medical treatment

Chapter 1139 Everyone has problems

Use all the technology of the artificial heart in exchange for twenty patients with advanced cancer treatment every year.

Yu Zhiming thought for a moment and asked Gu Qingran on the other end of the phone, "Is that guy seeking personal gain for himself?"

Artificial heart can be said to be one of the cutting-edge research in the field of medical technology.

It not only requires a large amount of capital investment, but also requires a research team with top talents in various scientific research fields such as medicine, materials science, and engineering machinery.

Such a research project is being promoted by a powerful medical company. How could all the technology be easily exchanged?
The next moment, Gu Qingran's voice rang from the phone, "Zhi Ming, you guessed it right, it is indeed for your own personal gain."

"The man told me last night that one of his friends is a member of the artificial heart research and development team of a certain medical giant."

"For some reasons, that person was fired from the research team, but he was well prepared and had obtained all the technical information."

Gu Qingran chuckled again and said: "Zhi Ming, there is no shortage of guys like this who steal the team's results for their own personal gain."

"We don't have to worry about the other party using fake technology to deceive us. We will only cooperate in the treatment of advanced cancer after confirming that the technology handed over to us is real and feasible."

Yu Zhiming chuckled and asked: "The other party is not worried. We have just wiped out the technical information and refused to admit it?"

Gu Qingran said with a complacent tone: "I have to say that our Gu family, and my reputation in the United States, are still pretty good."

"Also, in this kind of shady transaction, sometimes one has to bet on one's character."

"Of course, the other party will also impose some restrictions."

Yu Zhiming snorted and said thoughtfully: "If the other party can really come up with the most advanced artificial heart technology, I have no objection to this deal."

He added: "There are only twenty places per year, which feels a bit too much. It would be better to reduce it."

Gu Qingran smiled and replied: "We only established initial trust last night. As for the specific exchange conditions, I will discuss them in depth with the other party..."

Yu Zhiming ended the call with Gu Qingran and saw Luo Yu walking over.

"Dr. Yu, I either eavesdropped on your phone call on purpose, or I just heard a word floating in the mountain wind..."

"Artificial heart?"

Luo Yu explained, and then asked excitedly: "Are you going to invest in artificial heart research?"

Yu Zhiming is not worried about Dr. Luo hearing it. He is sure that Dr. Luo can still do it if he is consistent with the outside world.

"Dr. Luo, you think too highly of me. I'm just a young doctor. I can't do artificial hearts."

Yu Zhiming said vaguely: "It's just that my uncle Gu Qingran has such an opportunity to get involved."

Luo Yu sighed softly, and then said with understanding: "I know that you have used your superb medical skills to attract several high-end foreign talents that the country needs. Presumably, this is also the case for this artificial heart talent? "

Seeing that he understood so well, Yu Zhiming smiled misleadingly and did not clarify.

Luo Yu said with a face of joy: "No artificial heart developed by any domestic company has been approved for clinical application. Currently, all the artificial hearts used in China are foreign products."

"I look forward to your artificial heart being researched and making breakthroughs as soon as possible, and then being put into clinical use as soon as possible."

He also lamented: "There is a serious shortage of heart donors in the country, and the demand for artificial hearts is quite large."

Yu Zhiming said slowly: "It's still too early to say this now. Such a complex and highly technical product is not easy to break through."

Luo Yu nodded and sighed: "Our foundation and accumulation are still weak. Compared with the advanced level of foreign countries, there is still a big gap between high-end and cutting-edge research."

He looked at Yu Zhiming again and said hopefully: "However, Chinese people have always been smart. It is inevitable to copy, produce and surpass..."

Luo Yu talked enthusiastically about artificial hearts for more than ten minutes, but suddenly realized that Yu Zhiming was not very interested in this topic, so he stopped.

After a moment of silence, he said again: "Dr. Yu, you mentioned last time about working part-time at Huashan Second Hospital. I asked the hospital leaders about this matter."

"The answer they gave was that they agreed in principle."

Yu Zhiming chuckled and asked: "Are there any additional conditions?"

Luo Yu chuckled and said: "First, this matter still needs the consent of the joint logistics department of the competent department. Second, the hospital leaders hope to strengthen more exchanges and cooperation."

"For example, our hospital also has many middle-aged surgeons who have been stuck in bottlenecks and have made slow progress for many years. If Dr. Yu, can you give me some advice in your busy schedule?"

Yu Zhiming said: "The People's Liberation Army General Hospital can be said to have gathered the best military doctors in the entire army, and some of them are people who can give guidance."

Luo Yu said frankly: "Dr. Yu, you think highly of us."

"For me, it's definitely fine to point out the major and medium-sized problems that occurred during the operation, but it is very difficult to find out the details that were not done properly during the operation."

