medical treatment

Chapter 988: Know how to proceed and retreat

At 08:30 in the evening, Mr. Qin, Mr. Ye and other people said goodbye and left the Yu family, and together they took the business minibus arranged by Gu Qingran and left the Junshanfu community.

Gu Qingran did not go with the car, but stayed behind.

Yu Zhiming waved his hand and watched the car go away. When the minibus drove a few dozen meters away, he put down his hand and looked at Gu Qingran.

"If you have anything to do, just tell me!"

Gu Qingran imitated Yu Zhiming's habitual movements and rolled his eyelids, saying: "You can't just stand on the road and talk, right?"

"It should be in a comfortable environment, sitting on a comfortable sofa, sipping good tea and talking about things."

Yu Zhiming said perfunctorily: "I'm not afraid of tiring you. If I can explain something clearly in a few words, it would be so hard for you to run up and down again."

Gu Qingran hummed and said: "What I want to talk about cannot be explained in a few words. I am not afraid of hard work, so I should just exercise."

After saying this, he took the lead towards the cave.

Yu Zhiming rolled his eyelids, and Qing Ning, who was holding back his laughter, took his arm and dragged him back.

To be honest, Yu Zhiming would rather have a day's physical examination or a day's surgery than entertain relatives and friends and chat with them.

This job is much more tiring than work.

It's just that the guy in front of him is his uncle, and there are many business relationships between the two parties. Even if Yu Zhiming is tired for a day, he can only fight hard to deal with it.

The three of them returned to their home on the top floor again, and saw that Yu Zhaoxia had already tidied up the living room.

Feeling tired, Dad and Mom also went back to their room to rest.

Yu Zhiming accompanied Gu Qingran and sat down on the sofa in the living room, while Qing Ning was busy making tea again.

Gu Qingran suggested: "Zhiming, you should decorate a study room. In this way, when you have something to discuss with others, it will not affect your uncle, aunt and eldest sister."

Yu Zhiming said nonchalantly: "It's not necessary. Unless it's an uninvited guest, I usually don't bring people to my house to talk about things."

Gu Qingran gritted his teeth and quickly got down to business.

"Remember that Mr. Ye once said that he wanted Licorice Hall to settle in Huashan Second Hospital, right?"

Yu Zhiming nodded, but couldn't help but ask: "Is the negotiation settled? Or has the negotiation collapsed?"

Gu Qingran did not answer directly, but continued: "Huashan Second Hospital has to face the competition from Jingcheng Hospital, and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Jingcheng Hospital is its signature."

"Dean Li and the others also want the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Huashan Second Hospital not to be left behind. In view of the weakness of their own traditional Chinese medicine capabilities, they are quite welcome to the initiative of the Licorice Hall, led by the master of traditional Chinese medicine Ye Lao, to cooperate."

"The two sides had a pretty good conversation at the beginning and have already touched upon the specific details of cooperation."

"But two days ago, a disruptor appeared!"

Yu Zhiming asked with concern: "Who?"

Gu Qingran picked up the tea cup and wanted to take a sip, but the tea was too hot. He touched his lips and had to put it down.

"Two of them came together, Tong Ren Tang and Guo Yi Tang!"

Yu Zhiming frowned and said, "Although Tongrentang is a time-honored brand, isn't its main business selling medicines?"

"How many masters of Chinese medicine opened the National Medical Hall?"

Gu Qingran told Yu Zhiming, who knew little about it, "Tongrentang has a top-level Tongrentang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Beijing. Although Tongrentang across the country mainly sells medicine, most of them also have TCM clinics."

"As for the Chinese Medical Hall, it is a medical unit established by the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine that integrates medical care, teaching, and scientific research."

After a pause, Gu Qingran said slowly: "There is a saying in the capital, see a doctor at the National Medical Hall and buy medicine at the Tongrentang."

Yu Zhiming snorted softly and asked, "Why did these two families think of cooperating with Huashan Second Hospital?"

Gu Qingran explained: “It’s not because we have taken a fancy to the positioning and development prospects of Huashan Second Hospital.”

"Since Zhiming, a medical guru, has come to take charge, with the support of Huashan Hospital and our Ning'an Group, as well as the strong support of the Binhai government, within a few years, it will become a world-renowned medical institution and become a showcase of my country's medical care to the world. A window of strength.”

Gu Qingran further analyzed: "Tongrentang is a time-honored brand of traditional Chinese medicine. Everyone in the country knows about it. It is especially well-known abroad. The other party also promised to send elite soldiers and generals."

“As for the National Medical Hall, it is backed by 211, 985, and the Double First-Class Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so one can imagine its strength.”

"Compared to these two companies, Mr. Ye's Licorice Hall is weak in strength, and Mr. Ye is over 70 years old. Although he has trained many apprentices, he has not yet become famous."

Yu Zhiming said oh again, "So, Licorice Hall is going to be out?"

Gu Qingran said softly: "Judging from the current situation, the possibility of being eliminated is very high."

"I learned that Tongrentang and Guoyitang also attach great importance to this cooperation. They said that next week important people will come to have formal negotiations with the leaders of Huashan Hospital."

"Of course, Licorice Hall doesn't have no chance!"

