medical treatment

Chapter 782 She, or Her

Chapter 782 She, or Her

"Doctor Yu, Doctor Ding, and Doctor Duan, let's get to know each other again. My name is Chu Youyou."

Chu Youyou took the initiative to say her name, and asked expectantly: "Doctor Yu, my heart, what good treatment do you have?"

Yu Zhiming shook his head lightly and said, "I'm going to disappoint you. I can only notice that there is a problem with your heart condition. As for how to treat it, I have no idea."

"Healing is my weakness."

Chu Youyou didn't see much disappointment on her face, and sighed softly: "I knew it would be this result."

"If you, Doctor Yu, can easily come up with the solution, my grandfather's decades of research will be a joke."

She also introduced: "Our Chu family's genetic disease that only appears in women should have existed in the late Qing Dynasty."

"According to the family tree records of our Chu family, since then, no daughter of my Chu family has lived past the age of 50."

Duan Yi sighed lightly and asked, "Are there no exceptions?"

Chu Youyou nodded, and said with a heavy face: "There is no exception. In recent years, my two aunts passed away at the age of 47 and 49 respectively."

Yu Zhiming asked, "Have you tried heart transplantation?"

Chu Youyou said slowly: "Our Chu family women usually have obvious symptoms of heart failure around the age of 40, but they are not yet up to the level of heart transplantation."

"It has been procrastinating for several years, until one day the heart condition suddenly took a turn for the worse, leaving no time to wait for a heart donor."

After a pause, Chu Youyou turned to ask: "Doctor Yu, I have a cousin who is 43 years old and has symptoms of heart failure. Could you please check it?"

"No problem." Yu Zhiming replied very simply.

He was also very curious about the Chu family's genetic heart disease, which was passed on from daughter to son, and had some peculiar manifestations.

The next moment, Yu Zhiming added: "However, I need your cousin to come to me for an examination."

Chu Youyou pursed her lips and smiled lightly, "You're very wary."

"Hey, Doctor Yu, can you tell me frankly that you chose to reject our invitation because you have a problem with our Chu family?"

"Or, another reason?"

"Our Chu family is full of sincerity and is willing to pay 200 million for Dr. Yu to assist you in this skull base tumor surgery."

One operation cost 200 million. Duan Yi was shocked by this figure. An egg could be stuffed into her small mouth.

Ding Ye saw the look of disgust in his eyes, and reached out his hand to lift her chin.

Yu Zhiming didn't bother to pay attention to the small movements of these two people, instead of answering, he asked: "Miss Chu, I don't understand, why do I have to go to the capital to assist in the operation?"

"It doesn't take much to transfer patients to me, and you can save a lot of money."

Yu Zhiming said arrogantly: "The ones who go and come here basically delay my day."

"If I really want to let go of my hands and feet to make money, I can earn it in one day, let alone 200 million or 500 million."

Hearing this, Ding Ye looked at Duan Yi beside him, and saw her covering her small mouth with her hands.

It's just that her eyes were staring so wide that their eyeballs were about to fly out.

Chu Youyou was silent for a moment, smiled bitterly, and said, "Doctor Yu, the root cause is that the slogan of Jingcheng Hospital has been shouted too high for so many years, and the ceiling of the domestic medical industry has been raised so high that it cannot be lowered."

"My grandfathers and uncles have also been kidnapped by this vanity, and they are all desperately maintaining it."

Chu Youyou met Yu Zhiming's gaze, and said with resentment on her face: "It's okay to say before, that a certain famous doctor really came out, and we can sincerely bring out an expert whose medical skills are between brothers, fight lawsuits, and brag about it in business .”

"However, Doctor Yu's sudden birth has caused our Jingcheng Hospital to suffer completely."

Chu Youyou pursed her mouth, looking pitiful.

"Your knowledgeable detection ability, your skull base tumor puncture, and your advanced cancer treatment, we really can't come up with a doctor who can compete with it, and we can't do it with the strength of the whole hospital."

Duan Yi couldn't see her pretending to be pitiful, so she teased: "Dr. Yu's ability is so great that you have made trouble. Could it be that Dr. Yu was wrong?"

Chu Youyou didn't pay attention to Duan Yi, but seeing Yu Zhiming kept a straight face and didn't show any expression of pity and pity, so she stopped acting cute and pitiful.

She said with a straight face: "Of course it's not Dr. Yu's fault, it's just us being anxious."

"Our Jingcheng Hospital still has the habit of poaching people away when they can't compare. The problem is still..."

"Dr. Yu is so outstanding, Huashan Hospital will definitely not let him go, and we will not offer Dr. Yu any conditions that he cannot refuse."

"As for choosing cooperation..."

Chu Youyou lamented: "Judging from the current situation, we sincerely have no initiative in the cooperation."

"Once a patient is transferred to Huashan Hospital for treatment, it means that our Jingcheng Hospital publicly admits that it is no longer the ceiling of the domestic medical industry."

