medical treatment

Chapter 874 is also a protection for men

Chapter 874 is also a protection for men
Yu Zhiming came to the large office next door and his eyes couldn't help but cast his eyes on a disabled man.

Most of the left half of his face was covered in scary burn scars, and he was blind.

Yu Zhiming also noticed that the man's left sleeve was somewhat empty, and his left leg was also a prosthesis.

It's really hard to get the first-class merit, basically you will die or be disabled.

Yu Zhiming sighed secretly, and Shen Yiyi's clear and sweet voice rang in his ears.

"Doctor Yu, let me introduce to you. This is Yue Cheng, the first-class fire fighter, and this is his wife Xie Ruihua."

The two people who were introduced immediately bowed to Yu Zhiming to greet them.

"Doctor Yu, hello!"

"Doctor Yu, good afternoon!"

Yue Cheng's voice was quite hoarse, and Yu Zhi guessed that his throat was injured by fireworks in the accident.

Yu Zhiming nodded to the two men as a response, and then turned his main attention to understanding Ruihua.

He was about 1.6 meters tall, and his face was not obviously thin, but he could not hide his tiredness and haggardness.

There’s also excitement and anticipation.

"Let's do a checkup first..."

Yu Zhiming conducted a full body examination on Xie Ruihua in the soundproof examination room.

The result was not too bad.

Carcinoma in situ is ovarian cancer with metastatic lesions found in the uterus, bladder, liver, intestine, lymph, etc.

However, there are still opportunities for surgery.

Yu Zhiming frankly told the two of them, "It needs to be explained that my treatment plan for advanced cancer cannot give any guarantee. Any accidents during the treatment process, including the possibility of death, are possible."

Yue Cheng hurriedly replied: "Last night, after learning all about Dr. Yu's abilities from Miss Shen and online, my wife and I were so excited that we almost didn't sleep all night."

"Treatment has risks, we all know that."

Xie Ruihua also expressed his position: "Dr. Yu, thank you for giving me the opportunity for treatment. I am willing to take any risks."

Seeing what these two people said, Yu Zhiming asked a young nurse to take them to the oncology department to go through the procedures.

The operation time is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon...

Because today we still need to conduct liver examinations on the volunteers for the drug trial hosted by Ye Peng of Licorice Hall, Yu Zhiming did not finish the full day's work until nearly [-] o'clock in the evening.

Dragging his tired body back to the soundproof office, Yu Zhiming saw a large snack can on the desk.

Zhou Mo introduced: "Shen Yiyi gave me pecan kernels. They said they were a local specialty that I found while traveling. They taste good. I know you like to eat walnuts, so I bought some for you."

Yu Zhiming let out an oh, indicating that he knew.

Zhou Mo asked curiously: "Doctor Yu, you are so smart, have you been eating walnuts since you were a child?"

Yu Zhiming gave this guy a sideways look.

"In my country's famous walnut producing areas, we don't see many more scientists than other places."

"The so-called form complements the form, it's just psychological comfort."

Zhou Mo chuckled and said, "Since it doesn't have the effect of making the brain smarter, then Doctor Yu, you still eat it basically every day?"

Yu Zhiming was too tired to speak, but couldn't help but said: "Walnuts are very nutritious. I use them as a daily snack. Do you care?"

Zhou Mo stuck out his tongue, fell silent, and silently cleaned up the office.

More than ten minutes later, the two left the Zhizhen Tower and embarked on their way home.

On the way, Yu Zhiming received a call from Wei Hao of the Municipal Bureau.

"Doctor Yu, two things."

Wei Hao said concisely and clearly during the call: "Yesterday, Binhai TV reporter Xie Qing's interview with you was entirely her own initiative, and the content of the interview was extremely inappropriate."

"Marina TV has suspended her from work and will deal with her seriously after conducting a detailed investigation."

Yu Zhiming let out a soft sigh.

Wei Hao continued: "The second thing is that based on the clues you provided, the Echeng police conducted a careful investigation and interrogation of the university professor Xue Yingjie."