"Where is the opportunity?" Yu Zhiming asked.

Gu Qingran picked up the tea cup again, took a sip, and said with a gentle smile: "The opportunity for Licorice Hall is yours."

"If you show your support and support Licorice Hall with a clear-cut stance, or even express your will to advance and retreat together with Licorice Hall, then no one can stop Licorice Hall from settling in Huashan Second Hospital."

Yu Zhiming couldn't help but grinned and said: "Although I emotionally support Licorice Hall to settle in Huashan Second Hospital, it would be bad if I get involved too deeply in such a major cooperation matter, right?" "I'm just a doctor, not the leader of the hospital."

After a pause, Yu Zhiming asked again: "Why didn't Mr. Ye tell me this matter himself, instead of asking you to convey it to me?"

Gu Qingran explained: "Mr. Ye didn't ask me to convey it, but I felt it was necessary to let you know."

"I guess the reason why Mr. Ye didn't tell you is because I didn't want to embarrass you. After all, Mr. Ye is a master of Chinese medicine and he also has backbone. He wants to win the competition with his true skills."

Yu Zhiming nodded slightly.

He thought for a moment and said slowly: "If the hospital comes to ask for my opinion, I will express my support for Licorice Hall."

"But I can't do it together."

Gu Qingran chuckled and nodded: "That's right, that's right. I don't let emotions control my mind. I know how to proceed and retreat."

"If you rely on your position to interfere too much in matters other than your own work, and if you go even further to enforce your ideas, you will become a medical dragon."

Yu Zhiming snorted twice and said, "If I had made another decision, I guess you would have used another set of excuses."

Gu Qingran said solemnly: "Although I usually ignore relatives and listen to others when it comes to small things, I don't hold back when it comes to big things. I always stick to principles and act rationally."

He smiled and said: "Even if Licorice Hall is eliminated in the end, it doesn't matter. We can also choose to cooperate with Ning'an Hospital."

Yu Zhiming teased: "I guess Licorice Hall doesn't like it."

Gu Qingran snorted twice and said, "Zhiming, let me tell you another important news. Ning'an Group has just passed the development plan of Ning'an Hospital."

"In the next five years, on the basis of the original funds allocated, an additional RMB [-] million will be added every year, mainly for the introduction and training of talents."

Gu Qingran said eloquently: "Zhi Ming, don't forget that our Ning'an Hospital has already achieved profitability."

"This means that in addition to the [-] million in new funds each year, we also have [-] million in funds to purchase the latest medical instruments and equipment to further improve medical conditions."

"The take-off of Ning'an Hospital is just around the corner."

Qing Ning on the side couldn't help but reveal: "In front of my Zhi Ming, what's the point of showing off? All this in Ning'an Hospital was not brought about by Zhi Ming."

Gu Qingran felt a little uncomfortable being choked. Looking at his sister and Yu Zhiming who were flirting with each other, he had no choice but to endure it.

He turned to ask: "Are you ready to sworn sworn brothers tomorrow?"

Qing Ning replied: "I've prepared everything. I've prepared new clothes and gifts for you."

She warned again: "Brother, don't come too late tomorrow with your parents. Come early to support Zhiming."

Gu Qingran reached out and flicked Qing Ning's forehead and said, "Do you still need to handle this kind of thing? Just worry about your own affairs."

Qing Ning covered her head and moved away, protesting: "Brother, I am not a child anymore. You are not allowed to flick my head again. If you do it next time, I won't be polite."

Gu Qingran made a slight noise and said, "Why are you so rude? You say it as if you can beat me."

Yu Zhiming was a little surprised and asked: "Brother, have you also practiced fighting?"

"Qing Ning's fighting was inspired by me."

After Gu Qingran said this, he clenched his two fists and punched them ten times in succession like the wind.

"I mainly practice boxing. During those years abroad, I was a frequent visitor to gyms and boxing gyms."

"I also sparred with professional boxers."

"It's more like being a target." Qing Ning muttered.

Gu Qingran glanced at this guy sideways, and then said to Yu Zhiming: "There is one more little thing..."

He smiled and said, "Zhi Ming, with the spread of your heart sound discrimination lectures, the sales of this high-end stethoscope can be said to be increasing steadily."

"A well-known stethoscope brand in China found me through connections. I hope you can promote it and support the national brand."

"In terms of high-end stethoscopes, their performance is no worse than those of foreign companies."

Yu Zhiming said solemnly: "Whether it's bad or not is not just words, it depends on the quality of the product."

"If they can make a stethoscope that is not much different in quality from the major foreign brands but at a much better price, I will naturally not be stingy in saying good things for them."

Gu Qingran smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will convey your words to them."

The next moment, he stood up and said: "I've finished saying what needs to be said, and I'm leaving. I won't leave anyone behind to irritate others."

Yu Zhiming smiled and sent Qing Ning off together.

After being sent to the elevator outside the door, Qing Ning suddenly said: "Brother, you have also seen that although Zhiming himself does not drink, the people he associates with have relatively high taste requirements."

"Would you like to support me with this fine wine?"

Gu Qingran glanced at her and said, "I'm still short of good wine. You tell our dad about this..."

(End of this chapter)

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