medical treatment

Chapter 801 Blocking and suppressing

Chapter 801 Blocking and suppressing (seeking a monthly ticket)
At nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Zhiming completed the physical examination of a total of 30 people at Ning'an Hospital.

Generally speaking, Tu Zheng from the capital has the most serious condition and needs to pay attention to the maintenance of three internal organs.

As for other people, in addition to their original basic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, Yu Zhiming also discovered that three or five people have minor physical problems that need treatment or focus on in daily life.

After finishing all the work in Ning'an Hospital, Yu Zhiming and Qing Ning didn't stop much, and drove back home.

After Qing Ning drove the car onto the main road, she said, "That guy with the surname Tu is probably used to being flattered by others in the capital, so he acts like a boss."

"Zhiming, you don't have to worry about him causing trouble."

"My brother said that people like him are used to bullying the weak and shying away from the strong. Even if he doesn't know how powerful you are, someone will warn him not to mess around when he returns to the capital."

Yu Zhiming said casually: "I'm not worried about him. I just want him to cause trouble."

"Only when the chicken is big and heavy enough and slaughtered can it really scare some restless monkeys."

Qing Ning smiled and asked: "Zhiming, if you ask that guy to pay attention to the pancreas, liver, and kidneys, is the problem serious?"

Yu Zhiming said slowly: "With his current situation, if he continues to maintain his previous habits without restraint, the pancreas will take one month; the liver will take three months."

"Kidney, half a year."

He added: "Of course, this is just a high probability that something will go wrong. I can't predict it 100%."

Qing Ning raised her eyebrows and said, "If I don't listen to you, many people will suffer a big loss, such as the advertising director, and my cousin who has acute pancreatitis."

She asked curiously: "Zhiming, what are the behaviors that are most harmful to the pancreas?"

“Overeating, staying up late, drinking and smoking.”

Qing Ning snorted and asked, "Then, which foods are most likely to stimulate the pancreas?"

Yu Zhiming also asked this question.

"The first is greasy food, such as fatty meat, milk, egg yolk, chicken soup, broth, etc. The second is spicy food, such as chili, pepper, onion, ginger, etc."

"There are also foods that are too sweet, such as cakes and candies, which will stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and increase the burden on the pancreas."

"Cold, cold and salty foods can also irritate the pancreas."

Yu Zhiming gave a few answers casually, then looked at Qing Ning and asked with a smile: "What do you want to do?"

"What bad idea do you have in mind?"

Qing Ning giggled and said: "A kind-hearted person like me, what bad thoughts can he have?"

"I just want to learn more about medical knowledge."

She smiled slyly and said, "Given Tu's behavior, many people are probably secretly dissatisfied with him."

"Secretly spread the results of your physical examination on him. Maybe during this period, many people will be very enthusiastic and invite him to stay up all night to eat, drink and have fun."

Yu Zhiming said happily: "Isn't this called a bad idea?"

Qing Ning chuckled and said, "Others are just treating me to dinner with good intentions, and no one is forcing me to do anything."

"Just like my cousin, if he had listened to your words and kept his mouth shut, no matter how others planned, they would not be able to hurt him."

"As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs. Only when you have problems do others take advantage of them."

Yu Zhiming warned: "This pancreas problem can be big or small, just like your cousin who almost didn't get through it."

"Don't mess around. If something happens to that guy and he doesn't get over it, you might blame yourself and regret it in the future."

Qing Ning bit her lip and said, "Okay, okay, I won't add fuel to the flames."

"However, I think the guy surnamed Tu might tell the results of today's test himself."

"If he can't achieve self-discipline, the so-called friends who have impure thoughts suddenly become enthusiastic."

"Hey, in that case..."

Yu Zhiming said: "In that case, it will no longer be under our control."

Qing Ning nodded and hummed, then suddenly shouted in surprise: "Oh, oh, Zhiming, I suddenly discovered that you know a person's physical weaknesses and are proficient in medical skills."

"If you want to harm someone, wouldn't you be able to unknowingly, even in the name of love, make them seriously ill, or even incurable cancer?"

Yu Zhiming pretended to be sad and said: "Now you know that I have this ability? Are you scared?"

"I can commit a perfect crime."

"However, if you want to regret it, it's not too late."

Qing Ning gave him a flirtatious look.

"What is there to be afraid of? This method of yours cannot be done in a short time without even bothering to explain."

"If I sense that you have bad intentions, I'll just hit you two or three times and finish you off completely. It doesn't take much at all."

Yu Zhiming snorted softly and said, "If I have bad intentions, can I let you know about it?"

Qing Ning asked back with a smile: "You are above Qiqing, you can't hide things, and I am the person who knows your pillow best, are you sure you can hide it from me?"


Yu Zhiming thought about it and realized that he couldn't hide it.

"Oh, have you really thought about this problem seriously? Yu Zhiming, you really have evil intentions."

"Stop the car and let's fight to the death..."

Qing Ning found a remote parking space in a secluded parking lot on the side of the road and parked the car.

Next, the two men engaged in a half-hour-long ecstatic duel in the trunk.

