medical treatment

Chapter 958 The boss and the second boss fight, and the third boss is gone.

Near the end of the day, Yu Zhiming met the poison king Mr. Liu Jiri again and his patient Fang Xiaoman.

As Mr. Liu opened a small ten milliliter bottle, a fishy smell floated into Yu Zhiming's nasal cavity.

Yu Zhiming felt nauseous and his heartbeat quickened, so he took a big step away from Mr. Liu.

"Mr. Liu, is this the medicine? What toxic substances were added to it? Why does it taste so strong?"

Mr. Liu introduced softly: "It is mainly scorpion venom, with a small amount of bee venom added, and a slight amount of some kind of snake venom."

"Of course, the main thing is the preparation of these toxins and the various medicinal materials that stimulate their effects."

Yu Zhiming grinned.

He is truly the king of poisons. He dares to mix scorpion venom, bee venom, and snake venom.

Mr. Liu then introduced: "This bottle contains one-thirtieth of a dose of medicine. I would like to ask Dr. Yu to check your body's reaction after taking it."

After a pause, Mr. Liu further introduced: "After taking my medicine, it will soon have a stimulating and paralyzing effect on the heart. I need Dr. Yu to pay close attention to it."

"Also, this medicine will also affect the liver and kidneys, but the effects are mild and long-lasting. Doctor Yu needs to distract you for a while."

Yu Zhiming nodded.

After Mr. Liu finished explaining, he handed the small bottle filled with medicine to Fang Xiaoman.

Fang Xiaoman took the medicine bottle and stared at it for some mental preparation. Then he closed his eyes, raised his neck, and drank the medicine in the bottle.

The next moment, Yu Zhiming saw that Fang Xiaoman's facial features were squeezed together uncomfortably.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Xiaoman covered his mouth and vomited twice.

However, she also knew that she must not vomit, so she held it back forcefully.

But Yu Zhiming could see that she couldn't bear the look on her face, so he quickly took out a piece of dark chocolate from his white coat pocket and handed it to her.

Fang Xiaoman first looked at Mr. Liu, and seeing that he showed no objection, he quickly reached out and took it, tore open the package, took a big bite, and showed a lively expression on his face.

After Fang Xiaoman took a bite of chocolate, he didn't eat more. He put the chocolate away, thanked Yu Zhiming again, and then lay down on the examination bed.

Yu Zhiming started to explore her body...

Fang Xiaoman's heart rate rose rapidly, from eighty to 2 in just 110 minutes.

At the same time, her body temperature quickly soared to 39 degrees, her face became unnaturally flushed, and her body began to twist around due to discomfort.

Yu Zhiming checked Fang Xiaoman's liver and kidneys again, and found no other abnormalities except that the vitality of the liver and kidneys increased due to the soaring body temperature.

He focused his exploration on the heart again.

After a while, Yu Zhiming was surprised to find that Fang Xiaoman's heart rate was dropping rapidly.


Yu Zhiming had a feeling that his heart was stuck in a swamp, unable to run.

He looked at Mr. Liu and heard him explain without any surprise: "This is the onset of paralysis."

"During my treatment, the heartbeat will reach two extremes: fast and slow, which can easily overwhelm the heart..."

During Mr. Liu's introduction, Fang Xiaoman's heart rate once reached an extremely low level of 47.

However, the heart rate quickly bottomed out, climbed to 64, and temporarily stabilized.

At the same time, Fang Xiaoman's performance also stabilized, no longer squirming and holding back uncomfortably.

But her body temperature was still around 39.

Mr. Liu knew that the severe reaction period of the drug had passed, and asked with concern: "Doctor Yu, have you found out the maximum dose of medicine she can tolerate?"

Yu Zhiming did not respond, but closed his eyes and thought.

Seeing Yu Zhiming's appearance, Mr. Liu did not rush him and waited silently beside him.

After a full five or six minutes, Yu Zhiming opened his eyes and withdrew his probing hands from Fang Xiaoman.

Yu Zhiming met Mr. Liu's gaze and said thoughtfully: "Mr. Liu, I have a feeling that your treatment is somewhat similar to the CAR-T treatment we perform on tumor patients."

"CAR-T therapy is to inject anti-cancer cells into the patient's body. These cells use the patient's body as a battlefield, killing cancerous cells in the blood, lymph, and solid tissues. The cancer cells are killed, or the anti-cancer cells are killed. Once the cells are used up, the battle is over."

"The patient's temperature has also dropped."

"Mr. Liu, your treatment..."

Yu Zhiming organized his words and said slowly: "It uses toxins as a guide to stimulate the body's autoimmune response and self-correct lupus erythematosus."

"This process involves a fierce battle between toxins and human immunity, which also induces high body temperature."

"I personally believe that the key point of this process is not that the body's immunity defeats the toxins, nor that the toxins defeat the body's self-immunity, but that in the process of the two fighting, the part of the self-immunity that causes lupus erythematosus is strangled or corrected."

