Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witcher.

Chapter 23 Professor, do you like my gift?

Chapter 23 Professor, do you like my gift?

Hermione bluntly put aside the subject: "Harry, when are you going to do it?"

"Christmas." Harry thought for a while, and quickly came up with an answer. "There were not many people in the school at that time. It would be safer for me to browse the restricted section."

Hermione felt a little regretful: "Well, I'm going home for Christmas, so it seems I can't help you."

Christmas is a big holiday.

This means that the first half of the school year for the little wizards is completely over, they will usher in a two-week vacation, and they will not start school again until New Year's Day.

The professors asked them to register early.

Most of the young wizards choose to go home. Hogwarts is very interesting, but it has been half a year, and they are also homesick.

In the entire dormitory, only Harry and Ron stayed, among the first-year wizards.

On Christmas Eve, they did not act.

Harry was taken to celebrate by the Weasley brothers, who stole Wood's vodka and got very drunk in the dormitory.

the next day.

Harry was woken by Hedwig's peck.

It stood on the pillow, cooing, and it hadn't been seen for half a year, and it made it busy all night as soon as we met, which made it very dissatisfied.

The physique of a witcher prevented Harry from suffering from a hangover. He was about to get up and continue exercising—but as soon as he lifted the covers, he noticed a mountain of presents piled up at the foot of the bed.

Christmas gift.

It's just that Harry didn't expect so many.

Ron woke up dazedly, yawned, and waved to Harry: "Merry Christmas, Harry, oh, and Hedwig."

"Why did you get up so early?"

Harry put on his clothes: "I plan to go to exercise, but it seems... this morning has to be used to unwrap presents."

"Exercising, oh, yes..." Ron shuddered, suddenly sober, "You drank so much wine yesterday, you still want to exercise?"

He looked at Harry in surprise.

George and Fred stole two bottles of vodka last night, and Harry drank more than one bottle alone. He was so drunk that he passed out, grabbed George, ripped off his pants, and made him dance four little swans.

It's all like that, and it's like nothing the next day?
Harry nodded, picked up the top gift, wrapped in brown paper, from Hagrid, a rough bone flute, which reminded Harry of his horse, and he liked this gift very much.

There was also a present from Aunt Petunia's family, a fiftypence piece, which Ron was very interested in.

And from Ron's mother, a bright green hand-knitted sweater with a box of lactose.

He likes the sweater, but this color...

"It would be better if it was red." Harry put the sweater aside. "Green always reminds me of some bad things."

Ron nodded approvingly, thinking of Slytherins.

Hermione sent a chocolate, as well as various magical candies from other Gryffindor lion cubs.

The professors also sent Harry presents.

Professor McGonagall had sent two Transfiguration notes - her own, and Harry's father's.

Professor Sprout sent some plant seeds with planting instructions, and Professor Flitwick sent a wand maintenance kit.

and Snape—

Ron looked at the shell wrapped in kraft paper and the font on it, and a gloomy breath came to his face, and the most eye-catching signature: "Professor Snape actually gave you a gift?"

Harry weighed it in his hand, but it was not heavy: "Guess what it will be."

"The poison that blinds you?" Ron shuddered. "Or the potion that disfigures you?"

"Didn't you say that Professor Snape always wanted you to?"

Harry didn't speak, and tore open the package. Inside was a box with a price tag on it: "Nine pounds and fifteen pence".

"What is this?" Ron was confused.

Harry opened the box, and there was a brand new pair of sunglasses - something he hadn't worn since his return to this world.

"Sunglasses." Harry explained his confusion, "a kind of decoration in the world of ordinary people."

"Why did you send this kind of thing?" Ron continued to wonder.

Harry put it on: "It covers my eyes, and it covers my face."

Snape chose the largest type of frame, bigger than a fist, covering almost half of Harry's face behind the sunglasses.

"I can't quite tell what you look like." Ron nodded.

Harry tossed it aside.

He doesn't like this kind of thing. Although a demon hunter has good eyesight and can see in the dark, it doesn't mean that he can find fault with himself.

The presents were unwrapped all morning.

until noon.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and George and Fred walked in with each other's support, their faces pale and limbs weak: "Harry, Harry, are you okay?"

Their greetings froze, and the vision of a ruddy Harry standing in front of the mirror, trying on a new sweater, caught them off guard and stopped at the door.

George rubbed his eyes.

"I'm fine, what's the matter?" Harry turned to look at them, "Thank you Mrs. Weasley for me, she's very skilled and comfortable to wear."

