Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 126 The Silver Griffin

Chapter 126 The Silver Griffin (Second update ~ please subscribe)
Scrimgeour looked at Harry, then at Sirius, as well as the professors and students around him. He put his hands into his robes, fixed his eyes on Black, and spoke after deliberation: "Potter, I mean maybe, What kind of secrets will there be in those years?"

"But it's also quite possible that Black is a manipulator..."

"He doesn't have that brain," interrupted Harry. "Now, let's go to Dumbledore's office and we'd better call Minister Fudge."

"Yes." Scrimgeour nodded, "but Black must first..."

Harry frowned: "I'm very impatient now, I don't want to talk nonsense, Mr. Scrimgeour, he is here, he can't run away."

"He must be in the hands of the Ministry of Magic." Scrimgeour insisted.

Harry looked at him coldly, not going to pay attention, and took the lead towards the castle.

Scrimgeour moved to stop him.

The dementors circled the periphery, and they exuded that cold, desperate atmosphere undisguisedly. Sirius' face was pale, and Hermione and Ron were not feeling well.

"Get out of the way." Harry looked at him.

Scrimgeour waved his hand: "Catch Sirius."

Harry raised his wand, aiming at him.

The Aurors hesitated to step forward.

It's one thing not to beat Harry, but Hogwarts also has Dumbledore, the most powerful White Wizard who puts his students first.

Scrimgeour glared at his subordinates viciously, spat, and then stared at Sirius: "Harry, I know you are very powerful, and I also know that you know the Patronus Charm."

"I'm sorry about the Quidditch pitch that day, but you should also know that your Patronus can't deal with so many dementors."

"Don't make it so ugly, okay?"

Harry didn't speak, just made handprints, and put the golden shield on his body.

Scrimgeour waved his wand.

The dementors got the signal and rushed towards the group of people excitedly.

"Don't hurt the little wizard, catch the dirtiest one in there!" Scrimgeour ordered coldly.

Harry raised his wand.

His eyes were cold, cat's eyes, like knives.

The temper that could not be vented on Peter accumulated in his heart.


This is the Ministry of Magic.

He knew the reason very well. The bargaining chips piled up by these little wizards and professors were far less important than the reputation of the Ministry of Magic.

Even if it's only half a day, he, or they, can't wait.

"Scrimgeour, this time, this time, you really went too far!" Harry gritted his teeth, and the magic power on his body was gathering.

Scrimgeour turned his head aside: "Potter, you are still young, when you grow up and become the head of the Auror office or the dean, you will understand me."

The dementors shook their shadows and passed through him, one by one, like the wind blowing, coming.

And winter snow, with cold wind.

Clicking, clicking, I want to freeze this winter.

"Call God Guard!"

Harry said the spell.

The magic wand in his hand was made of vine wood, and a powerful force echoed from the dragon's heartstrings, and together with his backlog of emotions, it burst forth like a volcanic eruption.

The silver-white brilliance trembled.

Scrimgeour sighed, even now, he was still shocked that a third-year wizard could use this spell so well.

Even among the Aurors, less than a third of them know this spell.

And it's a lion.

The best Gryffindor, his Patronus is a lion, nothing like this...

In the silver light.

An eagle's head poked out, followed by a slender, muscular body of a lion, and a pair of broad wings on its back.

Scrimgeour opened his mouth wide.

The Aurors watched in disbelief.

There was a twinkle in Lupine's and Sirius' eyes.

Silver Gryffindors!

Harry's Patronus changed, just like Dumbledore, from ordinary creatures to magical creatures, from lions to griffins.

It spread its wings, and a gust of wind swept away.

Under this kind of power, the dementor was helpless and was swept away.

With a slap of the paw, these things scattered in bits and pieces.

Lupine raised his wand.

He called out his own patron saint, a silver handsome and extraordinary wolf, but compared to the ferocious appearance of ordinary wolves, it was as cute as a dog.

Hermione raised her wand too.

The cedar wand vibrated, adjusting its own breath to cater to her magic, gentle and smooth, like a thawed trickle after spring, allowing the spell to be cast.

"Shut up guard!"

The silver-white mist puffed out, and under the influence of the griffin, it gathered with difficulty and condensed into a somewhat illusory entity, and a lioness landed on the ground.

Pounce on the nearest dementor.

Sirius and Ron also raised their wands.

But only a cloud of thick silver-white mist spewed out.

The griffin swept across, and the large group of dementors were quickly driven away, fleeing in a panic from the front.

Only a group of Aurors remained.