"And what restricts their improvement is the small and meticulous details. We don't have your ability to detect the subtleties."

Yu Zhiming thought for a moment and said, "Dr. Luo, it's not that I don't care about your cooperation. I'm looking for trouble with this operation. If there are only two or three people, I'll squeeze in the work and I'll have time."

"It won't work if there are too many people. To be honest with you, Doctor Luo, there are still dozens of people queuing up at Huashan."

As he spoke, Yu Zhiming saw a middle-aged couple in their forties or fifties walking slowly towards them along the mountain climbing and fitness path.

I don't know whether he is tired or too weak, but the middle-aged man has to stop and take a breath after taking a few steps.

Seeing this performance of the middle-aged man, Yu Zhiming couldn't help but frown.

Mainly, he noticed that the man's body movements were a bit stiff and his walking was unnatural.

Is this too tired? When people reach middle age, it represents the degradation of body functions, and it is very taboo to perform physical exercises that show off one's strength.

Young people can tap into their physical potential by pushing themselves to the limit, but if middle-aged people do this, their bodies are in danger of going on strike.

Luo Yu also saw this middle-aged couple and raised his voice to warn: "Don't hold on if you can't hold on."

"When you are over forty, whether you are working or exercising, you must leave room for your body."

The middle-aged man looked up at Luo Yu, Yu Zhiming and Qing Ning who were more than ten meters away.

He took a few deep breaths, gathered some strength, and said breathlessly: "Thank you... for the reminder."

This sound passed into Yu Zhiming's eardrums, making him very uncomfortable. The sound was very rough, like rubbing sandpaper.

Yu Zhiming resisted the urge to cover his ears, and heard the man's voice coming next, "I am... terminally ill. While my body... can still move, I will climb the mountain to see the scenery."


Yu Zhiming didn't expect that the other party would be in such a situation, and Luo Yu's voice came to mind again.

"May I ask, what is this terminal disease?"


It was such an incurable disease that I felt sorry for myself.

ALS generally refers to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as motor neuron disease.

Patients often present with progressively aggravated muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, fasciculations, etc. caused by combined damage to upper and lower motor neurons.

There is currently no cure for the disease, and treatment is mainly used to improve patients' quality of life and delay disease progression.

Yu Zhiming saw Luo Yu looking towards him and said softly: "I am not a miracle worker. There is nothing I can do about this disease."

Luo Yu reminded: "You have cured many terminal cancer patients, are you not a miracle worker?"

Yu Zhiming corrected: "It is too early to say a cure now. Only if there is no recurrence within five years is a cure."

Luo Yu said: "I have absolute confidence in you, Dr. Yu. It will definitely be cured. There is no need to wait five years for verification."

Yu Zhiming smiled softly and set his sights on the middle-aged man again.

I saw the middle-aged woman on the side ready to extend her hand to help, but the man refused.

Yu Zhiming's eyebrows frowned again.

Only then did he notice that the middle-aged woman's walking posture was somewhat unnatural, and she was slightly dragging her right leg forward.

Has her right leg been injured before? Or is it caused by other physical problems?
Yu Zhiming couldn't help but ask: "May I ask, madam, have you ever injured your right leg?"

The middle-aged woman raised her head to meet Yu Zhiming's gaze and replied: "I have had right knee surgery before!"

Yu Zhiming let out a light oh.

Suddenly, he realized something and hurriedly asked the man: "Dare I ask this gay man, has your voice always sounded like this?"

The middle-aged man raised his head and said: "My voice before was pretty good, not so unpleasant."

"It's mainly ALS, which affects my throat muscles and changes my voice."

There's something wrong with this.

ALS is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressively aggravated skeletal muscle weakness and atrophy.

The common first symptom is clumsy and weak finger movements on one or both sides, followed by atrophy of the small muscles of the hands. When the atrophy is severe, the patient's hands can become eagle-claw-shaped.

There are also a few patients whose muscle atrophy and weakness begins in the lower limbs or trunk muscles.

As the disease progresses, muscle weakness and atrophy can affect the forearm, upper arm, and shoulder girdle muscles.

It then progresses to the trunk and neck, and finally involves the facial muscles and throat muscles.

Currently, this middle-aged man can still walk on his own, which means that his ALS is still in its early stages.

According to common sense, his throat muscles should not be affected yet.

Yu Zhiming observed the man's face again and found that the facial muscles were still full and there was no obvious sign of atrophy.

The order of muscle atrophy has changed. Is this a special case of the development of ALS in this person?

Or is there another reason?

Or is it a professional habit that everyone has a problem with?
Yu Zhiming raised his leg to face the middle-aged man and explained: "According to the development of ALS, your throat muscles should not atrophy so quickly."

"Let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Yu Zhiming from Binhai Huashan Hospital."

"Can I check your body?"

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