"Xue Yingjie has confessed that he had an affair with the young wife of the murdered old professor and made her pregnant."

"After the incident was exposed, the young wife killed the old professor, and Xue Yingjie assisted the young wife in disposing of the scene."

"The wife faked an accident and caused the car to rush off the bridge into the Yangtze River."

Wei Hao clicked his tongue again on his mobile phone: "That young wife is really crazy. In order to perfectly cover up the crime, she personally acted as the passenger seat and controlled the car from the bridge into the Yangtze River."

"It was sheer luck that she was able to swim to the shore alive."

Yu Zhiming analyzed: "It is estimated that this life-threatening madness scared Professor Xue so hard that he obeyed the instructions and had a sterilization..."

After eight o'clock in the evening, Yu Zhiming returned to his home in Junshan Mansion and found two visitors at home.

Yao Hui, the director of the community’s property committee, and Yin Anqi, the property manager.

Yu Zhiming took a look at Yao Hui's business card and found that he was the branch president of China Merchants Bank.

Yu Zhiming looked at Yao Hui, who was in his 40s and looked like a handsome uncle in height and appearance, and couldn't help but ask: "The president still has free time to be the director of the business committee?"

Yao Hui said with a self-deprecating smile: "I'm just the head of the branch. To put it bluntly, he is the chief account manager of the branch."

“As the director of this property committee, I say I serve the owners, but for me, it means serving the VIP customers and potential customers of our branch.”

"Dr. Yu can rest assured of my dedication to serve."

Yin Anqi, the property manager on the side, added: "Dr. Yu, the work of the owners' committee led by Director Yao is widely recognized by the owners, and he has been re-elected as the director of the owners' committee with high votes for three consecutive terms." Yu Zhiming looked at Yin Anqi, who was dressed in professional attire. .

This is a pretty and charming woman who looks to be in her early 30s, wearing a high bun.

Yu Zhiming also found that her face was slightly pale, there were sweat stains on her forehead, and her left hand was covering her lower abdomen with some force.

"Manager Yin, are you feeling unwell?"

Yin Anqi put on a smile on her face and said, "I may have a cold or a stomachache. I just need to bear with it and it will be fine."

When Qing Ning heard what she said, she asked Aunt Qiu to make a cup of brown sugar water.

Yin Anqi quickly expressed her gratitude.

Yao Hui explained his purpose: "Dr. Yu, this Sunday at four o'clock in the afternoon, the community will hold the annual owners' meeting."

"Mainly, Manager Yin and I will make a summary report on the work of the previous year, and then there will be the owners' party and buffet."

After a pause, Yao Hui introduced: "There is also an orientation session at the owners' meeting to welcome the new owners who have moved into our community in the past year."

"Dr. Yu, including you, our Junshanfu community has had a total of seven new owners in the past year."

"At that time, you can simply introduce yourself on stage and get to know everyone."

Yu Zhiming pondered and said: "At four o'clock this Sunday afternoon, I should have time."

Yao Hui chuckled again and said: "Most of the people who stay in our Junshan Mansion are busy people with status and status. They are busy during working hours and even more busy on weekends."

“After investigation, we found that everyone’s free time is relatively concentrated on Sunday afternoons and evenings.”

He glanced at Yin Anqi next to him, and continued: "In order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for participating in the owners' meeting, and to promote mutual understanding between neighbors, not only have party activities and a sumptuous buffet dinner been arranged, but the property management company will also distribute on-site Annual revenue surplus.”

Yao Hui further explained: “This revenue surplus mainly comes from elevator advertising, outdoor advertising, operating leasing of clubs and event venues, parking revenue, etc.”

"Dr. Yu, Miss Gu, this surplus will be distributed to each household, only one or two thousand."

"If the owner does not come to collect it in person on that day, according to the regulations passed by the owners' meeting, this surplus dividend will be used as the activity fund of the owners committee."

