medical treatment

Chapter 497: Rush to Reincarnate

Chapter 497: Rush to Reincarnate

Yu Zhiming and Gu Qingning ate dinner at Baiwei Kitchen near Zijinyuan Community.

This time, they didn't pack any meals back home, and ate directly in the lobby of the restaurant.

"The embroiderer's hand trembling, the cosmetic shop owner's color discrimination degraded, that Uncle Meng's physical examination of more than [-] people, the physical examination of Xiaoxue's British teacher's family, and a dinner for Dr. Cai and Dr. Weng..."

Yu Zhiming calculated the work for next week and found that in addition to the established work arrangement, there are also many new tasks added.

Gu Qingning served Yu Zhiming a bowl of fish soup, and persuaded him, "If you have too much work, why don't you put off the work that you are not in a hurry for?"

Yu Zhiming shook his head and said, "The more you push back, the more work will accumulate. It's better to try to solve it as soon as possible."

He took a sip of the fish soup, nodded and praised: "Smooth and tender, this fish soup is quite good."

Yu Zhiming put down the soup bowl, and said with a little complacency, "I'm debt-free now."

"In the future, you can pick and choose private jobs, and you don't have to let yourself be so busy that you don't have time to rest."

Gu Qingning said with distressed words: "Zhiming, you don't have to make yourself so hard."

"With your ability, no one can force you to work."

Yu Zhiming smiled and said, "I know."

"It's just that in the past period of time, I found that money is so easy to earn, and I couldn't help it for a while."

He also criticized himself: "In the final analysis, I have shallow eyes. I have never seen so much money. I was controlled by money for a while."

At this time, a fat waitress came to me with a plate of fried pork with garlic sprouts.

The chubby waitress placed the dishes on and off the table for the two of them, and did not leave immediately.

She asked nervously, "Doctor Yu, can I ask you a question?"

She hurriedly said, "It's just a small problem, how can I sleep without snoring?"

Yu Zhiming met the waitress's embarrassed gaze and asked, "Are you snoring yourself?"

The waitress said shyly, "Well, my colleagues who live in the same room say that sometimes I snore very loudly, like a train flute, making them so noisy that they can't sleep well all night."

"Doctor Yu, can you help me?"


She looked at the dishes on the table, quickly calculated the prices in her mind, and said, "Doctor Yu, I'll take your table."

Yu Zhiming smiled lightly and said, "You don't need to treat me, just lean over and let me check for you first."

The waitress quickly moved closer to Yu Zhiming, and bent her body down so that Yu Zhiming's hand could touch his throat.



The causes of snoring in adults are complex.

Mainly includes narrowing of upper airway anatomy.For example, tonsil hypertrophy, soft palate hypertrophy, tongue base hypertrophy, upper airway dilator (mainly genioglossus) dysfunction, and respiratory center regulation dysfunction.

Daily colds can lead to nasal congestion, leading to mouth breathing, which in turn can cause sleep snoring.

In addition, nasal polyps, turbinate hypertrophy, rhinitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum and other serious diseases can also lead to nasal obstruction, mouth breathing, and sleep snoring.

Tumors in the nose and pharynx can also block the airway, causing the soft tissue to vibrate when air passes through the airway, resulting in snoring.

Some endocrine diseases, such as hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism, are prone to snoring due to the thickening of the airway soft tissue, which narrows the airway...

Yu Zhiming carefully felt the waitress' respiratory system, nasopharynx and other parts for a moment, then withdrew his hand.

"Your snoring is caused by obesity."

Yu Zhiming further explained to the waitress: "Your oropharyngeal submucosal, especially in the soft palate, has obvious fat accumulation."

"It causes the airways to narrow when you sleep at night, which increases the velocity and force of airflow through it, causing soft tissue vibrations and snoring."

The waitress touched her neck and asked, "Doctor Yu, that is to say, if I want to stop snoring, I have to lose weight?"

Yu Zhiming nodded, and continued to introduce: "In addition to trying to lose weight, there are several other aspects that you can try, which may reduce your snoring symptoms."

"Doctor Yu, please tell me." The waiter looked expectant.

Yu Zhiming thought for a moment, then said slowly: "Try to sleep on your side instead of any other sleeping position, this will prevent your tongue from touching the back wall of your throat."

"Also, develop good living habits, quit smoking and drinking, and maintain adequate sleep."

After a pause, Yu Zhiming said again: "If you like to sing, practice vocalization and singing every day for at least 10 minutes. This method will tighten your throat muscles, which will have an unexpected effect on preventing snoring."

Hearing this, the waitress looked excited.

"Doctor Yu, I really like singing, so I will do vocal exercises every day, and I will sing."

"Well, 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the afternoon."

She asked again: "Doctor Yu, is there any more?"