The griffin flew back, walked up behind Harry, fluttered its wings, and lay down on its stomach. Together with Harry, a pair of cat eyes and a pair of eagle eyes stared straight at Scrimgeour.

"So, now, Director Scrimgeour, can you go with us to see Dumbledore?" Harry's tone was calm, as calm as the snowstorm that suddenly stopped now.

Scrimgeour took a half step back, took a deep breath, and nodded with difficulty: "Of course, Mr. Potter."

"Fine." Harry retracted his wand and inserted his sword back into the Sorting Hat.

He walked forward slowly, in front of Scrimgeour.

With a sudden sound, a punch was thrown out, hitting his abdomen, causing the middle-aged man to tense his back, bend his body, and crouch down hugging his stomach, with tears welling up in his eyes.

The other Aurors tensed up.

"This punch was because I was angry." Harry pulled him to his feet with a serious face.

Scrimgeour's face was still blue, he gritted his teeth, and held his breath: "Mr. Potter, I know you are very unhappy, but you can be more gentle."

"If I hit hard, you won't be able to get up now." Harry said softly.

Scrimgeour turned greener.

After a while, he regained some strength, followed Harry tremblingly, and headed towards the castle. The Aurors behind him pretended not to see anything, whistled and patrolled around pretendingly.

Say the command skillfully.

They go into the office.

Before Dumbledore had time to greet him, he saw Sirius, pushed his glasses, and was a little surprised: "Black? Harry, is he the little secret between you and Lupine?"

"You should tell me, he is still a little dangerous after all..."

Harry shook his head: "He is safe, you are his headmaster, you should know him, well, you still have something in your mind, my dear godfather..."

Sirius almost barked: "Hey, Harry, I was in the top ten of my grade anyway."

In the office, a group of people looked indifferent.

The top ten in the grade is something to be proud of?

Who here fell out of the top five in the grade?
Lupine patted him on the shoulder pityingly: "Everyone here has better academic performance than you."

Sirius looked at Harry, looked at Dumbledore, and turned his eyes to Ron.

"I am fifth in the first grade and third in the second grade." Ron smiled shyly.

Sirius stared round, full of disbelief.

How can it be!

He looked so ordinary.

"Eighth, ninth, and sometimes people who still fall out of the top ten should not refute." Lupine comforted him, waved his wand, and pulled a chair over, "Sit down and rest, you have worked hard during this time gone."

Sirius sat down foolishly.

Crookshanks jumped onto his lap and fell asleep on his stomach.

Dumbledore watched the scene thoughtfully.

Harry waved his wand and put the bag behind him on the ground: "Actually, the godfather is not a secret between me and Uncle Lupine, but this thing."

With two sounds, the rope that bound the bag flew away.

A human head rolled out immediately.

And in the bag, the small headless corpse was also exposed.

Scrimgeour stared round, he looked at Harry in disbelief: "Mr Potter, you..."

"Peter Pettigrew?" Dumbledore was equally surprised, he recognized this person.

"Peter?" Scrimgeour's heart was turbulent, "Is that the hero Peter?"

Harry nodded.

Scrimgeour frowned: "But he died 13 years ago? In that explosion, he was blown..."

"That's what this mouse did!" Sirius gritted his teeth.

Scrimgeour turned to look at him: "You didn't say that 13 years ago."

Sirius paused and lowered his head aggrieved.

"According to the well-known news, including Mr. Black's." Dumbledore nodded and agreed, "Peter only left one finger."

"This really surprised me, Harry, can you talk to me about it?"

He waved his hand, and chairs flew around, beckoning everyone to sit down.

Drinks were conjured up again, his was still syrup, and Harry's was a butterbeer.

"13 years ago, the secret keeper in my parents' house was not my godfather, but Peter." Harry took a sip of his drink and said calmly, "He betrayed my parents, and the godfather chased after him."

"Peter used the Blast Charm to fake his own death."

"And the godfather felt that he was the one who killed him because he didn't have enough brains..."

"Harry," Sirius begged.

Harry paused, and immediately changed his words: "Because of some reasons we all know, he felt that he was to blame for the death of my parents, so he didn't argue, and even took the charge of killing more than a dozen Muggles, and made Azka Ben was home for 13 years."

Sirius finished his whiskey and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore refilled his glass with a flick of his wand.

"And Peter has been lurking into the Weasleys' house, first becoming Bill, then Percy, and finally Ron's pet, eating and living with them for 13 years."

Ron covered his face in pain.

"This year, Fudge brought the newspaper into Azkaban, and Sirius saw the winning Weasleys and the rat on the front page."

"So, he escaped from prison."

(End of this chapter)

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