Yu Zhiming expressed his position: "If there are no special circumstances on Sunday afternoon, I will attend this all-owners meeting on time."

Seeing that the purpose of the notice and visit had been achieved, Yao Hui stood up and prepared to leave.

As he stood up, Yin Anqi, who drank a few sips of brown sugar water, also stood up.

Yin Anqi got a little anxious and couldn't help crying out in pain. She bent over and covered her stomach reflexively, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead in an instant.

Yao Hui quickly supported her with quick eyes and hands, and slowly placed her on the sofa.

Yu Zhiming, who also stood up, put on medical gloves and said: "Manager Yin, you look like this is more serious than menstrual cramps. Let me check you out."

Yin Anqi did not refuse this time, and said politely with a pale face: "Excuse me, Doctor Yu..."

After Yin Anqi lay down on the sofa, Yu Zhiming gently patted her abdomen a few times.

"You have a ruptured corpus luteum and blood accumulation in your abdomen. You need to go to the hospital for further treatment..."

After Yao Huihui helped Yin Anqi leave the Yu family, Qing Ning raised her eyebrows and asked Yu Zhiming meaningfully: "Is it caused by too much love and affection?"

Yu Zhiming nodded.

He also detected some swelling in the property manager's reproductive tract, which was obviously caused by too much intensity.

He discovered something else.

"Manager Yin had a uterine corpus resection, but I don't know whether it was done due to illness or on his own initiative."

Qing Ning asked doubtfully: "Is there anyone who takes the initiative to remove it?"

Yu Zhiming explained: "Of course there is."

“Those who don’t want to have children, those who have severe menstrual cramps, or those who are at high risk for uterine diseases, and want to avoid problems once and for all, all come to the hospital for hysterectomy surgery.”

He further said: "Simple uterine corpus resection, retaining both ovaries and cervix, can maintain women's normal hormone levels and will not affect the couple's life."

Qing Ning's eyes widened and she asked, "Wouldn't it be a great kindness to have a uterine resection after giving birth?"

"Not to mention that the couple's life will not be affected, there will be no menstruation and dysmenorrhea problems, and there will be no need to worry about uterine fibroids, uterine cancer and other diseases. Isn't it all beneficial and harmless?"

Yu Zhiming saw this guy's gleaming eyes and persuaded him, "Well, the couple's life will be affected to some extent."

"Also, after hysterectomy, the hormones secreted by the ovaries lose their target receptors, which may lead to premature ovarian failure, early menopause, or more obvious symptoms."

Qing Ning retorted: "Premature ovarian failure and menopause are not big problems. They can be treated with hormone drugs."

Yu Zhiming pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Medicine is constantly improving."

"For example, the appendix, which was previously considered useless to the human body, is now shown by medical research to have some effects on the human body."

"So this uterine removal may have greater harm, which has not yet been discovered."

After another pause for two seconds, Yu Zhiming said in a deep voice: "Qing Ning, as we all know, our human body system is a complex and organic whole, and one move affects the whole body."

"Unless the disease factor has to be removed, removing a certain part of the body under normal circumstances will definitely do more harm than good to our human body, which will eventually be reflected in the impact on lifespan."

Yu Zhiming thought of something else and persuaded: "Your menstruation is actually a kind of protection for the body."

"For example, a large amount of estrogen is usually secreted during menstruation, which can protect the cardiovascular system, maintain normal calcium metabolism, etc., and can effectively reduce the chances of you women suffering from cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis."

"Also, it can promote the production of fresh blood and promote the good operation of women's circulatory system and hematopoietic system."

"One more thing..."

Yu Zhiming said solemnly: "That is also a protection for us men, allowing us to recuperate."

Qing Ning's eyebrows were curved, and he laughed and said: "Husband, you have said so many things, and the last one is the real reason, right?"

 Double on the last day, do you still have a monthly pass?
  Book friends who are waiting for the update are welcome to finish reading the old books "The Wonderful Hands of Mind Medicine" and "The Cheating Resident Doctor"!
(End of this chapter)

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