"It is very likely that there will be an avalanche-like chain reaction, and the high-value customers who often come to Jingcheng Hospital will lose."

"Without sufficient income, high wages will be difficult to maintain, and existing medical professionals may leave..."

Yu Zhiming interrupted: "It's not as miserable as you said. Our country has a large population and a vast territory. Let alone one Jingcheng Hospital, even ten Jingcheng Hospitals can accommodate it."

Chu Youyou agreed: "Actually, I think so too, so don't worry too much, but the elders in the family don't think so."

"They also said that because of your appearance, Dr. Yu, the hospital has lost high-value customers."

This made Yu Zhiming think of Gao Fu and Chai Jun.

He said mockingly: "The main reason is that your hearts are too dark, and you will need 1000 million or 3000 million treatment fees every now and then."

"The money of the rich is not brought by strong winds. If there is a better choice, they will definitely abandon you as soon as possible."

Chu Youyou said with a sneer: "I really don't know how much the hospital charges them, but the services provided by our hospital are definitely the first in the industry."

Ding Ye understood a little bit, and said with a smile: "Before, you were known as the ceiling of medical skills in the industry. How much money do you want? Those high-value customers have no choice but to accept it."

"Now that they have better choices, they naturally don't want to be taken advantage of any more, and you don't want to raise the price."

Chu Youyou smiled awkwardly again.

Yu Zhiming said: "It's just that the profits are no longer as huge as they used to be, and it's not that they can't sustain it and are going to close."

Duan Yi teased: "It should be easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal."

"I'm used to making millions of dollars, but I don't like the speed of making tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands..."

After chatting for a few more minutes, Chu Youyou, who was back to normal, thanked Yu Zhiming again, said goodbye and left the examination room.

When the door of the examination room was closed, Ding Ye pondered and said, "Is she here to play the bitterness card?"

Yu Zhiming said casually, "Maybe."

"However, the capital is too far away, no matter how rich they are, and no matter how extravagant they talk, I can't be tired and often go to the capital to throw knives."

Duan Yi nodded and said: "Only other people come to accommodate Dr. Yu, how can it be possible for Dr. Yu to accommodate others."

Ding Ye pondered and said: "Doctor Yu, this Chu Youyou seems to be honest, but she has a lot of thoughts."

Duan Yi interjected, "I could tell right away that she is a typical green tea girl."

"If it wasn't for the workbench blocking her, she would definitely throw herself into Dr. Yu's arms."

Yu Zhiming gave Duan Yi a sideways look, and asked, "You react so strongly, have you ever been hurt by someone similar?"

Duan Yi showed a sad expression.

"Doctor Yu, I can't bear to look back on the past. I gave up my bright future in Binhai for that bastard, and resolutely went back to the provincial capital with him."

"I didn't expect a typical green tea girl to be so obsessed with him within two or three months."

Yu Zhiming smiled lightly: "This is a good thing. You should thank that green tea girl for making you recognize the essence of that person in time, and giving you a chance to choose and change again."

Duan Yi nodded lightly and said, "Doctor Yu, from your point of view, there are many reasons."

"If you get married and have a baby, then..."

Duan Yi trembled all over, and said in fear: "At that time, I will be completely destroyed in the hands of that stinky man."

Yu Zhiming looked at the time and said, "Okay, stop rambling, let's continue."

Ding Ye and Duan Yi, who heard this, quickly calmed down and listened intently...

But less than half an hour later, Yu Zhiming was interrupted by an unexpected visitor again.

This time it was a middle-aged woman with a high ponytail, a limp walking, ordinary clothes, and a dark red complexion.

Moreover, there was a scar on her face that ran across her nose and crossed half of her face.

The woman who broke in didn't seem to expect that there were so many people in the room, she turned around and ran out as if frightened, and bumped her head into the chest of the middle-aged man who followed in.

The woman's strength was not small, and she directly hit the middle-aged man and clutched his chest, grinning in pain.

The woman also took two or three steps back, then covered her forehead, opened her mouth, and began to cry.

This cry, and the unscrupulous crying, didn't sound like an adult crying at all, but more like a six or seven-year-old girl crying loudly.

Yu Zhiming looked at the man and asked, "Boss Yue, is this your ex-girlfriend or his girlfriend's sister?"

Yue Qingsong, a merchant of Chinese herbal medicines endured his discomfort, and hurriedly introduced, "Doctor Yu, it's her or her!"

"Her brain was injured in that accident, and now she has the intelligence level of a five or six-year-old."

"Doctor Yu, I'll coax her right now!"

Yue Qingsong came to the woman who was still crying, and gently persuaded, "As long as you don't cry, I'll give you a piece of chocolate, okay?"

"One piece is not enough, two pieces are needed!" The woman stopped crying immediately, and replied with some sobs!

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(End of this chapter)

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