Chapter 889
Sui Chi should have gone to have lunch. He was not in the big office, so Yu Zhiming took the elevator to the sixth floor alone.

He walked into a two-person ward and saw a female patient in her 60s eating lunch under the care of her family.

Another middle-aged man in his 40s was lying on a hospital bed with the bedside tilted [-] degrees, playing with his mobile phone.

Yu Zhiming went straight to the middle-aged man's bed and asked: "Renal artery vasculitis? Stomach pain for unknown reasons?"

The middle-aged man nodded and asked impatiently: "Doctor Yu, do you want to examine me?"

Yesterday, Yu Zhiming heard Sui Chi describe the patient's condition.

Suffered from chronic stomach problems for many years.

In the past two or three months, I have developed stomach pain after being full, as well as back pain, fever, general malaise and other symptoms.

After a detailed systemic examination in the hospital, no signs of worsening of the gastric disease were found, but renal arteritis was found.

The patient came to the center for treatment of renal arteritis.

After a period of treatment by Dr. Xie Jianmin, the arteritis was effectively controlled, but the symptoms of stomach pain after a full stomach were still not relieved.

Dr. Xie invited digestive system expert Dr. Fang Chen for consultation, and the patient was finally diagnosed with functional indigestion caused by chronic gastric disease.

In addition to prescribing some medicine for him, Dr. Fang Chen also told him to chew slowly and eat smaller meals more often in the future.

It's just a middle-aged man who doesn't quite agree with this diagnosis.

Because of stomach problems for many years, he had already developed the habit of chewing slowly and eating small meals frequently.

Every time he ate, he would only eat one meal that was [-] to [-]% full.

But now, even after eating four or five times, his stomach began to hurt.

The middle-aged man was worried about whether he had stomach cancer.

During this time, he repeatedly asked Doctor Xie and Sui Chi to ask Yu Zhiming to give him a physical examination...

The middle-aged man was waiting for Yu Zhiming to finish his gastrointestinal examination. He looked uneasy and asked in a tight voice: "Doctor Yu, do I have stomach cancer?"

Yu Zhiming shook his head and said: "Although there are some calcification spots and small polyps in your stomach, it has not become cancerous yet."

Gastric calcification is a stomach problem caused by diseases such as gastric ulcer or gastritis.

It is the formation of erosion and ulcer after the gastric mucosa is damaged. At the same time, calcium, phosphorus and other substances in the blood are deposited locally. As the body repairs itself and the mucosal tissue necrosis and falls off, calcification lesions gradually form during the healing process.

Gastric calcification is not malignant in nature, so there is no need to worry too much, but it may affect gastric motility and is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Some patients may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and loss of appetite.

Small gastric polyps refer to polyps below six millimeters. If they are not malignant lesions, they can be observed regularly.

Yu Zhiming also warned the middle-aged man: "However, the fact that there is no cancer now does not mean that there will be no cancer in the future. Your stomach needs to be taken good care of."

The middle-aged man who had originally breathed a sigh of relief smiled bitterly and said: "Dr. Yu, I have been taking good care of my stomach, but it just causes some problems from time to time."

"I'm helpless too."

"Doctor Yu, do you have any good suggestions for nourishing your stomach?"

Yu Zhiming met the middle-aged man's expectant gaze, shook his head and said: "All I know are the clichés: chew carefully, eat slowly, avoid eating cold, spicy and other irritating foods, etc."

After a pause, he suggested: "You can ask Dr. Qin, a well-known Chinese medicine practitioner who works with me, to take your pulse and see if he can prescribe a stomach-nourishing prescription for you."

The middle-aged man said oh, and then asked with concern: "Doctor Yu, do I have a stomachache after being full?"

Yu Zhiming pondered and said: "It may be caused by gastric calcification. An empty stomach is only the size of a fist, but a full stomach can expand six to seven times or even larger."

"Calcification points may stretch the gastric mucosa and gastric wall muscles, causing pain."

The middle-aged man nodded with deep understanding.

Just listen to Yu Zhiming say again: "In order to rule out other possibilities, I need you to have a full stomach and give you another check-up."

After hearing what Yu Zhiming said, the middle-aged man took out three cans of eight-treasure porridge given by relatives and friends, asked the nurse to heat them up a little, and then poured them into his stomach.

He touched his bulging belly, and after a while, he said with joy on his face: "Doctor Yu, it hurts, it hurts, my stomach starts to hurt again."

Yu Zhiming put his hand on the middle-aged man's upper abdomen and explored it again.

This time, he mainly explored the blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

The fullness and expansion of the gastrointestinal tract will cause compression and compression of other organs and its own blood supply blood vessels.

This may cause insufficient blood supply and cause ischemia of the entire or partial gastrointestinal tissue.

This is also the reason why some people suffer from abdominal pain after being too full.

Yu Zhiming's inspection found no problems with the middle-aged man's gastrointestinal blood circulation.

He patted and pressed a few more times, and when he was about to end the inspection, he suddenly noticed that the middle-aged man's muscles tightened.

Is this a painful point?

Although the middle-aged man did not groan in pain, and there was no abnormal reaction on the expression on his face, the natural reaction of the muscles did not hide Yu Zhiming's perception.

He recalled the location where he had just tapped.

