Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 129 Can You Beat a Cat?

Chapter 129 Can You Beat a Cat? (The first update~please subscribe~)

"Meddling like Lily?" Sirius had a strange tone, he was a little hard to imagine the scene, and James sternly stopped his prank.

"Smart like Lily." Lupine said helplessly, "even sharper."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, turned his head to look at Harry, and considered his words more carefully: "James may indeed have gone too far when he was young."

"Will make some nasty jokes on some innocent people."


Sirius tossed his head away. He didn't like that very much, but it was the truth.

"Maybe I can take it off, I'm not that fragile." Harry said indifferently.

Lupine raised his hand and pressed Harry's shoulder: "James has flaws, he is a good man."

"And he loves me very much, he is a very good father." Harry continued his words.

Lupine breathed a sigh of relief.

Sirius hung his head.

"So you don't know that Snape had anything to do with my mother's death?" Harry changed the subject.

Lupine was a little surprised: "Are you suspicious of Snape? But he..."

Sirius clenched his fists.

"It's just a guess." Harry shook his head. "Since you don't know, I'll find a chance to ask Dumbledore again."

"Don't ask! I know that slug!" Sirius yelled, "He can't be a good person, just go and ask him!"

"I heard from Lupine last night, don't you know a spell that can make people tell the truth? Just use that on him."

Harry said softly, "That spell won't work on Snape, he's a master of Occlumency."

Sirius was very surprised: "Just him?"

"Then let's just hang him up. I remember Remus, you can make Veritaserum? Fill him with a bottle and let him spit out the truth."

Lupine sighed.

Harry corrected him: "First of all, Veritaserum is of no use to an Occlumency master."

Sirius was taken aback.

"Secondly, Snape is very difficult to deal with." Harry paused, "Maybe we can kill him only if the three of us go together, and it will be even more difficult to capture him alive."

"Impossible!" Sirius waved his hand and stood up abruptly from the bed, "How could that slug be so powerful?"

Lupine said, "Snape is indeed so powerful now."

"He's a master of potions, recognized, the kind that no one doubts."

Sirius shook his head, and said in a very tenacious tone, "I doubt it."

"Then you have to become a pharmacist who has made achievements in the field of potions, at least at Lily's level." Lupine shrugged his shoulders in a casual tone, hitting Sirius' deathbed.

Sirius rolled his eyes, and his eyes fell on Harry: "Harry, Remus said that you inherited Lily in your brain, so you should also be good at potions?"

Harry nodded: "But I don't question Professor Snape's achievements in potions."

Sirius sat down again: "Harry, you are the same, now he is really powerful?"

Harry and Lupine nodded.

Sirius sighed, he scratched his messy head: "Okay, I'm going to go to Diagon Alley today, Harry, you want to come with me..."

"Not yet." Harry and Lupine shook their heads together.

Sirius stared round his eyes: "Why? Peter is already dead."

"Bodies were taken away by the Ministry of Magic."

Lupine patiently explained: "It is only the Ministry of Magic who knows that they need to review, and after the review, they will re-interrogate you, and then decide on your charges before revoking your current arrest warrant."

"Crime? What else do I charge?" Sirius was confused.

Harry's tone was flat: "Escape from Azkaban, illegal Animagus."

Sirius opened his mouth wide: "Oh, yes, there is such a thing."

He looked at Lupine and Harry pitifully and aggrievedly: "Then what should I do?"

"As long as you don't act impulsively, Fudge will solve these troubles for you." Harry said, pausing slightly, "If his brain is still at the level I saw him last time."

Sirius had a bad feeling.

"Dumbledore will help you too, but Animagus has to be registered with the Ministry of Magic." Lupine shook his head with a gentle tone.

Sirius frowned: "I don't want to."

"The last master of transformation in this century, don't you think this is a very good title?" Harry also comforted, "It's better than going back to Azkaban."

With this title, Sirius couldn't help but grinned.

Harry was relieved.

It doesn't matter if you have no brains, at least say a few words, and your mood will become happy.

"Then I'll just wander around in Hogwarts." Sirius took the next best thing, "I haven't been back to the castle for a long time."

"Remember to become an Animagus." Lupine hurriedly urged.

Sirius curled his lips, and began to feel wronged again: "Why, I don't go to Diagon Alley, I'm just in the castle..."

"Wanted warrants don't only come from castles." Harry interrupted him, his tone as gentle as coaxing children, "Little wizards know that too."

"When they see you, they will report it to the parents very intimately, and then it will only make more trouble."

Sirius sighed.

"Don't worry, the Ministry of Magic will take care of it soon." Harry continued to reassure him.

In this matter, the Ministry of Magic has indeed burst out with extremely fast efficiency.

