Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 102 You Can't Beat Cats

Chapter 102 You Can't Beat Cats (Second Update~please subscribe~)

The eyes of one person and one cat met, and sparks were sparked.

"Ron, you've never hit a cat." Harry looked at him with complicated eyes.

"I, I just don't want to really bother with it!" Ron rolled up his sleeves and said grimly, "It's just a cat, and I don't even use a wand!"

"Harry, let me tell you, my spellcasting has improved a lot since I changed my wand."

"Really, don't look at me like that, Bill taught me..."

Crookshanks opened his mouth wide and let out a harsh yell, very disdainful.

Stupid little wizard.

The phantom Lupine looked at Ron with nostalgia in his eyes.Just looking at Harry, except for the fact that he dared to attack the professor decisively, he could hardly find the shadow of Gryffindor.

And this red-haired little freckled face made him confirm that Gryffindor was still the same Gryffindor.

Crookshanks sniffed, then suddenly arched and grinned in Lupin's direction.

"My own, don't get excited, sit down." Harry patted it on the head.

Crookshanks was obedient, and squatted down again.

"Answer my question honestly, did you eat Scabbers?" Harry asked.

Crookshanks shook his head, sweeping his tail.

Ron snorted coldly: "Liar kitten."

Crookshanks froze, eager to fight him again.

"You can't beat it, there's no need for Crookshanks to lie to you." Harry turned his head and said seriously to Ron.

Ron gasped, put his hands into his robes, and gritted his teeth: "Harry, I really can't beat it, I just, I..."

He got more flustered and waved his hands.

"I understand." Harry patted him on the shoulder, "I understand."

Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

"Maolizi is a dangerous magical creature of level 3X." Harry comforted him, "After all, you are only in the third grade, so it's okay if you can't beat it."

Ron was taken aback, his eyes and nose began to twist.

"Try to win it before the end of this year."

The last sentence made Ron sneer in his heart, as if he had been stabbed by a knife, he was so ashamed and annoyed that he wanted to take out his wand and invite Crookshanks to a duel on the spot to prove to Harry that he could Can't beat this ginger kitten who is only slightly bigger.

"Scattered escaped?" Harry continued to ask Crookshanks.

Crookshanks nodded.

"Why don't you stop it." Harry put his hand on its head.

Crookshanks screamed and yelled for a while before realizing that Harry might not understand cat language, so he stepped on the table a little anxiously.

"Because I won't let you do it?" Harry recalled.

Crookshanks gave a humane sigh of relief, nodding his head and flicking his tail.

Harry patted it on the head: "Then I have a task for you, if you catch it, bring it to me."

Crookshanks stood up, rubbed his head against Harry's hand, and let out a threatening cry.

"Do you want a reward?" Harry smiled, "Then if you find it, I'll give you a pound of owl rations, the kind I fed you that day."

Crookshanks raised his head and yelled twice.

It doesn't understand how many "pounds" are.

But what's wrong with an innocent kitten wanting more?
"Okay, if you find it, I'll give you two pounds." Harry agreed.

Crookshanks was pleasantly surprised, and tentatively called out three times.

Harry didn't speak, and stared at it indifferently without any emotion in his eyes.

Crookshanks shrank his head, jumped off the table, patted Harry's hand with his tail, meowed a few times, and quickly jumped out, disappearing in the crowd.

Ron stared blankly at the place where Crookshanks squatted just now.

"Something's wrong with Ban Ban?" He lowered his voice, looking dazed.

Harry turned his head. Neville and the others are not here, so he might go back to the dormitory early: "Go out and talk? There is no curfew yet."

Ron nodded.

They had just crawled out of the common room when Hermione came back.

"Harry, you came back so soon? Is Professor Lupine okay?" Hermione was a little surprised, even faster than herself.

"There's probably nothing wrong with him," Harry responded, "but there might be something wrong with Scabbers."

Startled, Hermione subconsciously looked at Ron.

Ron was dazed.

"Do you want to come together?" Harry asked her.

Hermione didn't hesitate, and followed them to a stand in the tower.

With a wave of his wand, Lupine emerged into shape.

Hermione reacted quickly, took out her wand, and before she raised it, she had already confirmed who was in front of her. She was a little embarrassed when she thought that she had just said bad things about him: "Oh, Professor Lupine, you are here too."

"Harry invited me," Lupine replied, smiling, but he made himself look weaker when he smiled.

Hermione blushed a little.

"What happened to Scabbers?" Seeing Lupine appearing, Ron felt more and more uneasy. He took a deep breath, grabbed Harry's sleeve, and asked.

"It could be an Animagus." Harry said as softly as he could.

"Impossible, it's been in my house for 13 years." Ron put down his hand and shook his head violently.

Hermione said softly: "But it is almost impossible for an ordinary mouse to live for 13 years."

"It might be my dad's friend, actually," Harry went on.

Ron's face changed, and a bit of panic welled up in his heart: "Sirius Black?"