The lower end of the greater curvature of the stomach.

This location...

Yu Zhiming carefully investigated and found that the back wall of the stomach here had small hard lumps the size of a coin due to the presence of gastric polyps and calcification points.

The hard lump on the stomach wall is in close contact with the left outer lobe of the liver.

Yu Zhiming's heart moved and he ordered the middle-aged man: "Kneel down on the hospital bed."

The middle-aged man did as he was told.Five or six seconds later, Yu Zhiming asked: "Has the stomach pain been significantly relieved?"

The middle-aged man nodded hurriedly and said: "It's lessened, it's less painful, and it's almost no longer painful."

"Doctor Yu, what's going on?"

Yu Zhiming chuckled and said: "You don't have stomach pain, but actually liver pain. It is caused by the enlarged stomach after a full meal, which irritates the liver capsule of the left outer lobe of the liver."

The liver capsule is a protective film covering the surface of the liver and has a relatively rich number of pain-sensing nerves.

The inner parenchyma of the liver has no pain nerves.

Only tumors or lesions inside the liver that expand can cause the liver capsule to stretch and stimulate the liver capsule enough to cause significant liver pain.

Therefore, many liver lesions have basically reached an advanced stage by the time the pain symptoms become obvious.

"There is a small induration on the back wall of your stomach. Under the pressure of gastric expansion, it irritates the capsule of the left outer lobe of the liver enough to cause liver pain..."

Yu Zhiming drew a simple picture for the middle-aged man and gave him a simple explanation of what he thought was stomach pain...

A minute or two later, Yu Zhiming walked out of the ward and saw Duan Yi running towards him.

She said out of breath: "Doctor Yu, I need your help... help, a pregnant woman... had an accident..."

Yu Zhiming criticized: "Let your breath calm down before speaking. The doctor can't panic."

Duan Yi took a few deep breaths and said, "When we came out from the cafeteria after eating, we saw several ambulances bringing car accident patients to the hospital."

"We went to the emergency area to help."

"I examined a female casualty and found that she was pregnant for more than a month. The woman was very excited and said that she had wanted a child for many years and she actually had one. She must not let the child be lost."

"But she had multiple fractures in her body and needed surgery."

"But under anesthesia, the pregnancy is only more than a month old."

Yu Zhiming glared, "What's more important, the adults or the fetus, don't tell me, you can't tell the difference."

Duan Yi timidly said: "Of course I know, but the pregnant woman insists. Doctor Yu, you can set the bones with your bare hands."

"Can you go and have a look first? If we can set the bones with bare hands without surgery, wouldn't the baby be saved?"

Duan Yi grabbed Yu Zhiming's arm, shook it, and said softly: "Doctor Yu, you are the best and most caring."

Yu Zhiming was so excited that he shook off this guy's hands with a flick of his arm, and asked disgustedly: "Where is he?"

Duan Yi said with a smile on her face: "It's on the way, it should be here soon..."

The standard operating room on the second floor of Zhizhen Building is still empty.

After Yu Zhiming finished preparations and entered the operating room, he saw a long-haired woman lying on the operating table.

Her face was washed with water, she bit the blood-soaked gauze in her mouth, and looked at him with a pleading look on her face.

Yu Zhiming went straight to the operating table and gave the woman a quick physical examination.

According to the test results, this woman is quite lucky.

The uterus was not injured and there was no sign of bleeding.

There were no serious internal injuries.

Although there were several fractures in the clavicle, ribs, arm bones, and calf bones, they were all traumatic closed fractures.

Yu Zhiming met the woman's gaze and said in a deep voice: "I'm going to set your bones. If you don't want to waste all your efforts, just endure it."

The woman groaned in response.

At this time, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain, and after the pain reaches a certain threshold, if the pain increases, the stimulating effect will not be too significant.

Therefore, Yu Zhiming used simple and crude techniques to anastomose the fractured arm bone as quickly as possible and fixed it with a clamp.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Yi took over to deal with the abrasions and lacerations on his arms.

With the help of Zhou Luo and Shen Qi, Yu Zhiming repaired the woman's broken leg bone and fixed it with a clamp.

Then, he spent another minute to connect the woman's broken collarbone and ribs.

In this way, Yu Zhiming's work was completed neatly and neatly in only four to five minutes.

After Duan Yi, Zhou Luo and Shen Qi have treated the woman's flesh injuries, they can fix the fractures with plaster according to the actual situation.

Yu Zhiming looked at the woman again and found that her eyebrows relaxed slightly, which was a sign that the pain in her body was relieved.

He gave the woman a thumbs up and said, "Women are weak by nature, but motherhood makes them strong."

"You are amazing, amazing..."

A few minutes later, Yu Zhiming returned to the soundproof office on the third underground floor, and Zhou Mo came up to him with his mouth pursed.

"Dean Li just came."

"He said he would share half of the good stuff when we met, and took away two bottles of red wine, two bottles of foreign wine, and a bottle of American ginseng, like a robber."

Yu Zhiming didn't take it seriously and said: "The dean will not accept gifts offered by others. He took the initiative to come and get them. This is because he regards us as his own."

Zhou Mo said dissatisfied: "Dean Li's behavior is too disrespectful to let others know."

"My people are all about coming and going..."

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(End of this chapter)

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