Yu Zhiming smiled lightly and said, "Exercising every day can not only lose weight, but also exercise all the muscles in your body, so as to prevent the airway muscles from relaxing and causing narrowing."

"That's all, the solution is to lose weight."

The waitress thanked Yu Zhiming several times, and then ran back to work.

Gu Qingning smiled and said: "Zhiming, you are just too kind-hearted, so I'm sorry to refuse others and make myself suffer."

Yu Zhiming said with joy, "Giving someone a rose will leave a lingering fragrance in your hands. It's just a small matter, and it doesn't take much effort."

A few minutes later, the waitress brought them another plate of clams and eggs, saying it was her thanks and kindness.

Yu Zhiming readily accepts...

Just as Yu Zhiming was cleaning up the food on the table, he received another call from Bao Wan.

"Doctor Yu, my fellow who works in my hometown will come to the hospital for an interview next week."

"He wants to treat you to a meal and express his thanks."

Yu Zhiming replied: "It's because of his ability that he got the interview opportunity, I didn't do anything."

"I'll be working a lot next week, and I won't be able to spare time. When he successfully joins Huashan, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet him."

Bao Wan groaned during the call, and then continued: "Without your recommendation, Dr. Yu, I would not be able to enter Dean Tan's office, and Dean Tan would not carefully review my fellow's papers and materials."

"I know this, and so do my fellow villagers."

Yu Zhiming still said modestly: "My recommendation is not the key. Gold always shines. It is your fellow countryman's own strength that plays a decisive role."

Bao Guan smiled lightly during the call, did not continue this topic, and instead said: "Dr. Yu, I have already transferred to the General Surgery Department, and I have been doing rotation training with Dr. Wang..."

After finishing the phone call with Bao Wan, Yu Zhiming and Qing Ning also finished their dinner.

The two checked out and left, and drove back to the Zijinyuan community, only to find that the parking space was occupied.

Parked in their parking space was a black BMW.

Yu Zhiming and Qing Ning circled the car twice, but did not find the contact information left by the owner.

This made the two very angry.

"To Ming, should we plug steel wool into the exhaust pipe of the car, or use glue to block the wipers, glass cracks, and water spray holes?"

Seeing Qing Ning's eagerness to try, Yu Zhiming criticized with a stern face: "We are civilized people, how can we do such vulgar things that damage vehicles?"

After a pause, he said softly again: "Steel balls and glue have to be bought in a small shop. It's too troublesome. Why don't we use medical tape to change his license plate number?"

Gu Qingning said with a smile on her eyebrows: "Good idea, let's do this to teach the car owner an unforgettable lesson."

Next, Yu Zhiming took out a piece of medical tape and scissors from the medical first aid kit on the Mercedes-Benz.

Then, together with Qing Ning, he changed the number "1" on the front and rear license plates of the BMW to the letter "L".

After the two finished this matter, they drove out of the community, found a paid parking lot in a nearby shopping mall, parked their car, and then took a leisurely walk to the community.

At this time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

It was freezing cold, and there were not many people on the road.

Gu Qingning walked for hundreds of meters holding Yu Zhiming's arm, then suddenly changed direction, and pulled Yu Zhiming to a small roadside shop.

Yu Zhiming understood at a glance that this store has an electric sweet potato oven that is still working.

He picked three big baked sweet potatoes, and when he paid the bill, he found out that it cost 53 yuan.

Even though Yu Zhiming didn't lack this little money, in his heart, he still felt that it wasn't worth it.

In my hometown, during the harvest season when fresh sweet potatoes are concentrated on the market, it is only three to fifty cents a catty.

Unexpectedly, in Binhai in winter, this baked sweet potato has transformed into a market for high-end snacks...

Holding the warm sweet potato in his hands, Yu Zhiming took a small bite, and the familiar sweet taste spread in his mouth.

To be honest, this baked sweet potato tastes really good.

The two walked back along the road between the two neighborhoods while eating steaming sweet potatoes.

At this moment, Yu Zhiming suddenly heard the piercing sound of a motorcycle coming from far and near.

This made Yu Zhi extremely uncomfortable.

He was afraid to hear such a sharp and piercing sound.

Yu Zhiming quickly covered his ears.

The next moment, a motorcycle came head-on with a high-pitched engine sound, whizzing past them like lightning.

The cold wind blown by the motorcycle cut across Yu Zhiming's face like a knife.

"Damn it, rush to reincarnate."

Yu Zhiming cursed cursingly, then turned his head and followed the motorcycle.

He saw a scene of surprise.

A large piece of light reflecting light fell from the sky and hit the front of the motorcycle with a bang.

Then it splashed into countless tiny fragments.

It's ice cubes!
Yu Zhiming, who had a clear understanding in his heart, then saw the motorcycle slipping and twisting.

Then in the next moment, the entire motorcycle, as well as the rider on the motorcycle, rolled and flew out...

 On the first day of the first month, ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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