Fred muttered, "Why are you all right?"

George chimed in: "You drank more than the two of us combined last night!"

"It's not that you drink too much, it's that you drink too little." Harry walked over and patted them on the back, "It's only less than one bottle, and you're about to throw up."

"That's vodka, Polish vodka, 45 degrees!" George clenched his fists, but he didn't even have the strength now.

Harry looked at them with pity: "Okay, go to the auditorium now, there will be a banquet at noon, remember to fill your stomach, an empty stomach hurts your stomach."

George and Fred groaned.

They are not in the mood to eat now, they just want to spit out all the things in their stomachs.

Not many people stay at school for Christmas, but the food is still luxurious.

As soon as Harry filled a plate of German and French dishes for himself, Snape quickly walked over with his robes swung, came in front of Harry, and slammed the table: "Potter!"

Harry glanced at him and responded with a gentle smile: "Merry Christmas, Professor Snape, what's the matter?"

Snape frowned, obviously disgusted by Harry's expression: "Potter, what do you mean!"

"Christmas present, my dear professor." Harry said calmly and softly, "This is my most sincere wish for you."

"Really?" Snape sneered.

Harry asked, "Don't you like it?"

Snape waved his hand: "I hope you will also like the gift I gave you."

"To be honest, I don't like it very much." Harry made a small gesture, "That thing really affects my sight."

Snape sneered, "But it covers your face and eyes so you don't look so stupid as a troll."

"But I'm very happy." Harry changed the topic, although his face was calm, he couldn't see any expression of happiness, "The professor still remembers me at Christmas."

These words made Snape feel stuck in his throat, and his face twisted even more: "Really? I really hope that at the end of the term, you can still be as happy as you are now."

Snape gripped his wand tightly, resisting the urge to cast a spell on Harry, and turned away.

Wait until his figure disappears into the hall.

Ron dared to lift his head from the plate: "Harry, what did you do to Professor Snape, why is he so angry?"

"I don't know, I just gave him a Christmas present." Harry was also a little puzzled.

He also didn't know why Snape was angry.

He chooses gifts very carefully.

"Most people don't get that kind of expression when they receive a qualified gift." George stretched his head over. Even though he was suffering from a hangover, he still couldn't stop his mischievous heart. "What did you give him, a toilet seat?"

"No, no, I guess it should be bat droppings." Fred immediately rejected George's idea.

Harry took a bite of the steak: "It's a shampoo, the kind that works well in removing oil."

George and Fred were dumbfounded.

"No wonder Professor Snape is so angry." Ron held his breath, and his voice was several points lower.

George gave a thumbs up: "In terms of mischief, we have never admired a person so much. How dare you give something like Professor Snape."

Harry shook his head, frowning: "That kind of thing?"

"Thank goodness, the gift you gave us is quite normal." Fred gestured at his chest.

George clapped his hands immediately: "Hey, we are wizards."

"But today is Christmas!" Fred plausibly said, "The atmosphere is here, there is no problem!"

In the afternoon Harry made up for the exercise he missed in the morning.

Ron and George had a snowball fight - while his two elder brothers were in a bad mood, he had to pay back the bullying he had suffered in the past few years.


He was made into a snowman.

Even if George and Fred are hungover, they are still third-year wizards, and they can use magic.

When night came, Ron looked very anxious.

It took almost 10 minutes to check the time, looking forward to the arrival of the curfew, and when the alarm clock sounded at eleven o'clock in the evening, Ron couldn't wait to jump out of bed: "Harry, quick, take out the invisibility cloak."

He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Harry dug out the box Dumbledore had given him from his suitcase - he hadn't used the Invisibility Cloak since he got it, and in a place as safe as Hogwarts, he didn't need to.

The cloak was huge, more than enough to cover the two little wizards.

After confirming that their figures were hidden in front of the mirror, they tiptoed out of the lounge, and the fat lady muttered. This strange situation made her feel like she had returned to more than ten years ago.

The library is quiet.

Mrs. Pince went back to rest early, and they went all the way to the restricted area without any hindrance.

"Luminescence." Harry waved his wand, and a faint light came on.

They checked the book covers one by one.

Some seemingly attractive titles, such as "Powerful Magic", made Ron want to take it out and read it. Maybe learning a powerful magic spell would allow him to resist those two brothers.

Harry slapped his hand down.

They had just looked at a bookshelf when Harry suddenly looked up, pointing his wand, and looked behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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