But soon he reacted.


"He has been imprisoned in Azkaban and only recently escaped."

Harry gave the answer: "It's Peter."

"That hero?" Ron thought immediately, and his voice couldn't help raising his voice. During this period of time at home, he also heard his parents talk about the past, "But he's dead already."

Harry looked at Lupine.

Lupine explained: "Peter is an illegal Animagus who can turn into a mouse."

"It's not necessarily that all mice are Peter." Ron still couldn't bear to break his fantasy. The Weasley family was not a wealthy family, with many children, but not much belonging to him.

And Banban was precisely one of the few things that belonged to him, and one of the most valuable items.

Just like how Harry would be heartbroken if he lost a bag of Galleons.

Ron's heart was heavier than that now - Harry had more than a bag of Galleons, after all.

"Peter is missing a finger on his right hand, and Scabbers is missing a toe from his right paw." Harry patted him on the shoulder, "Peter died 13 years ago, and Scabbers appeared in your house 13 years ago."

"Too many coincidences."

Ron paled.

"It's a good thing to think about it." Harry comforted him.

Ron was puzzled and looked around in doubt.

"After we find him, if he is a good man, let him compensate you for a pet." Harry said softly.

"If he is a bad person, I will kill him with my own hands." Having said this, Harry paused slightly to calm down, "Since I killed your pet, I will naturally compensate you for one."

"Owl, or cat?"

Ron was in a better mood again, and he began to wonder whether he wanted an owl or a cat, or other pets were fine...

"I recommend cats." Harry said earnestly.

Ron stared round his eyes: "No, it's not that I can't beat Crookshanks!"

Hermione, who was frowning and thinking, raised her head when she heard her pet's name, wondering, "What's wrong with Crookshanks?"

Ron stretched out his hand, trying to stop Harry's mouth: "No, Harry, you can't say it."

Harry raised his hand and pressed his head: "Just now Ron thought that Crookshanks ate Scabbers, fought with it, and lost."

Ron let out a desperate sigh.

Hermione opened her mouth, a little surprised, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, she sighed, not knowing whether it was for Ron or Harry: "But now the focus is not on Crookshanks, but on Sirius Black."

Ron was confused: "What happened to him?"

"If Scabbers is Peter, he is still alive." Hermione was very puzzled, "But he is a hero, why should he remain anonymous?"

Harry nodded: "I am also very puzzled by this."

Hermione was about to open her mouth to analyze.

Harry waved his hand: "But solving this matter is very simple, just find him."

"Axis, Legilimency, and Veritaserum can all ask the truth."

Lupine stared round, he didn't know what Axie was, but he was too clear about the last two things: "No, Harry, no, the Ministry of Magic doesn't allow..."

"The Ministry of Magic doesn't allow illegal Animagus either," Harry interrupted him, expressionless. "Not even, um...you get the idea."

Lupine looked a little unnatural.

The Ministry of Magic issued a "Worfman Code of Conduct". Lupine was able to appear at Hogwarts, but he obviously did not follow this code.

"I hate those cumbersome rules. A solution to a problem is a good solution." Harry shook his head, "Although in some respects, they are indeed necessary."

Lupine sighed: "You are much bolder than your father. I finally understand why you were assigned to Gryffindor. From just now, I thought it would be better for you to go to Ravenclaw."

Ron was a little dissatisfied: "Look at Harry's eyes, he was born for Gryffindor."

All three of them hesitated to speak.

Hermione struggled and sighed: "At Christmas, I will give you a book, you must read it carefully."

Ron was puzzled: "Huh? Harry is a natural Gryffindor."

"Yes, I am." Harry nodded, "Do you want me to teach you how to deal with cats?"

"It's not that I can't beat Crookshanks." Ron shouted in embarrassment, "What is the specific method?"

Hermione greeted Professor Lupine: "Professor, then we will go back first."

Lupine waved to them. He didn't intend to leave yet. Looking at the Forbidden Forest in the distance from the stand, the cold wind was blowing, and a few drops of cold rain hit him from time to time. He was in a trance, which made him feel like he had returned to 20 years ago.

"By the way, Professor Lupine." Harry turned his head and said to him, "Half a month, at most half a month."

"If Crookshanks, or you, haven't found Scabbers by then, I'll have to tell Professor Dumbledore."

"Danger cannot exist for too long."

"I will visit you again in half a month. By the way, I will ask you something about Professor Snape. You can prepare it in advance."

As he spoke, he paused.

"I don't really trust house-elves, though."

"Professor, if you are confident, you can give it a try."

Professor Lupine nodded, warmed up in his heart, and nodded with a smile: "I see, Harry, I wish you a sweet dream, and see you in the first class."

 There are two more today~
  Thanks Polkin for the reward~
  Thanks to Paladin1996 for the reward~
  Thank you for the elephant is still there, the doctor is not dead because of Getia's reward~
  Thanks to the people who swallowed the world, Longteng Yunnan Tian for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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