management."

"There's also the attic. I've also told the second and third sisters that we can do it properly and separate two small rooms."

"It's too inconvenient for three big boys to sleep in one room..."

Yu Zhiming returned to the living room and chatted with his family.

Xiaobo's first report: "Brother-in-law, the decoration of the Furong Women's Club branch is coming to an end and is expected to be completed next week."

Qing Ning took the words and said, "Zhi Ming, Cousin Jiang also told me about this matter, saying that she was going to hold an opening ceremony and wanted to invite you to hold an event."

"I declined because you didn't have time." Yu Zhiming said thoughtfully, "I'm one of my own, and I gave Xiaobo such a big renovation project, so I still have to support him."

"It's just half a day or a day's work, it won't tire me out."

Qing Ning bit her lip and said helplessly: "Okay, I will discuss with Cousin Jiang to organize a smaller event."

Yu Zhiming looked at the second and third sisters again and asked, "What suggestions do you have for the school treat?"

After exchanging glances with Yu Xinyue, Yu Weidan spoke first: "The time is naturally based on your convenience, Lao Wu, and it is convenient for Lao San and I at any time."

"As for the location, how about Qilu Building? I ate the Shandong cuisine there last time and it tasted really good."

Yu Zhiming nodded.

Yu Xiangwan couldn't help but show off and said: "Lao Wu, Lao Wu, as I said last time, I wanted to learn the mutton stew dish from the palace cook, Chef Gu, and I've made it."

"Now it has been launched in small canteens and is very popular."

Yu Zhiming praised: "It's very good. If you want to achieve long-term success in catering, in addition to maintaining quality and top-notch dishes, you also need to constantly introduce new products."

He looked at Xiaoxue and Zeng Yan again, and suddenly discovered an obvious contrast.

Xiaoxue's face became rounder, while Zeng Yan's face became slimmer.

"Xiaoxue, you have gained weight again. The knowledge you have learned is the foundation of your life. Don't relax your demands on yourself."

Xiaoxue touched her face and muttered: "I study very hard. The reason I gained weight is because I eat well and don't exercise enough."

Yu Zhiming snorted softly and criticized Zeng Yan: "Zeng Yan, I have told you a long time ago that studying medicine is a marathon. Don't fight for it all day and night, let alone work hard."

Zeng Yan also quickly explained: "Uncle, I have a regular schedule now, and I exercise every day."

"The reason why I seem to be losing weight is because I had diarrhea a few days ago after eating specialties sent by my classmates."

Yu Zhiming looked at the three nephews crowded together on the sofa, and found that these three guys lowered their heads and did not dare to raise their heads to look at him.

He wanted to ask about their studies, but he thought about it and gave it up. He would wait until they had some time to adapt to Binhai.

Yu Zhiming looked to his left, met Song Qiao's big, flawless eyes, and smiled.

"What are you staring at me for?"

Song Qiao hugged his arm and said proudly, "Uncle, you have become handsome again."

"Brother-in-law, you are the most handsome uncle in the world. What I said is serious and not a lie."

Amidst the laughter, Yu Zhiming touched the little girl's head and said depressedly: "Who are you following with your little mouth?"

At this time, Yu Zhiming's cell phone rang.

It was a call from Gu Qingran.

Yu Zhiming got up and went to the restaurant to answer the call.

"As of tomorrow, the Huashan Second Hospital construction site will resume work at noon. Dean Li went directly to the mayor."

After a pause, Gu Qingran said again: "It should be the reason for what happened yesterday. The old man with myocardial infarction, his son worked as a leader in urban construction before he went to work in the National People's Congress."

"I'm trying to hit you."

"But it's obvious that that guy has entered a retirement state and is not very well-informed. He doesn't know much about your energy."

Gu Qingran added: "However, the other party did things according to the rules. It is true that we did not complete the procedures."

"As for Vice President Peng..."

Gu Qingran said with a smile: "Dean Li said that you don't need to pay attention to him. He seems to be very capable, but if he is left in this position, there is a high probability that he has been tricked and he doesn't know it."

"However, Dean Li also said that it is not good to get rid of him right away. The vice-dean has been replaced one after another. It is not good if he is too frequent. Anyway, he can't do anything alone."

Yu Zhiming let out a light oh.

At this moment, Yu Zhiming heard a prompt sound on his mobile phone. This was another call coming in.

He looked at the phone screen and found that the new call notification was from Wei Xia.

Is this a baby coming?

Although the pregnancy has entered the seventh month, because they are twins and the children are small, the risk of giving birth at this time is still quite high.

"Brother, there's a new phone call. I want to answer it."

Yu Zhiming explained and answered Wei Xia's call.

As soon as the call was connected, a short-breathing, nervous voice squeezed out of the phone. "Doctor Yu, I'm blushing and my stomach hurts a little!"

"Dr. Yu, I'm afraid I'm going to give birth. It's only been more than seven months."

Yu Zhiming said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous, let alone worry. Even if you give birth at this time, with today's medical technology, the probability of the child growing up healthily is still very high."

"Follow me, breathe in..."

Under Yu Zhiming's comfort, Wei Xia's mood on the other end of the phone slowly stabilized.

"Ms. Wei, which doctor is with you?"

"It's the same director..."

After a while, the voice of the same director came from the mobile phone, "Dr. Yu, I suspect placental abruption."

Yu Zhiming immediately decided: "Monitor closely, I will rush there as soon as possible..."

(End of this chapter)

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