Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 213 Reporter Rita Skeeter for you

Chapter 213 Reporter Rita Skeeter for you
"Professor Snape said that he is Voldemort's most trusted person." Harry said in a chant-like tone, with no clear meaning.

Dumbledore shook his head: "Tom is different from us, he doesn't understand love."

He waved his wand.

Magic carefully packed up the corpse, sealed it with a spell, and stuffed it into the corner of the office.

"I've been wondering what exactly Senior Tom wants from me." Harry sat down, waved his wand, took out a bottle of whiskey for himself, and poured out a glass, "At first I thought it would be from Gryffindor Relic."

This sentence attracted the attention of a motorcycle and a painting.

"I didn't expect him to want me." Harry took a sip of his drink, "It really looks like a dragon wants to snatch the princess."

"Princess Harry, I don't think you should drink Dragon's Blood whiskey." Dumbledore frowned, the strong breath made him a little uncomfortable.

"Maybe the dragon isn't interested when the princess gets drunk," Harry joked.

Dumbledore sat down and poured himself a glass of syrup.

Rita looked at them complicatedly.

Do all powerful wizards have weird quirks?

One drank strong syrup, the other drank strong alcohol.

"Why would he want me?" Harry threw his head back. "He knows about the Horcruxes?"

"I don't think so." Dumbledore shook his head, "There is not that much connection between Horcruxes and their masters."

"And there's no need to bring the Horcrux with you."

Harry waved his wand, and the cup fell back on the table: "Then why did he want me?"

Dumbledore was silent, and after a while, he came up with an idea: "Maybe he also knows Lily's curse on you, and wants to research it to break it?"

"Or, something about that prophecy."

Harry nodded: "And that kid."

"He has never seen that child, and he has never seen Voldemort."

Dumbledore said nothing.

Rita struggled, she wanted to plug her ears, it was foreseeable that the following news would be absolutely extraordinary, if you listen to one more sentence, it would be one step closer to death.

But I can't bear it.

Such a big news, listen to it.
"So that kid belongs to him and Barty Crouch Jr?" Harry said after a moment of silence.

Dumbledore couldn't hold back, choked on this sentence, and coughed again and again.

Rita turned green.

She immediately regretted it, raised her hand and slapped herself hard, it was crisp and sweet.

We all know it’s not a good thing, why should we listen, why should we listen!
No one paid any attention to her madness.

"I remember Professor Snape said that Senior Tom allowed Barty Crouch Jr. to call him father." Before Dumbledore could recover, Harry added this sentence with a blank expression.

Breaking into the women's bathroom at night, seducing mature and overly mature women, adds another touch of perversion to Mr. Tom's sinful life.

Rita stared round her eyes, raised her hand and slapped herself again.

Mr Potter, you can't do this.
Next time I will talk about such explosive news, I will warn you in advance so that I can plug my ears.


I heard something with my own ears.

Dumbledore hesitated to speak, and after a while, he sighed heavily: "Harry, what you said is very reasonable and very possible, but this child is not that important."

As he spoke, he paused.

"Actually, I think of a very ancient black magic."

Harry looked at him.

"A special potion prepared at the cost of several human lives." Dumbledore continued softly, "It can provide a temporary body for those wandering spirits who have not yet set foot in death."

"Let them escape the pull of death and live."

"This kind of black magic is very evil, and the body it creates is very fragile. It takes human life, a lot of human life, to maintain it."

Suddenly, Harry nodded, "That's why Senior Tom doesn't dare to meet people."

Dumbledore agreed.

"So what does that have to do with him wanting me?" Harry pressed.

Dumbledore shook his head: "I'm afraid I have to look through the book. There are too many black arts, and even I don't know much about them."

Harry stood up and put away his cup: "Then I'll go back to rest first. Miss Skeeter also wants to conduct an exclusive interview with you. She is a little worried that she will be retaliated by the Death Eaters."

Dumbledore nodded and responded readily: "Of course."

Rita stood up with an ugly face: "Before that, I think I have to go to the bathroom, oh no, it's best to find Madam Pomfrey."

She had been in the water for more than a month, and Cobain Yaxley would not have been so kind to change her water.

Women are fragile creatures.

That kind of disease does not necessarily need to be transmitted through specific behaviors, and people who have been soaked in dirty water for more than a month can also get that kind of disease.

Hygiene is really important.

Professor Dumbledore kindly sent her there, Madam Pomfrey is a good hand at dealing with this kind of problem.