In the end, Qing Ning, who had won a great victory, was satisfied and continued to drive back to Junshan Mansion.Yu Zhiming was sluggish for more than half an hour. After regaining some energy, he took out his mobile phone and called Wei Hao of the Municipal Bureau to inquire about the household registration transfer of his sister's children.

"Just issue the certificates of moving out of the household registration of several children, and hand them over to me together with the address of the moving in of the household registration."

"I will take full charge of the rest."

When Yu Zhiming heard it was so simple, he expressed his thanks and then asked about his children's schooling.

Wei Hao replied on the phone: "Dr. Yu, if it's an ordinary public school, it's just a matter of one sentence."

"But in schools like Binda Primary and Secondary School, every school is very arrogant. I can't handle it. We need higher-level government leaders to come forward."

Wei Hao then suggested: "Dr. Yu, with your current reputation and status, maybe you can do it without the leader's intervention."

"Why don't we try it ourselves first?"

Seeing that the other party was not very effective, Yu Zhiming could only reply, "Try it first."

After ending the call, Yu Zhiming thought to himself that he needed to attend the young doctors salon tomorrow.

Faced with the invitation from Qu Chang, assistant to the president of the Binzhou University Affiliated Hospital, last night, Yu Zhiming gave a relatively vague answer.

This is also a common strategy used by doctors.

It’s hard to refuse an invitation, but I don’t want to go. It’s almost time for the appointment, so I decline it on the pretext that I have an emergency patient.

If you want to do a full set of things, you can also go to the hospital for a tour.

There are close connections between Binhai University, Binhai University Affiliated Hospital, and Binhai University Affiliated Primary and Secondary Schools.

As the assistant to the president of Binda Affiliated Hospital, Qu Chang must have some connections in Binda Affiliated Primary and Secondary Schools...

After seven o'clock in the evening, when Yu Zhiming returned to Junshan Mansion's house, he found Zhou Mo waiting for him at home.

"Is something wrong?"

"Two things!"

Zhou Mo said with excitement: "Dr. Yu, there is a lot of news spreading in the work group today..."

"It is said that Huashan, the Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University, the Affiliated Hospital of Binda University, and the No. [-] City Hospital have united to block and suppress Jingcheng Hospital and its branches."

"Those who say they want to change jobs to join Jingcheng will have their whole family to resign from the Big Four, and their children will not be allowed to study in affiliated schools."

"Also, any cooperation with Jingcheng is prohibited."

Zhou Mo asked with wide eyes, "Dr. Yu, you have a close relationship with the hospital leaders. Is this news true?"

Yu Zhiming didn't answer and asked: "What do you think?"

This kind of suppressive behavior must not be promoted explicitly, as it will make the other party seize the opportunity and complain to the higher authorities.

What is adopted is the spread of gossip.

When someone asked about it in the official circles, it was naturally false and all rumors.But in actual implementation, rumors will prevail.

Zhou Mo analyzed: "I think there is no smoke without fire. The leaders of the hospital must have discussed similar countermeasures."

"Is this really going to happen?"

Yu Zhiming nodded and introduced: "Last night, their talks with the Jingcheng Chu family collapsed."

Zhou Mo snorted and asked again: "After Dr. Weng and Dr. Cai went to Jingcheng Branch, what cooperation project did you have?"

Yu Zhiming sighed softly: "I can't continue."

Zhou Mo said with regret: "What a pity. That guy Yu Zhen has recovered quite well. According to him, he can sleep until dawn every night now and sleeps very well."

"He has also gained weight visibly, at least [-] pounds. He looks like a greasy man and is no longer as handsome and energetic as before."

Yu Zhiming smiled softly and said: "With this complicated injury recovery, if necessary, we can form a new project team. Dr. Weng and Dr. Cai are not irreplaceable."

Zhou Mo chuckled and said, "That's true. The only irreplaceable person in the team is you, Dr. Yu."

At this time, Qing Ning's voice came from the restaurant.

"It's time to eat."

"Momo, have you eaten? Let's eat some together?"

Zhou Mo came here with the intention of having a meal and accepted the invitation without any politeness.

Yu Zhiming took a shower, sat down at the dining table next to Qing Ning, and heard Zhou Mo say the second thing.

"There is a house for sale in the building where my family lives. I saw Na Chu Youyou and a few people came to look at the house."

Yu Zhiming let out a soft sigh and said, "It's only about 10 minutes' drive from Jingcheng Branch. It's quite suitable to buy a house here."

Zhou Mo guessed: "I personally think they might want to get close to you through another way."

She added: "I had a few words with Chu Youyou, and she told me that her uncle Chu Yunfan has been confirmed to have an extra X on his chromosomes, and he has also been diagnosed with a family hereditary heart disease."

"She also said that the Chu family will solemnly thank you, Dr. Yu, for this matter."

Yu Zhiming took a few sips of the mutton soup and chuckled: "There's no need to thank you. Given Chu Yunfan's medical prowess, as long as Chu Yunfan shows symptoms, it should be easier for them to diagnose that he has Klinefelter syndrome."

Qing Ning interjected: "The Chu family just wants to take this opportunity to have one more contact with you."

"Zhi Ming, you just took advantage of the hospital's ban and suppression to refuse all their requests..."

It's the last half day, and if you don't vote for a monthly pass, it will be wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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