medical treatment

Chapter 494 It's Just My Personal Feeling

After six o'clock on Saturday morning, when Yu Zhiming left the bedroom, he suddenly found that there was no place to set foot in the living room.

After the party last night, neither Xiaoxue nor Zeng Yan went back to school, and slept together on the floor in the living room.

These two guys are the masters of how wide the bed is and how wide the bed is.

Their sleeping postures stretched all over, unscrupulous, really gave them the posture of a mighty army.

Yu Zhiming felt that whenever his foot fell on the ground, he could step on a hand or a foot.

This left him speechless.

Seeing that Qing Ning had also woken up, Yu Zhiming asked Qing Ning to give up the sofa bed, and then threw Xiaoxue and Zeng Yan, who were sleeping like piglets, on the sofa bed one by one.

He noticed that Qing Ning was yawning again and again, and asked, "What time did you guys get into trouble last night?"

Gu Qingning laughed and said, "I didn't dare to make trouble for too late. After eleven o'clock in the evening, everyone fell asleep."

"I mainly slept in Ning'an Hospital the night before yesterday. The bed was uncomfortable and I didn't sleep well..."

After the two of them washed up, they saw that Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Xiaoxue and Zeng Yan were still soundly asleep, so they didn't eat breakfast at home.

They ate some breakfast at the snack bar outside the community, and then drove to Ning'an Hospital...

After eight o'clock in the morning, when Yu Zhiming was about to arrive at Ning'an Hospital, he unexpectedly received a call from Pu Shaoyan from the Central Health Bureau, who was assisting him with his physical examination.

"Doctor Yu, I'm sorry to bother you, but is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

"Doctor Pu, please speak directly if you have anything to say." Yu Zhiming replied concisely on the phone.

"Doctor Yu, today a leader and his family members went to Binhai to handle personal affairs, and would like to make an appointment for a medical examination with you."

"I wonder if Doctor Yu is convenient for you?"

Yu Zhiming said bluntly: "It's not convenient, I have to be busy all day today, and I don't have time to take other jobs."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is my rest time, and I won't pick up work." Yu Zhiming replied not tactfully.

Pu Shaoyan made a soft sound during the call, and said politely: "I see, I'm bothering Dr. Yu."


Yu Zhiming ended the phone call with Pu Shaoyan, and Gu Qingning's voice rang in his ear.

"Listen, she is quite famous and coercive."

Yu Zhiming chuckled and said, "I found that the most efficient communication is to be straightforward and unambiguous."

"You want to be tactful and take care of other people's face, but some people dare to pretend to be ignorant and talk to themselves."

Gu Qingning smiled lightly and said: "This is also the way of survival for some people. It doesn't matter about contacts and connections, and they can only rely on shame."

"Xiao Bo has such excellent qualities."

Yu Zhiming rolled his eyelids, and Gu Qingning asked excitedly, "Xiao Bo said, you didn't enjoy meeting his girlfriend's mother!"

"Are you not very optimistic about their future?"

Yu Zhiming sighed softly: "In my opinion, that one is more materialistic. It's good to say that Xiaobo's career is developing smoothly."

"Otherwise, you will definitely be disgusted."

Gu Qingning said softly: "It's really embarrassing for Xiaobo to talk about his girlfriend now. His career is still in its infancy, and his future is still a little uncertain."

"It's normal to be disgusted by the mother-in-law."

Yu Zhiming agreed: "Yeah, if in three to five years, we have a car, a house, and a career, then we can talk about girlfriends at that time, it will definitely be faster and cheaper."

Gu Qingning grinned and said, "Girls also like to find such a boyfriend. The problem is, everyone wants to pick such a good fruit, and the competition is not as fierce as usual."

"The best way is to find potential stocks."

Gu Qingning moved closer to Yu Zhiming, and said, "Don't they understand the truth that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven?"

"With a powerful brother-in-law like you, Xiaobo's future can't be worse."

Yu Zhiming gave her a sideways look, and said, "My little Bo was raised as the pillar of the Yu family from the beginning. If my eyesight is not good, I will have to rely on Xiaobo to take care of me in the future."

"Let's put it this way, even if Xiao Bo doesn't have my help, he can make it out on his own."

Gu Qingning nodded lightly and said, "Xiao Bo does have a tenacity."

"I hope that Cao Yiyi can see the potential for success in Xiaobo, and don't be influenced by his parents..."

Between words, the two rushed to Ning'an Hospital.

There was a lot of work today, and Yu Zhiming threw himself into his work without taking a break.

He first did a detailed physical examination on eleven terminal cancer patients.

The large and small problems detected by Yu Zhiming were recorded by the one-on-one medical team, and then the treatment plan was adjusted accordingly.

At 10:30, Yu Zhiming rushed to the fertility center again, and performed IVF embryo transfer on nine women who had difficulty conceiving.

Then, he conducted pregnancy tests on four pregnant women who were pregnant with multiple births one by one.

These four pregnant women were the first batch of embryo transfers performed by Yu Zhiming after Wei Xia nearly two months ago.

Now they were found to be pregnant with twins and triplets.

With a responsible attitude, Yu Zhiming asked Ning'an Hospital to notify them to come to the hospital and let him do a pregnancy test in person.

After his inspection, he really found a lot of problems.

The two pregnant triplets, according to Yu Zhiming's comprehensive judgment, both need to reduce their pregnancy.

One person can keep two gestational sacs, and the other pregnant woman can only keep one child.

As for the two pregnant twins, one of them had a gestational sac that was very weak and poorly positioned.