It is difficult for young people to realize the importance of hygiene, and it is difficult to keep clean and tidy even with house-elves to help clean up.

Harry went back to the lounge.

The cubs were noisy, and Harry's absence today didn't affect them in any way.

Ron hugged Crookshanks and concentrated on chewing on "Power Potion".

Hermione looked tired, her cheeks flushed unnaturally.

"Harry, you're back. How's Sirius?" Hermione lowered her voice and asked with concern when Harry approached.

"It's alright, he's been tortured a bit, but he's still alive." Harry sat beside her. "I put him in confinement for half a year, and let Uncle Remus watch over him."

Ron looked up, moved his hips, and got closer: "Sirius doesn't seem to be able to stay for half a year."

"He should calm down." Harry shook his head. "He's putting too much pressure on himself."

As he spoke, he paused and looked at Hermione: "Hermione, what's going on with you today?"

"Huh? What's wrong with me?" Hermione asked blankly.

"How many times have you used the Time-Turner?" Harry asked bluntly.

A trace of panic flashed across Hermione's face: "There is no repeated class today, of course I haven't used it."

"You told me last year that you can't abuse that thing." Harry said with a straight face and a serious tone, "and then you put that sentence behind you?"

Hermione lowered her head, looking pitiful.

"I know you put a lot of pressure on yourself, but don't worry." Harry sighed at him, comforting him, "You are a very good little witch, there is no need to be so eager for success."

Hermione looked up, about to say something.

"Take your time, I'm with you." Harry interrupted her, uttering a few words.

Ron sighed and looked down at his book.

I knew that I would not come here.

Rita Skeeter has not published an article for several months, and many of her loyal readers have sent letters to the newspaper to ask why, while they are anxiously waiting.

The leading reporter for the Daily Prophet is finally back.

And brought several earth-shattering reports.

Printed on the front page was an exclusive interview with Albus Dumbledore - to everyone's surprise, as the greatest White wizard of the century, Dumbledore had always resisted the press.

No reporter has ever been able to conduct an exclusive interview with him.

Rita Skeeter did, however, and in this article, Dumbledore talks about his time at Hogwarts and his time as headmaster.

Although he didn't mention his experience from joining Hogwarts to becoming the vice-principal, such an article satisfied too many people's curiosity about Dumbledore.

It turned out that he was such a person.

The third page, whose importance is only below the front page, is an exclusive interview with Harry Potter-as one of the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament, this is his first interview.

In this article, there are not many conversations between Skeeter and Harry Potter, but a lot of Hogwarts professors and students' evaluations of Harry are quoted.

Many wizards whose families did not study at Hogwarts were surprised to know that Harry Potter had become the successor of Gryffindor.

And in Godric's Hollow, there is also a goblin blacksmith selling Gryffindor sword models.

The sensation caused by these two reports occupying a relatively important page is far inferior to Rita's last short report, which was arranged in the corner of the newspaper.

In this report, Rita detailed what she did during the time she disappeared.

In this report, she claimed to have investigated the real cause of the death of Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of International Communications of the Ministry of Magic. He did not die by accident, but was murdered!

But it wasn't the Ministry of Magic who murdered him.

But his own son.

She published Cobain Yaxley's words in the newspaper almost exactly.

It gave Fudge a headache.

Even the Aurors didn't know about it, how did Rita Skeeter get this information?

It also doesn't look like fake news, Rita wrote the news of the night Crouch died in great detail - Dumbledore notified the Ministry of Magic, Scrimgeour went to find Crouch, but ended up in Hogwarts Encounters, battles break out, and in battle spells kill Crouch and his house-elf.

Rita helped the Auror office fill in the details that were not released to the public.

For a while, the Ministry of Magic exploded.

Many people even clamored to arrest Rita and imprison her in Azkaban, but they were just clamoring, and no one had the guts to really do it.

The front page also featured her exclusive interview with Dumbledore.

Who knows what their relationship is?
Outside Hogwarts, it was a mess.

Hogwarts was not affected too much by this incident, and Rita did not expose the fact that Moody had been replaced, although many clever little wizards could guess this possibility.

But this kind of thing, everyone discusses it for a few days and is forgotten.

As time goes by bit by bit, the end of the school year comes gradually.

The little wizards are overwhelmed by the final exams, and the only thing that can support them is the upcoming Triwizard Tournament.

And in early June.

On the seventh day of June.

Harry finally ushered in the thunderstorm weather he had been waiting for for half a year.

(End of this chapter)

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