On Wednesday, the notice flew to Sirius. He was going to the Ministry of Magic to review what happened 13 years ago. On Saturday, he will make up for the trial process that was not there 13 years ago.

before Christmas.

Everything is settled.

On the 19th, the "Daily Prophet" published this news.

In the new week, bring an unparalleled shock to all wizards.

In the Gryffindor lounge.

The little wizards are not very willing to go to the auditorium for dinner on Sunday, especially in such a cold day. Is it because the quilt is uncomfortable or the house elf is not easy to use?

Even the little wizards who had the perseverance to get out of bed crowded around the fireplace.

Harry and the others moved to the corner.

The magic fire kept them warm, not much different from being in front of a fireplace.

Hermione held the newspaper, and the more she read it, the more she frowned: "The Ministry of Magic is really shameless, how dare they write that!"

"What did you write?" Ron asked curiously.

Hermione handed him the newspaper, and combed Crookshanks expressionlessly: "The Ministry of Magic didn't do anything, and put something as dangerous as a dementor into the castle."

"Harry did everything. Harry caught Peter and Harry killed him."

"How Sirius got off the hook was also thought up by Harry."

"But in the newspaper, Harry wasn't mentioned at all, and half of the pages of the report were praising Cornelius Fudge, that stupid Minister of Magic!"

The more she talked, the more she gritted her teeth.

"Very well." Harry glanced at the newspaper. "Fudge's stupidity can do good things sometimes."

"Very good?" Hermione was taken aback.

Ron nodded. On this point, he had a deep understanding: "Not everyone believes in Harry like we do. Even if it's revenge, Harry killed someone after all."

"You have to know that there are many wizards with abnormal brains. Even if they see someone killing a chicken, they will accuse that person of being a black wizard."

Hermione was incredible.

"They feel as if all food is conjured by magic." Ron shook his head, "Transfiguration is really useless."

Hermione grabbed Crookshanks by the tail, her facial features froze, and her world view was forced to be recast.

The world is scary.

There are such people?

Crookshanks meowed twice, and Hermione thought she was scratching it, before she could let go.

"Sirius hasn't come back yet." Harry answered it first.

Crookshanks snorted, somewhat dissatisfied.

"He went to Diagon Alley to buy cat food for you." Harry took the newspaper that Ron handed over, "and a big dog has been restrained for 13 years, and it's finally unburdened. You can't let it run around a few times, Be back probably before Christmas."

Ron looked complicated: "Harry, he is your godfather."

Harry glanced at him, a little strangely: "I know."

"Would it be a little bit to say he's a big dog..." Ron struggled.

Harry shook his head: "His Animagus is a black dog, you know that, and he kind of likes the big dog."

Crookshanks stood up on Hermione's lap and meowed again.

"I told him that he doesn't like Aunt Petunia very much, and he thinks he can find better rations." Harry sighed and shook his head.

Hedwig has gone all over Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade's pet stores, and no one can do better than Petunia.

Crookshanks shook his head dissatisfied, jumped off his lap, and ran to the fireplace, huddled together.

Hermione was shocked and stammered: "Harry, you still said you can't speak cat language!"

"I really won't." Harry looked innocent.

"Then you just now..." Hermione looked at Crookshanks. The smooth communication between one person and one cat just now doesn't seem like she doesn't understand cat language.

"Crookshanks has been fighting with Sirius lately." Harry put down the newspaper, waved his wand, and flew towards the fireplace to add fuel. "It's time for today."

Hermione was dubious.

Ron poked his head over: "Did Crookshanks win?"

"Not everyone is you." Harry put it as tactfully as possible, "Counting Boss and Hedwig, the three of them went up together, and they were all bullied badly by Sirius."

Ron clicked his tongue, thought for a while, brought Crookshanks back, flipped through the book, and whispered to it his thoughts on how to deal with a dog several times his size.

Crookshanks howled from time to time, expressing his opinions.

As reports were published, the dementors also left Hogwarts.

There are only five days left to Christmas, and the atmosphere gathers more and more eagerly.

However, the holiday did not come, even if there is one more day, the class still has to be attended.

Monday night.

in the principal's office.

Routine confinement every night.

"Harry, we are going to start a new class tonight." Dumbledore waved at him, "This place is not suitable, we have to change to a wider place."

"Fox, I will trouble you."

Fawkes squeaked and flew onto Dumbledore's shoulder.

 Nine thirty in the evening!
  Thank you Liu Xingyue for the reward~
  Thank you Daoye for being my reward~
  Thank you for the sugar-free CC, the last 5 minutes of sleep, and Grand Duke Ponce Katzderon for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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