Yu Zhiming judged that even if the fetus was not reduced, it would be difficult for the gestational sac to develop.

When Yu Zhiming told the results of the examination to the three pregnant women who needed to have their babies reduced, as well as their families, as expected, they were all very excited.

Yu Zhiming also understands very well.

Pregnant despite all kinds of difficulties, it turned out to be multiple births, which solved the problem of having successors once and for all.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zhiming told them the bad news like a bolt from the blue, and he could only save one or two.

A husband with pot-shaped hair asked with red eyes: "Doctor Yu, are you [-]% sure that if we want to protect all the children in my wife's womb, we won't be able to protect any of them?"

Yu Zhiming shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

"I can only say that according to my medical judgment, it is best for your wife to undergo a pregnancy reduction operation, and only one will be saved."

"In that case, the hope of a healthy childbirth will be great, and your wife's body will not be damaged too much."

The husband asked excitedly again: "Doctor Yu, let me ask you, we have three children, is it possible to give birth to them healthy and healthy?"

Yu Zhiming was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "Life is amazing, and maternal love is also great."

"It is also possible to successfully give birth to three children. But I personally think that this possibility is very small."

"I don't suggest, you take risks."

The man with the pot head held his wife's hand, looked at his wife again, and turned his eyes to Yu Zhiming again.

"Doctor Yu, these are our children, we as parents cannot give up on them easily."

"We decided to take a gamble."

"Honey, let's go!"

Yu Zhiming can only suggest things like reducing the number of babies, and the final decision rests with the pregnant woman.

The most important thing is that Yu Zhiming can't tell the pregnant woman about this kind of thing. If he doesn't have a pregnancy reduction operation, the child will definitely be lost.

He really didn't dare to swear so firmly and firmly.

Therefore, when Yu Zhiming saw the pregnant woman leaving the office with her pot-headed husband without stopping, she could only sigh lightly and stop persuading her.

In the end, of the three pregnant women who were suggested to undergo pregnancy reduction surgery, only the pregnant woman with twins stayed.

At this time, it was past twelve noon.

Yu Zhiming asked the same doctor to arrange the pregnancy reduction operation for the pregnant woman in the afternoon, and rushed to her grandfather's place with Qing Ning.

The old man lives in Ning'an Hospital, in a detached villa near Ning'an Lake.

Yu Zhiming followed Gu Qingning into the villa, and felt a strong warmth sweeping over him.

Obviously, there is a constant heating and heating system in the villa.

Taking the body of the old man who had undergone a heart transplant, it is most forbidden to catch a cold and have a fever.

With such a set of constant heating and heating system, in the winter with constant cold current, it can undoubtedly effectively prevent the invasion of colds.

Yu Zhiming walked into the reception room on the first floor, and saw the old man, his wife, and Gu Qingran waiting here.

After two or three months, when he saw the old man again, Yu Zhiming noticed that his body had lost a lot of weight, and he felt a little thin.

However, the mental head looks pretty good.

The old man smiled slightly and said, "Doctor Yu, I never thought that we would meet again."

"When I come back here again, it really feels like the vicissitudes of life have passed through three autumns."

Yu Zhiming laughed and said: "Old man, you have passed this hurdle, recover well, at least you will live a long life."

The old man laughed and said, "I owe you a good word."

He also pointedly said: "I don't expect to be a hundred years old. I can see Qing Ran and Qing Ning find their other half, and then have children. I will have no regrets."

Gu Qingning smiled not at all shyly: "Grandpa, just wait patiently, there will be a bunch of great-grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will surround you to make trouble."

The old man laughed and said, "I'm waiting for that day to come sooner..."

Next, Yu Zhiming took nearly 10 minutes to give the old man a full-body examination.

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with the old man's body. The cancerous intestinal tissue that was detected in the original examination has also been removed, and the recovery is quite good.

Not only that, the functions of the old man's lungs, liver, kidneys and other internal organs, driven by the new heart, have improved somewhat, as if they have become ten years younger.


After the inspection, accompanied by Gu Qingran, Yu Zhiming left the villa and went to the cafeteria to have lunch.

As for Gu Qingning, Gu Qingran stayed in the villa to have lunch with the two elderly people.

After leaving the villa for more than ten meters, Gu Qingran asked: "Zhiming, did you discover anything about my grandfather's body?"

Yu Zhiming didn't answer and asked instead: "Is the matching of the heart a bit unsatisfactory?"

"You can also detect this?" Gu Qingran was a little surprised.

Yu Zhiming said truthfully: "It's just a vague feeling. Although that heart beats powerfully, it gives me a feeling that I don't fit in."

Gu Qingran was silent for a moment, then said softly: "The time is too tight, I only found a heart that fits well."

"Zhiming, what is the pair of life expectancy?"

Yu Zhiming replied: "It's hard to say, I personally feel that maybe we should take more anti-rejection drugs."

Gu Qingran said slowly: "This dose is the best dose prescribed by heart transplant experts based on Grandpa's heart type, body and recovery."

"Do you think the dosage needs to be adjusted?"

Hearing this, Yu Zhiming was a little uncertain.

"It's just my personal feeling. I think more medicine is needed to suppress immune rejection."

"In this regard, experts should be more authoritative than me."

Gu Qingran said with a serious face: "Your feelings have never been missed, and you must pay attention to them."

He pondered and said: "Perhaps, you can find a few more organ transplant patients to verify your feeling..."

At the end of the month, do you still have a monthly pass?If you don't vote, it will be wasted.

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