At this time, Fang Xiaoman interjected: "It's like the boss and the second child fighting in a shopping mall, and the result is that the third child disappears?"

Yu Zhiming was slightly startled and said, "Well, our goal is to make the third child disappear. However, you are right. It is indeed through the fight between the boss and the second child."

Mr. Liu frowned and paced back and forth in the examination room. "Dr. Yu, what you said sounds reasonable, but it is very different from my dialectical logic of treatment."

"According to your theory, I should not pursue the properties and potency of the medicine all at once, but should maintain an appropriate amount of medicine and continue to output it to maintain the process of fighting between the two. In this process, I can eliminate the third child as much as possible."

Fang Xiaoman interrupted again: "I think what Dr. Yu said makes sense. You can give it a try."

Mr. Liu glared at her and said, "You don't understand anything, so don't interrupt and stay alone."

Fang Xiaoman, who was criticized, sat on the examination bed with his mouth pursed, took out the uneaten chocolate and started to eat it.

Yu Zhiming looked at the two people and asked, "Isn't your relationship an ordinary doctor and patient?"

Fang Xiaoman hummed and introduced: "We are relatives. I want to call Mr. Liu my grandpa, not my real grandpa, but the kind who has played in the third server."

Mr. Liu sighed lightly: "Dr. Yu, the reason why our Liu family has made great achievements in the treatment of lupus erythematosus is because there are more lupus erythematosus in our family."

Yu Zhiming let out a clear sound.

Lupus erythematosus has a lot of genetic factors, and its incidence tends to cluster in families.

Relatives of patients have a significantly higher prevalence rate than the general population.

It seems that just as the Jingcheng Chu family has made great achievements in heart research, the Liu family's research on lupus erythematosus is also driven by internal factors and full of motivation.

Mr. Liu added: "She went to live abroad with her parents ten years ago. Her parents advocated Western medicine, and they have been receiving treatment abroad since they were diagnosed with lupus erythematosus. However, the treatment effect was not good, so she had to come to our hospital. here."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Dr. Yu, I need to think carefully about your judgment."

"When I figure it out, I'll come back to you..."

Yu Zhiming sent Mr. Liu and Fang Xiaoman away and returned to the big office, where he unexpectedly found Dr. Xiong Jing waiting for him.

Yu Zhiming didn't want to talk to this person.

Xiong Jing looked like he was trying to please you, and spoke first: "Doctor Yu, I find that you seem to have some opinions about me, but what did I do wrong?"

"Dr. Yu, as long as you point it out, I will definitely change it."

Yu Zhiming snorted coldly and said, "It's not that I seem to, but that I have an opinion on you openly."

"Doctor Xiong, do you know that if you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself?"

Xiong Jing looked like a monk who was two feet tall and was confused, and said anxiously: "Doctor Yu, if you have anything to do, please tell me directly. Even if it means beheading, someone must die, right?" "

Yu Zhiming snorted again and said: "Okay, I will let you die clearly. Then don't cry out and say that I wronged you and bullied you."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Just on Tuesday night, a teenager took a fruit knife and shouted at me, saying that I killed his father and he wanted me to pay for it with my life."

"That boy's father..."

Yu Zhiming said word for word: "This is the patient who should have received a heart donor three or four weeks ago."

"Doctor Xiong, do you want me to continue?"

Xiong actually opened his mouth, looking at Yu Zhiming's disgusted expression, but couldn't say a word.

Seeing him like this, Yu Zhiming felt even more disgusted, so he pushed the door open and entered the soundproof office.

He packed up and got ready to get off work. When he left the office, he found that Xiong Jing was no longer there, but there was Dr. Tong Yu, a plastic surgery expert from Dongfang Hospital.

"Doctor Tong, do you have anything to do with me?"

Tong Yu smiled solemnly and said, "Of course I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything, that little girl who came here because of your relationship."

"The wound on her face is deep and complex. To achieve the best plastic surgery and repair effect, I need to have a detailed understanding of the muscles and blood vessels on her facial wound so that I can formulate a detailed and detailed surgical plan."

"Only Dr. Yu can do this."

"Dr. Yu, a good man must fight to the end."

Yu Zhiming said depressedly: "I'm asking for trouble."

Tong Yu chuckled and said, "Doctor Yu, you are kind-hearted, caring and responsible."

Yu Zhiming waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't put a high hat on me, let the girl come to me after get off work tomorrow."


Tong Yu responded crisply like a little girl, and then said: "Doctor Yu, I have one more thing to ask for."


Tong Yu said: "Please give me a ginseng life-sustaining pill."

She explained: "A friend of mine was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma and was also diagnosed with pregnancy."

"Alas, she gave up treatment for the sake of her children."

"She is now seven months pregnant, but her physical condition is quite bad. I would like to ask for a ginseng life-sustaining pill to support her for a while longer..."

(End of this chapter)

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